/ (1) Drill Sergeant - SQI "X" / (4)
Other ASI/SQI (Other than Nominative)
/ (2) Instructor - SQI "8" / (5) Observer/Controller
/ (3) / (6) Nominative (IG, EO, SROTC etc.)
Indicate below if employed as an Army Reserve civilian employee with a dual status condition of employment.
I understand that I incur a 1-year position obligation to report to and serve in the duty position into which promoted
before voluntary reassignment. I understand that the first General Officer of the position to which I am promoted
is the only authority to waive any portion of the 12-month position obligation and can only do so after I have been
reassigned to the position into which promoted. (Junior Promotions only) I also understand that I incur a 12
month service remaining requirement which is calculated from the effective date of promotion. (SSG Only)
I agree to travel _______________ (50, 75, 100, 125, 150, etc.) miles from my residence to serve in the duty
position to which I am promoted. I understand that I may be promoted and reassigned into any duty position for
which I am qualified within the distance of miles selected based on the needs of the Army. Failure to list mileage,
initial statement, and sign this document means I will only be promoted if a position for which I qualify is available
within 50 miles (limited to 90 minutes total one way commuting time) from my home of residence (See AR 140-
I understand that it is my responsibility to verify that the gaining duty position is within the boundaries established
by the conditions of my civilian employment. If not, it is my responsibility to notify my promotion authority
I understand that if I accept promotion, I agree to comply with a reassignment order or my promotion orders may
be revoked, funds based on the higher rank recouped, and I will be removed from the promotion list.
I understand that if I have not already completed the required training, I must complete the appropriate training
within the timeframe prescribed by current policy from my promotion effective date, I may be required to attend
the required training in lieu of annual training, and unless a waiver is approved by the promotion authority failure
to do so will result in involuntary reassignment and/or reduction in grade as applicable in accordance with
regulatory guidance and current policy.
I understand that if I am mobilized or deployed and cannot be immediately reassigned to the gaining unit, I must
ensure reassignment orders are published and I must report to the gaining position no later than the 91st day
after release from mobilization. Failure to do so, may be deemed as a declination in which case my promotion
orders may be revoked and all funds received based on the higher rank may be recouped.
I do not wish to be promoted into positions requiring additional training identified below.
I understand that if I do not decline promotion within 90 days of the effective date of promotion and/or do not
request reassignment orders to report within 90 days of release from mobilization, my orders will be revoked, all
funds based on the higher grade will be recouped and I will be removed from the promotion list.
Initials are mandatory for each item below if selections were made in 2b above.
I understand that I will be considered for promotion in my Primary, Secondary and Additional MOS based on
qualificaiton and needs of the Army. If I am no longer qualified to perform in either MOS, I understand I must
initiate action to withdraw the MOS prior to promotion consideration.
I understand that if promoted into an MOS immaterial position, I will not be awarded the duty MOS, but will be
considered MOS qualified based on my primary MOS.
Military Technician (MT) (excludes MTs with a hire date before 2 Dec 95, AMSA, ECS & ASF personnel).
I understand the provisions in Chapter 5, Section II 5-22 and 5-23 - Special Promotions, the exception to decline
promotion based on civilian employment or instructor/drill sergeant status does not apply for promotion outside
my normal convening authority area under the No Geographic Limits policy.
First Sergeant - SQI "M" (SFC ONLY)
I request consideration for promotion into duty positions I have initialed below. I understand that while this will
increase my chance of getting promoted, I will also incur an additional training obligation if not already qualified.
Initial beside each special duty position type below for which you request consideration.
I prefer assignment in an instructor or drill sergeant (Circle one) position. If no instructor/drill sergeant position
is available at my sequence number, I do or do not (Circle one) wish to be promoted into a non instructor or drill
sergeant position. If I elected "do not" I will not be offered a non instructor/drill sergeant position and will remain
on the promotion list until promoted or administratively removed.
Initials/Number according to preference
Initials/Number according to preference
I understand that I incur a 36 month service remaining requirement from the effective date of promotion. I
understand I must report for the duty position to which promoted and comply with any reassignement orders
issued. Promotion and reassignment will be revoked if I fail to decline a promotion based on a concurrent
reassignment and refuse to comply with the reassignment order or fail to meet the service remaining requirement.
Transfers of TPU Soldiers serving under a promotion service remaining requirement must be approved by the first
general officer in the chain of command to preclude reduction or revocation of the promotion. (Senior