NAT 14588-04.2021
To: Australian Taxation Office
Debt Insolvency
Fax number: 1300 726 594 Phone number:
Address: Australian Taxation Office
PO Box 9003
Return address:
Date: Fax number:
Pages: including the cover sheet
This cover sheet must be used for all faxed and mailed correspondence. You do not need to use this cover
sheet for correspondence sent via our Business Portal.
You must complete a separate cover sheet for each unrelated taxpayer request.
Subject: Select one of the following options:
Taxpayer’s name:
Tax file number (TFN):
We are authorised under the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA 1953) to ask for a TFN.
You do not need to provide one. However, if you don’t it may result in a delay in addressing your correspondence.
Australian business number (ABN):
n Print this document on blank paper only.
n Do not send correspondence for multiple unrelated taxpayers using one cover sheet.
n Where a group of related taxpayers exist, complete one cover sheet providing details of only the principal
orholding taxpayer.
n Keep this document for your own records.
n Faxing your correspondence to us will ensure your correspondence is addressed more quickly.
OFFICIAL: Sensitive (when completed)
The information included with this cover sheet is for the use of the intended recipient only and may contain confidential
material. If you have received this material by mistake, please notify the sender.
Select one option...