Employee Job-Related Verification Form
Graduate Programs
This form should be completed by employees who take a graduate course or who are
matriculated in a graduate program and take an undergraduate course as a requirement of
the graduate program. Please complete the appropriate section of this form as follows:
1) Taxes can be waived if a course is job-related. The IRS defines a job-related
course as one that is needed to maintain or improve the employee’s current
job skills. A course is job-related if it serves to meet the minimum
requirements of a job.
2) Taxes can be waived on the first $5,250 each calendar year if a course is not
Return your completed form to the Office of Employee Engagement for final approval. If you
have any questions, contact the Office of Employee Engagement at extension 8325, or
hr@daemen.edu .
Please complete one form for each course. Please Print or Type.
Employee Name:
Position Title: Supervisor:
Department: Extension:
Academic Year: Semester Fall Spring Summer
Course Name: Course Number:
Describe how this course (not degree) will “maintain or improve” your current job skills;
use specific comparisons between your job description and the course description. Please
note that the job-related determination is based on the course, not the degree program.
The above information accurately reflects the relatedness between my current position responsibilities and the
course listed.
Employee Signature Date
This course is job-related and charges for tuition will be waived under the
Qualified Educational Assistance Program.
This course in NOT job-related. Taxes waived under Daemen’s Educational
Assistance Program on the first $5,250 of taxable tuition for each calendar year.
Tax deferred tuition balance remaining $
Office of Employee Engagement Approval Date