Sub title (inc Bridge no.)
Braintree District Cycling
Action Plan - Draft
Highways/ Transport Planning
January 2018
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Preamble ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background ........................................................................................... 2
1.3 Aims of the Cycling Action Plan ............................................................ 4
1.4 Report Structure .................................................................................... 4
2 Policy Review ............................................................................ 9
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 9
2.2 National Policy Context ....................................................................... 10
2.3 Regional Policy Context ...................................................................... 12
2.4 Local Policy Context ............................................................................ 15
3 Data Analysis ........................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 19
3.2 Census Data ....................................................................................... 19
3.3 Sport England Active People Survey................................................... 24
3.4 Essex Cycle Monitor ............................................................................ 24
3.5 DfT Count Data ................................................................................... 29
3.6 Collision Data ...................................................................................... 33
3.7 Collision Clusters ................................................................................ 34
3.8 Cycle collisions along routes ............................................................... 35
3.9 Cycle Crime ......................................................................................... 36
3.10 Topography ......................................................................................... 37
4 Existing Network Provision and Barriers .................................. 39
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 39
4.2 Cycling in Braintree District ................................................................. 39
4.3 Key Barriers to Cycling in Braintree District ......................................... 42
4.4 Braintree Town existing cycle network ............................................. 42
4.5 Braintree Town cycle accessibility .................................................... 43
4.6 Access to employment in Braintree ..................................................... 45
4.7 Access to educational institutions in Braintree .................................... 45
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
4.8 Access to future developments in Braintree ........................................ 45
4.9 Witham existing cycle network ......................................................... 45
4.10 Witham cycling accessibility ................................................................ 46
5 Braintree District’s Cycling Potential ........................................ 48
5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 48
5.2 Commuter flow analysis ...................................................................... 48
5.3 MOSAIC Propensity to Cycle Braintree Town .................................. 57
5.4 Summary of potential .......................................................................... 60
6 Potential Infrastructure Improvements ...................................... 63
6.1 Background ......................................................................................... 63
6.2 Potential cycle routes .......................................................................... 63
6.3 Methodology Statement ...................................................................... 63
6.4 Construction Design and Management (CDM) .................................... 65
7 Prioritisation and Costings of Potential Schemes ..................... 69
7.1 Prioritising Schemes ............................................................................ 69
7.2 Deliverability ........................................................................................ 69
7.3 Directness ........................................................................................... 69
7.4 Extension of existing network .............................................................. 70
7.5 Key attractors ...................................................................................... 70
7.6 Overall prioritisation............................................................................. 70
7.7 Estimated costs of potential schemes ................................................. 71
8 Flagship Routes ....................................................................... 81
8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 81
8.2 Potential Flagship Routes in Braintree District .................................... 81
8.3 East/West Flagship Route ................................................................... 81
8.4 North/South Flagship Route ................................................................ 81
8.5 Potential alternative Flagship Routes .................................................. 82
8.6 Prioritisation of Flagship Routes .......................................................... 82
9 Smarter Travel Measures ......................................................... 84
9.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 84
9.2 Marketing and promotion ..................................................................... 84
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
9.3 Potential Local Considerations ............................................................ 85
10 Delivery and Funding ............................................................ 87
10.1 Delivery ............................................................................................... 87
10.2 Funding Options .................................................................................. 88
10.3 Funding for Braintree ........................................................................... 88
11 Key Recommendations ......................................................... 90
Table 1.1: Active Essex Priority Aims ................................................................ 2
Table 3.1: Five Year Average Cycle Flows (Daily Average per Month, Per Site)
......................................................................................................................... 27
Table 3.2: Personal Injury Collisions involving Cyclists Aug 2012 July 2017
......................................................................................................................... 33
Table 3.3: Braintree cycle collision clusters ..................................................... 34
Table 3.4: Cycle collisions along routes .......................................................... 35
Table 3.5: Reported cycle crime by District ..................................................... 37
Table 7.1 Costs and Prioritisation of Potential Braintree Cycle Schemes ....... 72
Table 7.2: Costs and Prioritisation of Potential Witham Cycle Schemes ......... 76
Table 7.3: Costs and Prioritisation of Potential Halstead Cycle Schemes ....... 79
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 1.1: Braintree District Map 3
Figure 3.1: Braintree cycle to work data 2001 - 2011 19
Figure 3.2: Main Mode of Travel to Work for usual residents of Braintree District.
Figure 3.3: Percentage of People Cycling to Work in Braintree 22
Figure 3.4: Percentage of People Cycling to Work in Witham 23
Figure 3.5: Propensity to Cycle at Least Once per Month (2010-2013) 24
Figure 3.6: Locations of monitoring sites in Braintree 25
Figure 3.7: Essex Cycle Monitor 2007-2015 26
Figure 3.8: Yearly Cycle Flow Profile (2011-2015) 28
Figure 3.9: 7 Day Average Cycle Flows in Braintree (2016) 29
Figure 3.10: Braintree existing cycle infrastructure and collitsions (PICs) 31
Figure 3.11: Witham existing cycle infrastructure and collisions (PICs) 32
Figure 4.1 Existing cycle infrastructure in Braintree Town 40
Figure 4.2: Existing cycle infrastructure in Witham Town 41
Figure 4.3: Lack of cycle connectivity at Flitch Way (junctions with London Road
& Jersey Way) 43
Figure 4.4: Lack of connectivity at King George Field / Cressing Rd and Panfield
Ln / Town centre 43
Figure 4.5: Cycling parking at Braintree railway station 44
Figure 4.6: Cycle parking provision at Braintree Freeport rail station 44
Figure 4.7: Lack of connectivity between existing routes in Witham: Highfields
Road and Cypress Road. 46
Figure 5.1: Journey to Work by Cycle in Braintree (Census 2011) 49
Figure 5.2: Journey to Work by Cycle in Witham (Census 2011) 50
Figure 5.3: Journey to Work by Car in Braintree (Census 2011) 52
Figure 5.4: Journey to Work by Car in Witham (Census 2011) 53
Figure 5.5: Journey to Work by Rail in Braintree 55
Figure 5.6: Journey to Work by Rail in Witham 56
Figure 5.10 Cycling Desire Lines in Witham 62
Figure 6.1: Sustrans Recommendations for Segregation and Traffic Flow 64
Figure 6.2: Existing and Potential Cycle Routes in Braintree 66
Figure 6.3: Existing and Potential Cycle Routes in Witham 67
Figure 6.4: Existing and Potential Cycle Routes in Halstead 68
Figure 8.1: Potential Flagship Routes for Braintree District 83
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Executive Summary
Essex Highways was commissioned by Essex County Council to produce a
Cycling Action Plan (CAP) for Braintree District, as part of a commitment in the
Essex Cycling Strategy to create Cycling Action Plans for every Borough/ District.
The purpose of the Essex Cycling Strategy is to set out the key elements of a
long term plan that will lead to a significant and sustained increase in cycling in
Essex, establishing it in the public’s mind as a ‘normal or regular’ mode of travel,
especially for short A-to-B trips, and as a major participation activity and sport for
all ages.
To help achieve this, Essex is committed to establishing a coherent,
comprehensive and advantageous cycle network in every major urban area,
utilising a combination of on-carriageway and off-carriageway cycle facilities. To
enable this, each Borough/District in Essex will have a Cycling Action Plan, to be
renewed every five years. These are seen as key elements of a long term plan
that will lead to a significant and sustained increase in cycling in Braintree District
and in Essex.
This Braintree CAP is targeted towards the specific needs of Braintree residents,
which will assist Essex County Council (ECC) in tackling wider problems
associated with poor health, pollution, traffic congestion and inequalities of
opportunities for Braintree’s youth population and people on low incomes.
The aims of this Action Plan are to:
Identify how cycling levels can be increased in the District;
Prioritise funding for new cycling schemes in Braintree;
Create a usable, high-quality cycle network that connects residential
areas with key employment locations, railway stations and town centres;
Create opportunities to increase recreational cycling in Braintree;
Understanding current levels and conditions for cycling has been important in
developing this CAP, which has involved analysis and consideration of 2011
Census data, the Active People Survey (by Sport England), the Essex Cycle
Monitor database, Department for Transport count data, collision data, cycle
crime statistics and topography.
In order to create an environment where cycling is normal for the residents of
Braintree, it will be necessary to remove existing barriers to cycling and a series
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
of cycle routes provided, with the aim of creating a connected cycle network over
time. Cycling infrastructure should provide for both key utility journeys and
encourage leisure cycling.
The key recommendations and schemes are listed in Sections 6, 7 and 8 of this
CAP and are summarised in Section 11 and below.
Key Observations
Braintree District for the most part is relatively flat, with variations in elevation of
no more than 30 metres and all major town centres having a relatively shallow
incline leading up to them.
Significant new housing development is planned with up to 950 homes to be built
across the district per year which provides a number of opportunities to enhance
and expand the cycle network. The Braintree Transport Strategy recognises the
role cycling plays in delivering sustainable new developments within Braintree
District and supports improvements to existing infrastructure as well as the
implementation of new facilities where required.
Braintree has relatively low current levels of commuter cycling but has high levels
of active leisure cycling. There is also a high propensity to cycle within the district.
Census data indicates declining usage, potentially related to an ageing
demographic profile. Despite this, there is a significant opportunity to increase
cycle use due to the high number of short (less than 5km) local commuter
journeys currently being made by car.
Collisions involving cyclists in Braintree are at relatively low levels compared with
the rest of the County. Levels of cycle crime are also low for the county.
National Cycle Route 16 passes through the southern side of the District from
west to north, connecting Great Dunmow with Braintree and Witham. The dis-
used railway line known today as the Flitch Way, on the south western side of
Braintree town is used for leisure and commuter cycling and this Cycling Action
Plan sets out a strategy to enhance its use.
Most of the towns in Braintree have fairly limited cycle provision, with Braintree
town having the largest amount of off-road routes. However, many of these are
disconnected and infrequent. Therefore, this strategy proposes connectivity to
existing routes where potential demand is the highest
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Key Recommendations
In order to create an environment where cycling is accessible to all residents of
Braintree District, existing barriers to cycling should be removed and a connected
series of key cycle routes provided throughout the district, linking to green space,
where possible. Cycling infrastructure should provide for both key utility journeys
and encourage leisure cycling.
Route recommendations are generally based on targeting gaps in the existing
network, and treating uncatered-for demand. MOSAIC analysis and Census
journey-to-work information have been used to feed into this process.
Taking into account the current barriers to cycling in Braintree District, commuter
flow analysis and locations of committed development, the following key
recommendations can be made for cycle enhancements in the district:
A review of existing route signage and lighting;
Improve maintenance of existing routes;
Prioritise North South and East-West Flagship routes, providing
improved access to the town centre and railway station;
Develop Flagship Routes through Feasibility Studies to Detailed Design;
Promote and market Flagship Routes with ‘Cycle Superhighway’ style
branding and disseminating techniques;
Provide connectivity through town centres, particularly in an east / west
direction. Braintree and Witham are particularly in need of these routes
as there is little existing provision and these routes could connect key
employment areas, rail stations and town centres with large residential
areas. In addition, these routes attract the highest flows of car commuter
traffic in the district;
Provide new and improved cycle parking, with a focus on satiating the
considerable demand for commuter trips at railway stations;
Fill obvious gaps in the existing cycle-route network (on alignments with
cycle-friendly topography);
Provide new infrastructure on key roads with cycle-friendly topography but
no existing facilities;
Update the existing cycle map every two years taking on board new
innovation in cycle-map design, and promote it and disseminate it widely
through a range of channels and outlets
Improve cycling infrastructure for access to Panfield Industrial Estate in
advance of the Northwest masterplan and connect with Panfield Lane to
the east and to the town centre;
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Provide better access to Flitch Way in Braintree and connect Flitch way
with the key industrial employment area to the west side of town and a
better connection at London Road;
Enhance the Pierrefitte Way / Rayne Road junction and / or the High Street
/ Pierrefitte Way junction, potentially with innovative cycle priority in the
form of advanced stop lines, toucan crossings and cycle priority traffic
Provide better cycle access to both Witham and Braintree rail stations,
which currently have poor cycle access. This is particularly important at
Witham as it has high demand for rail use, particularly from the south; and
Potential routes should improve connections with leisure cycling routes, in
particular, Flitch Way in Braintree, Blackwater Trail in Witham and
associated existing surrounding bridleways.
Next Steps
This is a draft Action Plan and, although the options have been developed in
discussion with Council representatives, further consultation is required before
the overall Action Plan can be finalised.
The character of the existing highway network has been taken into account, when
developing potential cycle routes and schemes in particular existing traffic
levels. Broad costs of schemes have been identified, as well as broadly
prioritising schemes against deliverability, directness, extension of the existing
network and proximity to key attractors. However, the potential routes and
schemes have not been constrained to a set budget and the feasibility and the
precise cost of the routes can only be established through further study.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
1 Introduction
1.1 Preamble
As part of the county-wide Essex Cycling Strategy, Cycling Action Plans are being
developed for individual Boroughs and Districts of Essex, including one for the
District of Braintree. This document provides an opportunity to develop and
promote cycling in Braintree, through improved infrastructure, together with the
wider promotion of cycling by Active Essex, Essex County Council (ECC) and
Braintree District Council (BDC), to establish it in the public’s mind as a ‘normal’
mode of travel, especially for short a-to-b trips, and as a major participation
activity and sport for all ages.
Two key commitments of the Essex Cycling Strategy are to:
Establish a coherent, comprehensive and advantageous cycle network in
every major urban area, utilising a combination of on-carriageway and off-
carriageway cycle facilities; and
Ensure each District has an up to date Cycling Action Plan (renewed every
5 years).
The Cycling Action Plans should help to identify high quality and well planned
infrastructure which will be vital in encouraging cycling and improving safety.
ECC will ensure that every urban area has a well-planned cycle network that:
Connects key destinations;
Supports a network of recreational routes; and
Caters for all users and abilities.
Coherent cycle networks will ensure that:
The physical barriers to cycling in many of Essex’s urban areas are
progressively broken down
Cycling becomes a prioritised mode of transport in the mind of Essex
In addition, Active Essex (County Sports Partnership) priority aims and how
cycling helps achieve these aims are included in Table 1.1.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Table 1.1: Active Essex Priority Aims
Active Essex priority aims
How cycling helps achieve these aims
Increase participation in
sport and physical activity
Cycling is one of the most popular sports
in Essex and can be enjoyed by people
of all ages
Encourage healthy and
active lifestyles
Cycling provides a means of active
transport that can help to reduce the
number of short car journeys
Develop sporting pathways
Alex Dowsett, cycling world record
breaker, is from Essex and benefited
from Active Essex Sporting Ambassador
funding and support when he was a
talented young cyclist
Encourage lifelong learning
and skills development
Bikeability courses help children and
adults to acquire physical skills and road
safety awareness
1.2 Background
Braintree is one of the fastest growing districts in Essex with plans to increase
the rate of house building by up to 950 homes built across the district per year.
With this growth comes the need for more sustainable travel options in the district
to help prevent the negative impacts of traffic congestion and air pollution as a
consequence of increased population. Figure 1.1 shows the extent of Braintree
District; major towns include Braintree, Witham and Halstead. The population of
Braintree District recorded in Census 2011 was 147,084 people (62,743
households), of which 92% were aged 74 years or less.
One of the main strategic roads within the Braintree District is the A120 trunk
road, managed by Highways England, which forms an east-west corridor
between the M11 near Stansted Airport and Harwich and Harwich International
Port. The single carriageway section of the A120 situated within the Braintree
District, between the Braintree Bypass via Broad Green and the Colchester
Borough boundary to Junction 25 on the A12 at Marks Tey, is currently under
specific consideration by Highways England and Essex County Council for major
highways improvements by 2025.
At present, there is no cycling strategy for Braintree District. This is an issue when
trying to develop and promote cycling and has been identified as a priority in the
Braintree Transport Strategy. However, Braintree town and Witham do have
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
some basic, albeit fragmented, cycle infrastructure which can be enhanced
through this strategy. The 2015 Braintree Transport Strategy highlights cycling as
one of the key interventions which need to be addressed over the coming years,
with the following key cycle interventions:
Join up existing cycle routes within towns to create continuous cycle
Provide new cycle routes to connect with new development;
Provide segregated on or off road cycle routes where possible, to provide
safer routes for cyclists; and
Provide cycle routes to connect with key employment, residential and
leisure zones within towns.
Figure 1.1: Braintree District Map
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Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
1.3 Aims of the Cycling Action Plan
Although Essex County Council (ECC) and Braintree District Council (BDC) have
been promoting and facilitating cycling for many years, the lack of a planned and
justifiable list of interventions aimed at widening the appeal of cycling within the
District means that it has not always been prioritised.
The aims of the Cycling Action Plan are to:
Identify how cycling levels can be increased in the Borough
Prioritise funding for new cycling schemes in Braintree
Create a usable, high-quality cycle network that connects residential
areas with key employment locations, rail stations and town centres
Create opportunities to increase recreational cycling in Braintree
This is a draft Action Plan and, although the proposals have been developed in
discussion with Council representatives, further consultation is required before
the overall Action Plan can be finalised.
1.4 Report Structure
The remainder of this Action Plan is set out as follows:
Section 2 Policy Review
Section 3 Data Analysis;
Section 4 Existing Network Provision and Barriers;
Section 5 Braintree’s Cycling Potential;
Section 6 Potential Infrastructure Improvements;
Section 7 Prioritisation and Costings of Potential Schemes
Section 8 Flagship Routes
Section 9 Smarter Travel Measures;
Section 10 Delivery and Funding; and
Section 11 Key Recommendations.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
2 Policy Review
2.1 Introduction
This section provides a summary of the relevant national, regional and local
policies related to cycling, through consideration of the following documents: the
UK Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS, 2017), the
Essex Transport Strategy (2011) and the Braintree Draft Local Plan (2016).
These documents indicate that there is a great deal of support for cycling at all
levels. At a national level, there is a long term vision for cycling to become the
normal mode of choice for short journeys or as part of a longer journey. At a
regional level, there is a particular emphasis on providing sustainable access and
travel choice for Essex residents. It is recommended that cycling will be promoted
as a way to reduce congestion within urban areas, to encourage healthier
lifestyles, and as a valuable leisure and tourism opportunity that is important to
the local economy. Braintree is specifically recognised in the Essex Transport
Strategy as being set to accommodate significant housing and employment
growth. It is noted that transport priorities for the Haven Gateway (within which
Braintree is located) include “improving and promoting cycle networks”. In
addition, for local centres, such as Braintree, within the Haven Gateway, priorities
of relevance to cycling include: providing for and promoting access by sustainable
modes of transport to development areas; improving local cycle networks;
improving access to stations; and promoting sustainable travel choices.
At a local level, cycling is supported throughout the Draft Local Plan, the Core
Strategy (which the Draft Local Plan will replace) and the National Planning Policy
Framework (NPPF). The new Local Plan must ensure that housing growth is
supported by transport infrastructure. The National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) requires that the transport system be balanced in favour of sustainable
transport modes such as buses and cycling. The emerging Local Plan notes that
fragmented cycle networks are available in mainly Witham and Braintree. Cycling
is noted as a sustainable mode of transport, in particular for short journeys,
although becoming increasingly popular for longer commutes in some areas. As
well as the benefits in terms of reduced congestion and pollution, cycling provides
health and wellbeing benefits for the participant and should be encouraged
wherever possible. The provision of new cycle routes and infrastructure is
highlighted for new developments within the Draft Local Plan.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
2.2 National Policy Context
2.2.1 Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS)
Under the Infrastructure Act 2015, the UK Government is required to set a Cycling
and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) for England. A Draft First CWIS was
published at the end of March 2016, which set out the UK Government's ambition
for creating a walking and cycling nation, the targets and objectives they are
working towards, the financial resources available to meet their objectives, the
strategy for delivering the objectives, and the governance arrangements that will
review this delivery. Following consultation, a final version of the Strategy was
published in 2017.
The final Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy states that the Government
“wants to make cycling and walking the natural choices for shorter journeys, or
as part of a longer journey”. The aim is for more people to have access to safe,
attractive routes for cycling and walking by 2040. By 2040, the ambition is to
Better Safety (a safe and reliable way to travel for short journeys), through:
streets where cyclists and walkers feel they
belong, and are safe
better connected communities
safer traffic speeds, with lower speed limits
where appropriate to the local area
cycle training opportunities for all children
Better mobility (more people cycling and walking easy, normal and
enjoyable), through:
more high quality cycling facilities
more urban areas that are considered walkable
rural roads which provide improved safety for walking and cycling
more networks of routes around public transport hubs and town centres,
with safe paths along busy roads
better links to schools and workplaces
technological innovations that can promote more and safer walking and
behaviour change opportunities to support increased walking and cycling
better integrated routes for those with disabilities or health conditions
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Better streets (places that have cycling and walking at their heart), by:
places designed for people of all abilities and ages so they can choose to
walk or cycle with ease
improved public realm
better planning for walking and cycling
more community-based activities, such as led rides and play streets where
local places want them
a wider green network of paths, routes and open spaces
The document recognises that great progress has been made on cycling in the
past six years. Cycling rates have increased in areas where dedicated funding
has been made available and spend on cycling has risen from around £2 per
person in 2010 to £6 per person in England in 2016-17. The Government want
to build on these successes and to help achieve this have made over £1 billion
of Government funding available to local bodies that may be invested in walking
and cycling over the next five years. The £1.2 billion is allocated as follows:
£50 million to provide cycling proficiency training for further 1.3 million
£101 million to improve cycling infrastructure and expand cycle routes
between the city centres, local communities, and key employment and
retail sites;
£85 million to make improvements to 200 sections of roads for cyclists;
£80 million for safety and awareness training for cyclists, extra secure
cycle storage, bike repair, maintenance courses and road safety
£389.5 million for councils to invest in walking and cycling schemes;
£476.4 million from local growth funding to support walking and cycling;
In addition, the government is investing an extra:
£5 million on improving cycle facilities at railway stations
£1 million on Living Streets’ outreach programmes to encourage children
to walk to school
£1 million on Cycling UK’s ‘Big Bike Revival’ scheme which provides free
bike maintenance and cycling classes
By 2020, the objectives of the CWIS are to:
increase cycling activity, where cycling activity is measured as the
estimated total number of cycle stages made;
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
• increase walking activity, where walking activity is measured as the total
number of walking stages per person;
• reduce the rate of cyclists killed or seriously injured on England’s roads,
measured as the number of fatalities and serious injuries per billion miles
cycled; and
increase .the percentage of children aged 5 to 10 that usually walk to
2.2.2 Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (CWIP)
A National CWIP is being developed to inform the CWIS. This will include the
identification of nationally significant locations/infrastructure. Six outputs are
currently being developed (three national and three local outputs):
The national outputs focus on identifying criteria for national significance
and developing a pipeline of potential schemes; and
The local outputs are focused on developing a Level of Service tool, and
guidance to Local Authorities on developing their own local CWIP.
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs), as set out in the
Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, are a new, strategic
approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements required at the local
level. They enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking
networks, ideally over a 10 year period, and form a vital part of the Government’s
strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by cycle.
While only focusing on cycling, it is hoped that ECC’s suite of Cycling Action
Plans will contribute to the future development of an Essex CWIP by providing:
A network plan for cycling which identifies preferred routes and core zones
for further development;
A prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future
investment; and
A report which sets out the underlying analysis carried out and provides a
narrative which supports the identified improvements and network.
2.3 Regional Policy Context
2.3.1 Essex Transport Policy
The Essex Transport Strategy (2011) will seek to achieve the following five broad
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Provide connectivity for Essex communities and international gateways to
support sustainable economic growth and regeneration;
Reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve air quality through lifestyle
changes, innovation and technology;
Improve safety on the transport network and enhance and promote a safe
travelling environment;
Secure and maintain all transport assets to an appropriate standard and
ensure that the network is available for use; and
Provide sustainable access and travel choice for Essex residents to help
create sustainable communities.
‘Policy 14 Cycling’ states that Essex County Council will encourage cycling
Promoting the benefits of cycling;
Developing existing cycling networks in towns where cycling offers an
appropriate local solution;
Working with schools and employers to improve facilities for cyclists;
Improving access to local services by integrating the Public Rights of Way,
walking and cycling networks to form continuous routes; and
Providing training opportunities to school children and adults.
Cycling will be promoted as a way to reduce congestion within urban areas, to
encourage healthier lifestyles, and as a valuable leisure and tourism opportunity
that is important to the local economy.
Improving the safety of the cycling network is also a key concern within the Essex
Transport Strategy. Policy 14 of the plan sets out Essex County Council’s
approach to encouraging cycling, which includes developing cycle networks
within towns across Essex and improving access to local services and schools
for cyclists.
The Essex Transport Strategy seeks to promote sustainable travel, by providing
the infrastructure for sustainable travel and promoting the use of travel plans.
With regard to cycling, the Essex Transport Strategy considers actions to improve
access for cyclists and pedestrians in particular, and identifies the following
improvements as essential:
Addressing gaps in existing networks;
Better linkages for walking and cycling routes within the Public Rights of
Way network;
Improving signing;
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Improving crossing facilities; and
Ensuring that pedestrian routes are accessible for everyone.
The Infrastructure Act 2015 includes a new legal requirement for the Government
to produce a cycling and walking investment strategy. The DfT’s Cycling Delivery
Plan (2014) refers to a new national cycling target, to double the number of
cycling stages (trips) nationally over a 10 year period. This new target will be
adopted by Essex County Council as part of the Essex Cycle Strategy (2015).
Additionally, the Government has introduced a £6bn Local Growth Fund for
cycling and walking. It has also set a target of achieving an annual cycling spend
of £10 to £20 per head of the population. In the Borough this could see between
£1.5m and £2.9m per year spent on improving cycling provision.
2.3.2 Essex Cycle Strategy (2016)
In response to the legal requirement, and also the requirements of the Essex
Transport Strategy, the Essex Cycle Strategy has been prepared with the aim of
setting out a strategy for providing coherent cycle networks. The purpose of the
strategy is to set out the key elements of a long term plan that will lead to a
significant and sustained increase in cycling in Essex, establishing it in the
public’s mind as a ‘normal’ mode of travel, especially for short a-to-b trips, and as
a major participation activity and sport for all ages. The strategy has been
produced in conjunction with Essex County Council, the 12 Essex Districts/
Districts, the two Unitary Authorities (Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock) and other
key stakeholders. It has taken account of current UK policy, data on cycling levels
within Essex and best practice from around the world. Specifically, it commits to:
I. Establishing a coherent, comprehensive and advantageous cycle
network in every major urban area, utilising a combination of on-
carriageway and off-carriageway cycle facilities;
II. Ensuring each Borough or District has an up to date cycling action plan
(renewed every 5 years);
III. Providing well placed and high quality cycle parking at key public
destinations such as town centres, leisure facilities and railway stations;
IV. Ensuring that all new housing includes secure and easily accessible cycle
storage and that new secure cycle storage is facilitated in existing
housing developments;
V. Ensuring that cycling is prioritised over motorised transport in all new
developments making it easier to carry out short trips by bicycle than
by car. Cycle routes within commercial and residential developments will
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
be more direct and convenient than car routes and will connect in to
existing cycling infrastructure on leaving the site;
VI. Prioritising more frequent and good maintenance of our cycle network;
VII. Providing a clear and consistent standard of good quality, well placed
cycle signage to an appropriate density, with provision of journey times
as well as distances (to cater for all audiences) where possible;
VIII. Continuing to improve cycle safety at sites with actual and perceived
safety problems; and
IX. Developing an improved mechanism for the reporting of safety issues.
2.4 Local Policy Context
2.4.1 Braintree District Local Development Framework (Core Strategy)
The Core Strategy (adopted September 2011) has been prepared by Braintree
District Council with the involvement of the Local Strategic Partnership in order
Provide a vision of how Braintree District will change between now and
Set out the aims and objectives of the Council and its partners;
Identify how and where the District will meet its needs for housing,
employment, retail development and community facilities up to 2026;
Set out the core planning policies, which will underpin the strategy;
Show how the environment will be protected, notwithstanding the
demands and requirements for growth;
Show how infrastructure will be provided to support the proposed
development; and
Show how the strategy will be monitored to ensure that it is achieving its
Chapter 2 of the Core Strategy sets out a spatial portrait of Braintree District;
specifically Paragraph 2.13, which describes the network of cycle ways in Witham
and Braintree as ‘fragmented’, including routes along former railway lines in
Braintree, which need to be enhanced in order to provide a co-ordinated
alternative to car transport.
Chapter 3 of the Core Strategy sets out the Vision, Aims and Objectives. It is
noted that most of the growth to be provided within Braintree and Witham,
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
including a new mixed-use neighbourhood to the north-west of Braintree
comprising housing, employment and community uses. This area has been
identified as a Growth Location within Braintree.
The aims of the Core Strategy are:
Promoting accessibility for all;
Creating a clean and green environment and addressing climate change;
Achieving a prosperous local economy; and
Enabling everyone to enjoy a safe and healthy lifestyle.
The key transport objectives that have formed the basis for the transport policies
set out in the Core Strategy are:
“Accessibility To reduce the need to travel by locating development in
sustainable locations where it will enable people to access employment, housing,
retail provision, public transport and key services; such as education, healthcare,
recreational facilities and open space”.
Transport To make it safer and easier for the community to travel to jobs and
key services by improving sustainable forms of transport such as public transport,
walking and cycling, and seeking to reduce carbon emissions”.
Therefore, formulating a Strategy and Action Plan with regards to improving
cycling provision in Braintree District will help towards achieving these objectives.
In addition, in terms of infrastructure requirements required to support
development up to 2026, ‘footpath cycleway and bridleway provision’ is required
to support all growth in the District, for example at the Panfield Lane growth
2.4.2 Braintree District Draft Local Plan (June 2016)
The Council is currently developing the Local Plan, a new long-term strategy for
the District. The new Local Plan will plan for the growth set out in the
Government’s national planning policy (National Planning Policy Framework),
which requires local authorities to significantly boost the supply of new homes,
providing a presumption in favour of sustainable development, to be supported
by infrastructure, jobs and community facilities.
At a local level, The Local Plan target for new homes in the District is based on
an annual average of 862 homes for the New Local Plan period 2016-2033. The
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
new Local Plan (when it is complete, it will replace the Core Strategy) must ensure
that housing growth is supported by transport infrastructure. The National
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that the transport system be
balanced in favour of sustainable transport modes such as buses and cycling.
The emerging Local Plan notes that fragmented cycle networks are available in
mainly Witham and Braintree. Cycling is noted as a sustainable mode of
transport, in particular for short journeys, although becoming increasingly popular
for longer commutes in some areas. As well as the benefits in terms of reduced
congestion and pollution, cycling provides health and wellbeing benefits for the
participant and should be encouraged wherever possible. In order to promote
the most sustainable forms of transport, the spatial strategy in the emerging Local
Plan proposes to allocate development in locations where it can be well served
by existing public transport networks and where services may be in close
proximity to facilitate walking and cycling.
The Draft Local Plan states that the internal design of new developments should
prioritise walking and cycling, as well as public transport over private vehicle
movements, to ensure that they encourage shorter internal journeys to take place
by these modes. New developments will also be expected to connect safely and
directly to the existing external footpath and cycle way routes in the local area,
and contributions will be sought as appropriate to improve connections from new
developments to the main commuter, community and retail centres or
recreational links. Public rights of way which are impacted upon by new
development may require protection or enhancement to accommodate new
The emerging Local Plan notes that “there are greater opportunities for short trips
to be made by walking and cycling”, particularly where there is little opportunity
to improve urban road networks and so, address congestion.
Policy SP5 Place Shaping Principles states that all new development should
create well connected places that prioritise the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and
public transport services above use of the private car. Cycle parking will also be
expected to be provided at homes and also at destination points such as work
places, train stations and the town centre
The Sustainable Access for All policy (LPP 36) indicates that sustainable modes
of transport should be facilitated through new developments to promote
accessibility and integration into the wider community and existing networks.
Priority should be given to cycle and pedestrian movements and access to public
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
The public consultation responses to the draft Local Plan are currently being
considered. In early Autumn, it is probable that it will be submitted to the Planning
Inspectorate for consideration with adoption of the Local Plan by the Council
expected in Autumn 2018.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
3 Data Analysis
3.1 Introduction
When planning for cycling infrastructure it is important to first understand current
levels and conditions for cycling. This section includes analysis of:
2011 Census data;
The Active People Survey (by Sport England);
Department for Transport count data;
The Essex Cycle Monitor database;
Collision data;
Cycle crime statistics; and
3.2 Census Data
As part of the 10 year national census, respondents are asked to state their main
mode of travel to work by distance. The 2011 Census results for Essex are shown
in Figure 3.1, below.
Figure 3.1: Braintree cycle to work data 2001 - 2011
As shown in Figure 3.1, based on the 2011 Census data, Braintree has relatively
low to medium levels of people cycling to work when compared with other Essex
% Cycling Mode Share
Total Cyclists
Total Cycling 2001
Total Cycling 2011
% Cycling 2011
Essex Average
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Districts, with 1101 people cycling to work every day in 2011. In terms of modal
share, 1.5% of all journeys to work are made by bike; however this is lower than
the Essex average of 2.1%.
Cycling to work levels have decreased marginally in the majority of Essex
Districts/ Boroughs between the 2001 and 2011 Census. This slight decline has
been widely observed across many shire counties in England and Wales, despite
the number of people cycling to work growing by 90,000 between 2001 and 2011,
the proportion remained the same at 2.8%. The decline in cycling to work in Essex
and many other shire counties has been attributed to failures in local policy and
a lack of infrastructure
. Whereas, in urban areas, cycling to work increased due
to the implementation of improved infrastructure, thus balancing the decline
experienced in rural areas.
Figure 3.2, below illustrates the mode of travel to work for usual residents of
Braintree District (excluding those who work from home).
Figure 3.2: Main Mode of Travel to Work for usual residents of Braintree District.
The key points regarding how people travel to work are:
In Braintree District 74% of journeys to work are by car;
This is followed by walking (10%) and rail (9%), which depends largely on
the level of access to a station; and
Source: Census, 2011
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
In Braintree District (and in general across Essex), there is relatively low
usage of bus (2%) and cycling (2%) as the main mode of travel to work.
It should also be noted that journeys to work by cycle within the District are also
lower than that of the average for Essex. Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4 show the
percentage of people cycling to work by origin within Braintree town and in
Witham, respectively.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 3.3: Percentage of People Cycling to Work in Braintree
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 3.4: Percentage of People Cycling to Work in Witham
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
3.3 Sport England Active People Survey
Sport England carry out an Active People Survey annually, which involves
interviewing 500 people from every District in England about their propensity to
do physical activity. It is the largest survey of sport and active recreation in
Figure 3.5 shows 2010-2013 average propensity to cycle at least once per month
for any purpose based on the Sport England data. The results show that across
Essex, Braintree has relatively high levels of residents cycling at least once a
month in the county.
Figure 3.5: Propensity to Cycle at Least Once per Month (2010-2013)
3.4 Essex Cycle Monitor
Essex County Council has an established network of over 50 cycle monitor
counters located across the five urban areas of Basildon, Braintree, Chelmsford,
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Castle Point
Epping Forest
Percentage cycling
Source: Sport England
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Colchester and Harlow. The count sites continuously record hourly total cycle
flow data and have a baseline of 2007.
Cycle flow data for routes within Braintree town has been extracted from the
Braintree Cycle Monitor Database. The locations of the monitoring sites in
Braintree are shown in Figure 3.6. Figure 3.7 shows May to October total 7-day
flows by urban area.
Figure 3.6: Locations of monitoring sites in Braintree
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 3.7: Essex Cycle Monitor 2007-2015
Together, the cycle monitor sites have observed a 17% increase between 2007
and 2015. Levels in Braintree significantly increased in the period 2012 to 2015,
from 1,800 cycle per week to 3,400 cycles per week, but fell back to 1,900 cycles
per week in 2016.
Table 3.1 below, provides a summary of average weekday two-way cycle flows
per month per site for the years 2011 to 2015. The monitoring Sites 2000010
and 2000011 on B1256 Coggeshall Road have been combined to give two-way
From Table 3.1, it can be seen that the busiest cycling corridor is Coggeshall
Road. It is noted that there is no cycle lane provision along this road. The
predominant cycle flow, (70%), was recorded to be westbound, e.g. towards
Braintree Town Centre. In addition, cycle flows along Coggeshall Road are
relatively consistent month by month, except in December where the 5-year
average decreases by approximately 20% from the summer peak.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
- Oct Cycle Flows
Harlow Colchester Chelmsford Braintree Basildon
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Table 3.1: Five Year Average Cycle Flows (Daily Average per Month, Per Site)
5 Year Daily Average (2011-2015) Cycle Flows (Weekdays, Per Month Per Site)
Flitch Way
Site No:
Site No:
Site No:
Site No:
Coggeshall Rd,
Sites No:
02000010 &
(5 year
By comparison, the other monitoring sites (all of which are off-road), show that
cycle flows noticeably fluctuate month by month. This implies that Coggeshall
Road is a relatively well-used cycling corridor, utilised by commuters who cycle
to the town centre. The cycle flow profile for all the other sites was broadly similar
with higher cycle flows recorded during the summer months, while the lower cycle
flows were recorded during the winter months, particularly between December
and February.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
In terms of total cycling flows in Braintree, the five monitoring stations captured,
on average, approximately 6060 cycling trips in 2011 and despite some
decreases in between, this has grown by 7.5% to 6511 in 2015. Figure 3.8 shows
total cycling flows (all sites, weekdays) between 2011 and 2015.
Figure 3.8: Yearly Cycle Flow Profile (2011-2015)
It can be seen that the yearly profiles roughly follow the same pattern, with the
exception of the period of July August in 2012 and 2015, when cycling flows
increased more than other years. There is also a spike in November 2015. These
spikes in cycling activity could perhaps be attributed to better than expected
weather conditions.
2016 (7 day average) data for four sites in Braintree (Flitch Way, Rosemary
Avenue, Tortoiseshell Way and Millenium Way) indicate that levels of cycling
along Flitch Way are highest in the summer months. There is less variation along
Millennium Way, Rosemary Avenue and Tortoiseshell Way, although the summer
months do attract more cyclists in general, as would be expected (Figure 3.9).
Monthly Average Cycling Flows
Two-way weekday cycling flows - all sites
2011 - 2015 Avg.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 3.9: 7 Day Average Cycle Flows in Braintree (2016)
3.5 DfT Count Data
The Department for Transport (DfT) collects vehicular flow data at various
locations on the road network around the country. These counts record all
vehicles using the carriageway, including cyclists.
Using DfT Annual Average Daily Flow (AADF) data, information pertaining to
numerous locations within the district was taken. The data provides a snapshot
overview of the cycle usage along particular routes within the district.
In Braintree the two largest counts are to the east and south-east of the town:
Cressing Road, between Leywood Close and Warren Road, where an
annual average daily flow of 175 cyclists was recorded; and
Coggeshall Road between Dallwood Way and Cressing Road, where an
annual average daily flow of 131 cyclists was recorded.
The high flows at these locations and Rayne Road (below) could be
accommodated by a potential Flagship Route treatment. This is considered in
Section 8 of this report.
In addition, relatively high cyclist counts were recorded at the following locations:
Rayne Road between junctions with Hunnable Road and Peel Crescent:
AADF of 108 cyclists;
7 day average cycle flows (2016)
Flitch Way Rosemary Avenue Tortoiseshell Way Millennium Way
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Coldnailhurst Avenue between junctions with Lancaster Way and
Alexander Road: AADF of 92 cyclists (this high level of flow will be
addressed by potential Scheme 37); and
South Street at the junction with Fairfield Road and Station Approach:
AADF of 89 cyclists. This is noted as a key barrier to cycle access to the
railway station. It forms part of the potential Flagship Route.
In Witham, fewer counts were taken as a result of its size in comparison to
Braintree. The three highest counts are as follows:
Powers Hall End, between junctions with Saxon Drive and Church Street:
AADF of 50 cyclists;
Howbridge Road between junctions with Bridge Street and Tudor Close:
AADF of 37 cyclists; and
Armond Road between junctions with Stourton Road and Barnardiston
Way: AADF of 25 cyclists. Potential Scheme 13 will address this demand.
The three largest AADF counts for Halstead are:
Tidings Hill between Ronald Road and Rayners Way: AADF of 55 cyclists;
A131 High Street at the junction with A1124 Hedingham Road and
Parsonage Street: AADF of 41 cyclists; and
A1124 Colchester Road at the junction with Nether Court: AADF of 34
Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11 show the existing AADF count locations and cycle
data for Braintree and Witham, respectively.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 3.10: Braintree existing cycle infrastructure and collitsions (PICs)
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 3.11: Witham existing cycle infrastructure and collisions (PICs)
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
3.6 Collision Data
Fear of personal injury is often cited as a barrier to cycling but whilst this is an
important issue, it is useful to use statistics rather than just perception to direct
improvements to highway infrastructure to improve the cycling environment. The
location of cycling personal injury collisions also serves to identify where cyclists
are travelling in higher numbers which can be useful when deciding where to
prioritise new infrastructure.
Table 3.2 shows the number of recorded Personal Injury Collisions (PICs)
involving cyclists by District for the 5 year period between August 2012 and July
2017. Note that the figures below for ‘Essex’ exclude the Unitary Authorities of
Southend and Thurrock, figures for ‘Greater Essex’ include these areas.
Table 3.2: Personal Injury Collisions involving Cyclists Aug 2012 July 2017
% of total
accidents in
cycling to
% of total
cycling to
work in
Braintree experiences an average rate of cycle collisions when compared to the
other Districts and Boroughs within Essex, with a total of 129 PICs recorded
Source: ONS Cycling to Work Summary Table, taken from Census Table CT0015EW.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
during the 5 year period. To provide context to these figures, a county-wide high
of 299 PICs was seen in Colchester, and a low of 57 in Brentwood. Incidents in
urban areas are more prominent than those occurring in rural areas. Incidents
are also greater in areas with higher levels of cycling. The level of PICs involving
cyclists accounts for 6% of the total in greater Essex, which is in line with the
amount of cycling to work that occurs in Braintree District (6% of Greater Essex).
3.7 Collision Clusters
This section analyses clusters of incidents involving cyclists within Braintree
District. (e.g. when two or more incidents have occurred in a particular location).
Clusters identified for Braintree District and Braintree town for the 36 month
period from November 2011 are included below in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3: Braintree cycle collision clusters
Junction name
correlation ?
Description of correlated
Braintree District
Collingwood Rd/
The Avenue
2 Slight
Drivers fail to observe cyclists
negotiating roundabout, resulting
in a collision with cyclists and
pulling out onto the junction
Maldon Rd/ The
2 Slight
A1124 Upper
Holt St/
Collingwood Rd
1 Slight,
2 Serious
Drivers fail to give way to cyclists
which are turning right onto
Coggeshall Road, approaching the
junction from the west. Cars
approach from east.
Braintree Town
Market Place/
Fairfield Road
2 Slight
Within the rural areas of Braintree District there were three clusters, totalling
seven recorded collisions. A total of two of the three clusters in the rural areas
display correlations in the descriptions of their respective incidents. The locations
are as follows:
Collingwood Road / The Avenue; and
A1124 Upper Holt Street / Coggeshall Road.
Both clusters have formed through drivers failing to observe cyclists at the
junction and subsequently colliding with them.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Braintree town sees one collision cluster forming within the 36 months. It
comprises of two recorded collisions both of which were slight in severity. Unlike
two of the clusters within the rural areas, there is no correlation between the two
recorded incidents.
No collision clusters were identified within Witham.
3.8 Cycle collisions along routes
Table 3.4 displays the list of cycle collisions along routes in Braintree District,
within the 36 month period from November 2011.
Table 3.4: Cycle collisions along routes
Approx length
of section
Existing cycle route ?
Braintree Town
Cressign Rd: j/w
Hay Lane South
Stubbs lane
0.48 km
2 Slight
No-but forms part of potential
advisory cycle lane route
(scheme 12)
Rd: j/w Orion
Coggeshall Rd
1.1 km
2 Slight
No-but forms part of potential
quietway route (scheme 20)
London Rd: j/w
Lane j/w
0.64 km
2 Slight
Yes-forms part of segregated
off-road section of NCN Route
Maltings Lane:
j/w Hawkes Rd-
j/w Pondholton
1.1 km
2 Slight,
1 Serious
Yes-existing off road route
Road-j/w The
Avenue and
100 m
2 Slight
Spinks Lane
j/w Epping Way
and B1389
500 m
2 Slight
Table 3.4 shows that within Braintree town, there are three specific road stretches
where there have been two or more recorded cycle collisions over the 36 month
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
period. Only one of these locations is marked as an existing cycle route. In
particular, the stretch of London Road has seen two recorded cycle collisions
over three years, despite the existence of an off-road cycle route.
Within Witham, there are three specific road stretches where there have been
two or more recorded cycle collisions over the three year period. Only one of
these locations is marked as an existing cycle route. In particular, the stretch of
Gershwin Boulevard has seen three recorded cycle collisions over three years,
despite the provision of an off-road cycle route.
Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11 display the distribution of recorded cycle collisions in
Braintree and Witham respectively.
3.9 Cycle Crime
Cycle crime (mainly theft) is reported both to Essex Police and British Transport
Police, though it should be noted that cycle thefts are generally considered to be
under reported. Figures for both these constabularies are combined by District in
Table 3.5 below.
Note that the figures below for ‘Essex’ exclude the Unitary Authorities of
Southend and Thurrock, figures for ‘Greater Essex’ include these areas.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Table 3.5: Reported cycle crime by District
All Essex Reported
Cycle Thefts
% of all
cycle thefts
in Greater
number of
cycle thefts
per cycle
Castle Point
Epping Forest
Greater Essex
*to Nov 20
2. Based on 2017 thefts and ONS Census 2011 Journey to work by cycle total for District/
Borough/ City (ONS Cycling to Work Summary Table, taken from Census Table CT0015EW)
When compared to Essex as a whole, cycle crime in Braintree is relatively low,
accounting for 6% of the county’s total. Overall, 154 crimes were recorded in
2017, a reduction of 6 compared to the previous year, which amounts to 0.15
annual cycle thefts per commuter. This figure is the 6
highest in the county. .
The number of thefts per cycle trip would be much lower if it were to be compared
with all cycle trips, as this figure is based on 2011 Journey to Work data and does
not include leisure trips, children cycling to school and people cycling part of their
journey to work but not being recorded.
3.10 Topography
There are a number of factors which determine the popularity of cycling in any
given area. Of the geographical factors, by far the most significant is topography,
as identified in many research studies and policy statements. These include
research carried out by Dr John Parkin who concluded; ‘hilliness was found to be,
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
by far, the most significant determiner of the proportion that cycled to work in a
Braintree, Witham, and Halstead all display similar characteristics in terms of their
topography, with each experiencing an elevation change of approximately 30m
throughout the town. These changes are likely to be due to the presence of rivers.
All three town centres are located on the areas of the highest elevation which
may act to suppress cycling for some. However, the inclines involved are
relatively shallow and the increase in height is small.
Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11 show the topography of Braintree and Witham,
Parkin, J. Wardman, M and Matthew, P. (2008) Estimation of the determinents of bicycle mode
share for the journey to work using census data. Transportation, 35 (1). pp. 93-109.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
4 Existing Network Provision and Barriers
4.1 Introduction
This section provides an overview of the existing cycle infrastructure within
Braintree District as well as identifying various barriers to cycling.
The District of Braintree is situated in the north of Essex. Covering approximately
612 square kilometres, Braintree District is the second largest Essex authority in
terms of geographical area but only the fifth most populated of the 12 Essex local
authorities. The District consists of the two large market towns of Braintree and
Halstead, along with the 1970’s urban ‘expanded town’ of Witham,
interconnected with many smaller villages and urban areas. The District is served
by five rail stations, located at Braintree, Braintree Freeport, Hatfield Peverel,
Kelvedon and Witham.
4.2 Cycling in Braintree District
Some cycling infrastructure is currently provided within the District; however most
of this is concentrated in the south of the District, specifically in and around the
settlements of Braintree and Witham. National Route 16 (Stansted Braintree
Witham & Southend-on-Sea - Shoeburyness), which is part of the National Cycle
Network (NCN), links Braintree to Witham via rural roads and off-road cycle lanes.
The route utilises The Flitch Way, a disused railway line between Braintree and
Bishop’s Stortford; The Flitch Way accommodates cycling and pedestrian traffic
moving east / west and provides easy access to Braintree railway station.
Cycle Essex Route 2 forms a circuit from the south west of Braintree to Stansted
airport in the west. The route within Braintree District is predominantly on-road,
apart from the section utilising Flitch Way.
Cycle hire is available from Great Notley Country Park during school holidays
between April and November through TrailNet.
Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 show the existing cycle routes in Braintree town and
Witham, respectively.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 4.1 Existing cycle infrastructure in Braintree Town
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 4.2: Existing cycle infrastructure in Witham Town
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
4.3 Key Barriers to Cycling in Braintree District
4.3.1 Road severance
The District is bisected by the A120 trunk road which is dual carriageway between
the M11 and Marks Farm roundabout to the east of Braintree. From there to the
junction with the A12, the A120 is single carriageway and is currently the subject
of a study to identify a new route for an improved A120, which will involve major
highway improvements, by 2025. Although off-road cycle infrastructure is in place
to safely traverse the A120, these crossings are limited in number, thereby
lengthening journey times and the distances required to travel. These off-road
crossing points are restricted to the Flitch Way which forms part of NCN National
Route 16.
Apart from Braintree, Halstead and Witham, the District itself is largely rural in
character. This is reflected in the roads which comprise of low flow, yet National
Speed Limit roads. The higher speed limits here may discourage cyclists, despite
the lack of traffic relative to the urban areas.
4.3.2 .Rail severance
The Great Eastern Mainline and the Braintree Branch Line are situated in the
southern area of the District while the Gainsborough line is situated in the north
eastern corner of the district. These railway lines create a degree of severance
within the District. This is more relevant to the Braintree branch as the Great
Eastern Mainline runs parallel to the southern boundary of the district. From
Braintree Town to Witham the provision of crossing points is limited. Where
crossings are provided, they are at-grade (level crossings) accessed via quiet,
rural roads.
4.4 Braintree Town existing cycle network
The cycle network within Braintree itself is largely fragmented with little evidence
(e.g. signage) of continuous routes except for National Route 16 in the south-
west of the town which operates along Flitch Way and along the River Brain.
Many routes begin and end abruptly meaning that connectivity is generally poor.
Northern areas of the town in particular have a prominent lack of cycling facilities
in place.
The photographs in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4Figure 4.4 highlight the lack of
connectivity for cycle traffic at Flitch Way / London Road and Flitch Way / Jersey
Way and at King George Field / Cressing Road and Panfield Lane / Town centre.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 4.3: Lack of cycle connectivity at Flitch Way (junctions with London Road
& Jersey Way)
Figure 4.4: Lack of connectivity at King George Field / Cressing Rd and Panfield
Ln / Town centre
4.5 Braintree Town cycle accessibility
4.5.1 Access to public transport Braintree Rail Station
Braintree Railway Station is located approximately 600m to the south of the town
centre with off-road cycle access possible from the south and west through
National Route 16. Facilities connecting the station and the town centre/additional
areas of the town are relatively poor.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
In terms of cycle parking facilities, the station currently has 32 Sheffield stand
spaces and 20 rack spaces. All cycling parking is covered. During a site visit to
Braintree it was observed that the Sheffield stands were at capacity but the racks
were barely utilised with only two bicycles parked on the racks as shown in Figure
Figure 4.5: Cycling parking at Braintree railway station
4.5.2 Access to public transport Braintree Freeport Rail Station
The second station in the town is Braintree Freeport, located 1.7 km from the
town centre. A total of four Sheffield stands have been provided at the station
with an additonal 14 Sheffield stands provided near the station, adjacent to the
pedestrian crossing leading into the Freeport shopping centre. These stands
provide approximately 36 cycle parking spaces in total which are all covered, as
shown in Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6: Cycle parking provision at Braintree Freeport rail station
Cycle access to Braintree Freeport is relatively good and includes a step free
bridge (shared with pedestrians) over the railway line which connects with off-
road cycle routes and the Freeport Braintree shopping centre in the east.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
4.6 Access to employment in Braintree
There are three main centres of employment in Braintree, located in the north-
western (Springwood Industrial Estate), central (Braintree town centre) and
south-eastern (Braintree Freeport) areas of the town. Cycle connections to the
three are poor, with isolated sections of off-road routes infrequently bordering
4.7 Access to educational institutions in Braintree
Many of the schools and colleges within Braintree are poorly served by the cycle
network. This is especially apparent with Braintree College which is located in the
north of the town, an area which is lacking cycle infrastructure.
4.8 Access to future developments in Braintree
A new Braintree District Local Plan is currently being developed, which will bring
together all major planning policy for the District in one single document during
the period 2017 - 2033. However, there is potential for significant already-
committed development on the edges of Braintree town. All of these are
separated from existing infrastructure. The largest committed development is on
the north-western fringe of the town. Panfield Lane (600 homes) has an off-road
cycle route on its southern boundary, yet this route is not connected to other
cycling facilities.
4.9 Witham existing cycle network
The cycle network within Witham itself is largely fragmented with little evidence
of cohesive and continuous routes except for NCN National Route 16 which
traverses the town centre, east to west.
Generally, the main barriers to cycling in Witham are narrow roads in the town
centre and narrow bridges crossing railway lines, particularly at the main station
Many routes begin and end abruptly or are self-contained within new housing
developments which results in poor overall connectivity for the town; examples of
which are included in Figure 4.7. Northern and eastern areas of the town in
particular have a prominent lack of cycling facilities in place.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 4.7: Lack of connectivity between existing routes in Witham: Highfields
Road and Cypress Road.
4.10 Witham cycling accessibility
4.10.1 Access to public transport Witham station
The town is served by Witham station which is located on the junction of the Great
Eastern Mainline and the Braintree branch line. It is approximately 1km north of
the town centre. Although the station is not directly connected to any cycling
facilities, it is located 200m from NCN National Route 16. Cycle parking
infrastructure is provided at the station and is comprised of 80 Sheffield Stand
It should be noted that the station can accommodate up to 400 cars suggesting
that the station is predominantly used by commuters from the town and
surrounding areas. The 2015 Braintree Transport Strategy identified that
considerable numbers of London commuters from Braintree drive to Witham
station to use the higher frequency service from Witham to London.
4.10.2 Access to employment in Witham
Located centrally and to the east of the town respectively, there are two prominent
employment centres in Witham (town centre and various industrial and light
industrial areas at Eastways, Coleman’s bridge and Moss Road). Cycling
infrastructure is sporadic for both with disconnected sections and few off-road
routes. The town centre is surrounded by a number of cycle routes but these do
not connect to the centre itself.
In contrast, the northern section of the main employment centre to the east of the
town is situated on an off-road section of NCN National Route 16 which provides
access to the rail station and western areas of Witham.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
4.10.3 Access to future developments in Witham
There are 1100 dwellings proposed for the Witham area over the next 5 years;
North East Witham (350 homes) to the north of the town, and Lodge Farm (750
homes) to the south-west. The former is to be isolated from the town’s existing
cycling infrastructure, necessitating on-road cycling to the main employment
centres and the rail station. Lodge Farm lies adjacent to the existing off-road cycle
network which serves the residential areas of the south of the town. Currently this
network does not connect with any cycling infrastructure.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
5 Braintree District’s Cycling Potential
5.1 Introduction
This section provides a summary of the existing travel behaviours within Braintree
District, as well as identifying the potential for cycling.
5.2 Commuter flow analysis
The 2011 Census records how residents choose to travel to work as well as the
location of their workplace. The aim of analysing this information is to establish
where the predominant local commuter movements exist that could feasibly be
undertaken by bicycle. This data can then be used to assess the commuter cycle
potential for an area.
The predominant commuter flows for Braintree District have been calculated
based on travel between Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs). As journeys
to work take place to and from all MSOAs within the district, only the top 10 most
popular commuter journeys per mode have been highlighted.
It has been assumed that commuters would choose the same route and mode of
travel to work (in the AM) as they do to return from work (in the PM).
The following sections include the results of this commuter flows analysis.
5.2.1 Cycle trips
Although the numbers are relatively low, six of the ten most popular District-wide
commuter journeys by bicycle were made within Braintree town, three were made
in Witham and one in Coggeshall (27 cycle commuter journeys).
Figure 5.1 displays the predominant commuter flows for journeys to work by cycle
within Braintree Town and Figure 5.2 displays the main commuter flows by cycle
within Witham.
Within Braintree town, most commuter cycle journeys originate in the centre and
North West parts of town. The main destinations for cycle commuting are the
industrial areas to the west and the town centre.
Within Witham, the most prominent cycle commuter flows originate from northern,
southern and western areas, indicating that demand is fairly evenly distributed
throughout the town. These popular commuter journeys by bicycle are made to
Witham town centre and industrial areas to the east.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.1: Journey to Work by Cycle in Braintree (Census 2011)
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.2: Journey to Work by Cycle in Witham (Census 2011)
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
5.2.2 Car Trips
A total of seven of the ten most popular District-wide commuter journeys by car
were made within Braintree town, the remaining three were made in Witham.
Within Braintree town, the higher levels of car use originate from large residential
areas where levels of cycling infrastructure are generally low, or are poorly
connected to the local network. This is evident in the north-east of the town,
where a combined 549 car commuter journeys were made to Springwood
Industrial Estate, Manor Road industrial area and the town centre (combined).
Furthermore, there is reasonably high car commuting demand from the
residential areas in the south west and south to Braintree town centre and Manor
Road industrial area. Figure 5.3 displays the predominant commuter flows for
journeys to work by car within Braintree Town.
Within Witham, the most prominent car commuter flows originate from northern,
southern and western areas, indicating that commuting demand is fairly evenly
distributed throughout the town. All these popular commuter journeys by car are
made to Witham town centre and the industrial areas on the east of the town.
Figure 5.4 displays the predominant commuter flows for journeys to work by car
within Witham.
Importantly, it has to be noted that all the predominant commuter car flows within
the District are short distance trips (5km or less) which could easily be undertaken
by cycle.
Note that cross district boundary analysis for car drivers has been excluded, as
the top 10 most popular origin / destination journeys to work by car all occurred
within the district.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.3: Journey to Work by Car in Braintree (Census 2011)
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
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Braintree District
Figure 5.4: Journey to Work by Car in Witham (Census 2011)
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
5.2.3 Rail trips
In many cases, cycling can form a key part of commuter rail journeys. The 2011
Census only records main mode by distance, therefore assumptions must be
made when analysing journeys that would be multi-modal. Where commuters
have stated their main mode of travel to work to be by rail, it has been assumed
that rail commuters would predominantly choose the closest station to them,
unless a main line station is located within a similar proximity. In such a case, it
is assumed the preference would be the main line station.
An additional assessment has been made which excludes a percentage of rail
commuters living within 1km of the rail station, as it is expected the majority of
those people would walk to the rail station.
Rail station commuter station choice within Braintree town is difficult to establish,
considering an unknown percentage of rail commuters from Braintree drive to
Witham to access the more frequent rail services to / from London.
As well as Braintree and Witham, high rail commuter flows were recorded in
Hatfield Peverel, where the cycle potential is perceived to be low due to the
majority of the town being within 1km of the rail station. In addition, Coggeshall
featured highly and since Coggeshall has no dedicated rail station it is assumed
residents would drive to Witham or Kelvedon to access rail stations.
However, it is assumed that rail commuters who reside in Witham do travel to
Witham rail station to access the train services. For that reason, rail commuting
destinations have not been taken into consideration for Braintree town. However,
the census did reveal the highest single MSOA rail commuting total in Braintree
town to be 296 people.
Figure 5.5 displays the origin of prominent commuter flow origins for journeys to
work by rail within Braintree town, discounting their station choice destinations.
Within Witham, the largest flow originates from the southern section of the town
where a total of 871 commuters originate. In addition, 410 commuters originate
from the residential areas in the north and 266 from the west. The high number
of rail commuters from the south is the highest single MSOA rail commuter total
within the district.
All the predominant commuter rail flows within Witham are short distance trips
(5km or less). Figure 5.6 displays the predominant commuter flows for journeys
to work by train for residents who live in Witham.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.5: Journey to Work by Rail in Braintree
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
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Braintree District
Figure 5.6: Journey to Work by Rail in Witham
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
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Braintree District
5.2.4 Halstead Commuter Flows
Halstead has not been included in this analysis, as it features outside the top 10
commuter flow areas within the district. However, analysis of the data shows that
the highest commuter demands are from car drivers living and working within the
town. All car driver journeys within Halstead are less than 4km.
5.3 MOSAIC Propensity to Cycle Braintree Town
Market segmentation is concerned with grouping together a diverse range of
people to understand their current behaviour and the likelihood and triggers for
maintaining or changing how they act in the future.
The MOSAIC Cycling Segmentation was developed for TfL by Steer Davies
Gleave as an aid to cycling policy development, planning, implementation and
evaluation. This was required to help target opportunity areas to best increase
mode share and assist in increasing trips.
The MOSAIC Cycling Segmentation classifies the population into seven
segments, each with a different propensity to cycle e.g. those in the ‘Urban Living’
segment are 4.6 times more likely to be a cyclist than those in the ‘Comfortable
Maturity’ segment. This can then be applied to postcodes and displayed on
mapping as shown in Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8.
The MOSAIC data for Braintree shows that propensity to cycle is high in Braintree
town, most notably in central areas, in the vicinity of Railway Street and
Trinovantian Way. There are also isolated pockets of high propensity in the north-
east, and southern areas. South-western and sporadic eastern locales
experience low propensity.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.7: MOSAIC Analysis Propensity to Cycle in Braintree
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.8: MOSAIC Analysis Propensity to cycle in Witham
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
5.4 Summary of potential
5.4.1 Braintree Town
As identified above, there are a significant number of people driving short
distances (5km or less) to access work within Braintree town. The majority of
these trips occur from the north east and southern sides of Braintree town and
are focused on the town centre and industrial areas to the west and could be
undertaken by non-motorised modes (cycling or walking). Figure 5.9 shows the
cycle desire lines for Braintree town.
Therefore, providing improved cycle routes and marketing targeted towards car
drivers residing in those locations could provide the biggest gains in terms of
mode shift towards cycling in Braintree town.
5.4.2 Witham
A significant number of people drive short distances (5km or less) to access work
within Witham. These trips originate from the north, west and southern sides of
the town and are focused on the town centre and industrial areas to the east. In
addition, the major rail demand is coming from the same areas, in particular the
south of the town. Figure 5.10 shows the cycle desire lines for Witham.
Therefore, providing improved cycle routes and marketing targeted towards car
drivers and rail commuters residing in those locations could provide the biggest
gains in terms of mode shift towards cycling in Witham.
As identified above, low cycle commuting levels were recorded across the town.
Therefore, cycle access to the town centre and employment should be assessed
to promote more cycle journeys
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.9: Cycling Desire Lines in Braintree
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 5.10 Cycling Desire Lines in Witham
Existing Cycle Network as of March 2015
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
6 Potential Infrastructure Improvements
6.1 Background
In order to remove barriers to cycling and provide suitable infrastructure, it is
essential that all new developments in the District have good quality, cycle-
friendly routes to key services, railway stations and areas of employment. To this
end, all potential developments associated with the Braintree New Local Plan
2017-2033 should contribute towards creating a wider network of cycle friendly
routes with provision along key corridors and desire lines.
A coordinated approach should be taken, whereby development planning and
highway scheme delivery in Braintree District is linked with infrastructure
provision, complemented by soft measures that promote cycling as part of a
range of alternatives to single-occupancy car travel.
This CAP is proposing a network of strategic cycle routes, as well as identifying,
within this, specific Flagship Routes. These Flagship Routes for the District of
Braintree are described later in this report, in Section 8.
6.2 Potential cycle routes
Proposals for new cycle routes have been made to help create a step-change in
cycling conditions across the District. These might include signed routes (with
journey times and surface markings), networks of interconnected cycle routes on
quiet residential streets, filtered permeability (e.g. convenient cut-throughs and
contraflows) and, where appropriate, 2
generation cycling infrastructure, such
as Dutch, Danish or light segregation. Infrastructure improvements have been
considered for the urban areas of Braintree, Witham and Halstead.
6.3 Methodology Statement
The potential routes have not, at this stage, been subject to detailed scheme
design or feasibility, they are the result of an initial scoping study which is
recommending a strategic network. In some instances, the Sustrans Design
Manual has been used to inform provision, particularly with regard to the
acceptable provision related to traffic speed and volume conditions in specific
Where traffic volume and speed data is available, the potential schemes have
been subjected to Sustrans design principles, which recommend the type of
scheme that should be considered under those conditions (Figure 6.1). Traffic
volume and speed may influence the decision on the need to segregate cyclists
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
from other traffic. For example, where low speeds and traffic volumes are
evident, there is no need to segregate cycle and other traffic and a shared
carriageway is acceptable. As traffic speeds and volumes increase, cycle lanes
are found to be more desirable, until the threshold is reached whereby physical
segregation is required. Beyond this point, where 85 percentile traffic speeds
exceed 40mph, and/ or volumes exceed 9500 vehicles/ day (or 950 vehicles/
hour), conditions become unsuitable for cycling on the carriageway and physical
segregation with a verge is necessary. Where traffic volume and speed data are
not currently available, it may be necessary to undertake a traffic survey to
determine the provision that is required.
Figure 6.1: Sustrans Recommendations for Segregation and Traffic Flow
In some locations, it has been noted that cycle-friendly crossings will be required.
In most instances, further work and traffic surveys will be required to enable the
exact type of crossing provision to be determined.
*There are some examples where footway/ footpath conversions to shared use
have been identified. The conversion of footpaths and footways to permit bicycle
Sustrans Design Manual. Handbook for cycle-friendly design, Sustrans, April 2014
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
use is not regarded as a general or area-wide remedy, but has been confined to
specific links and locations. It is recommended that where footpaths conversion
and/ or footway conversion to shared use is considered then further studies are
undertaken to demonstrate that alternative options have been discounted and
that clear benefits can be derived. In such situations, it is vital that the benefits
to the cyclist are balanced against the increased risk and inconvenience to
ECC aims to limit the use of footway conversion/ shared use paths and Engineers
and Designers should first consider alternative options.
A full list of recommended schemes can be found in Table 7.1, Table 7.2 and
Table 7.3. The locations of these routes are shown in Figure 6.2, Figure 6.3 and
Figure 6.4.
6.4 Construction Design and Management (CDM)
The potential new cycle routes identified in this CAP all require further feasibility
assessment before they can be finalised or confirmed. In some cases, the
alignment of the routes may need to be amended to ensure that the safest
scheme design, in terms of operation, construction design and management, is
identified. In some cases, a route might need to be deleted entirely, if it is
determined that CDM risks cannot be reasonably mitigated through early design
Some of the potential routes are alongside or cross features such as high speed
roads, water courses or railway lines and may either require a new structure or
widening of an existing structure in order to be implemented. It is recognised
that these features raise the potential for significant risk (and indeed cost)
during construction and operational management and they will need to be given
particular consideration during the feasibility assessment.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 6.2: Existing and Potential Cycle Routes in Braintree
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Braintree District
Figure 6.3: Existing and Potential Cycle Routes in Witham
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Braintree District
Figure 6.4: Existing and Potential Cycle Routes in Halstead
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Braintree District
7 Prioritisation and Costings of Potential
7.1 Prioritising Schemes
The potential schemes have been prioritised according to four criteria of their
Extension of existing network; and
Key attractors.
A score of high, medium or low has been given for each potential scheme against
each of the prioritisation elements. It was then possible to determine the overall
prioritisation score for each scheme (again, scoring each potential scheme as
high, medium or low).
7.2 Deliverability
The deliverability of a scheme has been assessed according to land ownership
issues, which will determine how easy the scheme will be to deliver:
H: High being a scheme that lies wholly within the highway boundary,
straightforward to deliver, with no land ownership issues.
M: Medium being any route that requires conversion of Public Rights of
Way (PROW); and
L: Low being any scheme which is likely to encounter private land
ownership issues, or requires a singular large expense, such as a bridge.
7.3 Directness
The directness of the route is considered in terms of where it is proposed to
provide access to, for instance a town centre or a railway station:
H: High being a scheme that provides direct access, using as short a
distance as reasonably possible, or could provide a real improvement on
the corresponding car journey time;
M: Medium being a link route, providing access to the main radial cycle
L: Low being indirect routes, which are routed along relatively longer
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
7.4 Extension of existing network
The extent to which a potential route extends the existing network is considered
against this criteria:
H: High being a route which extends, or fills a gap in, the existing network;
L: Low being a route which is isolated and/ or unlinked to the existing
It should be noted that in some urban areas, for example Halstead, there is little
or no existing network to connect to, so most of the potential schemes will achieve
a low score in this case.
7.5 Key attractors
Under this criteria, the number of key attractors that a route connects is
considered. Key attractors include town centres, other urban areas, railway
stations, secondary schools/ education facilities, employment (including
hospitals), and leisure destinations (parks, sports centres, etc.). The scoring is
undertaken as follows:
H: High being a route which connects to three attractors;
M: Medium being a route which connects to two of these attractors; and
L: Low being a route which connects to none (or just a leisure destination)
of these attractors.
Within this criteria, town centres and railway stations are considered to be the
most important attractors, so if a route connects to both it is likely to score high
rather than medium. On the converse, leisure destinations are considered to be
less important, so may attract a lower score.
7.6 Overall prioritisation
Once a score has been obtained for each of the four criteria (Deliverability,
Directness, Extension of Existing Network and Key Attractors), its overall
prioritisation can be determined, giving an overall score of low (L), medium (M)
or high (H). As a general rule, the most frequent score obtained across the four
criteria will be the resulting overall score. Where there are an equal number of
different scores, there may be some element of subjective judgement used to
decide the overall result.
The resulting prioritisation for each of the potential schemes is shown in Table
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
7.7 Estimated costs of potential schemes
As with the prioritisation, the costs of the potential schemes are rated on a low
(L), medium (M), high (H) and exceptionally High (H+) scale. The 2017 cost
estimates relate to the following broad ranges:
L: Low being less than £100,000;
M: Medium being within the range £100,000 to £500,000;
H: High being within the range £500,000 to £1,000,000; and
H+: Exceptionally High being more than £1,000,000.
The outline costs are indicative of a feasibility proposal stage costing, prior to
detailed surveys being undertaken for design and construction. Costs exclude
the following:
VAT (costs are exclusive of VAT);
Land costs, legal fees, Highways consultation;
Construction on contaminated land;
Diversion of services;
Landscaping; and
Access roads for construction.
Realistic unit costs have been derived for each of the elements that are identified
in the potential schemes and they have been applied to a length of route where
appropriate and as a series of elements to enable the overall cost of each scheme
to be built up. The resulting estimated cost for each scheme is included in Table
7.1, Table 7.2 and Table 7.3.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Table 7.1 Costs and Prioritisation of Potential Braintree Cycle Schemes
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
Notley Road, between
south of the A120 to
Masefield Road
Create link from south to centre and
provide better residential access to cycle
network, with connection between Flitch
Way and areas to the south of Braintree
town centre, as well as connecting to
existing off road network south of A120.
Footway conversion* to shared use on northbound
footway, from existing off-road cycle lane south of A120 to
Masefield Road. Suitable cycle crossing to be provided of
Notley Road (Sustrans recommends zebra crossing shared
with cyclists), south of Masefield Road junction. Parapet
height to be raised above 1.4m on bridge. Route connects
existing off road network to town centre and station by
connecting to potential routes 3 and 4, providing a link also
to the Flitch Way. Route also provides improved cycle
access to Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form and
John Ray Infant School.
Milton Avenue/
Goldingham Drive/ Park
On road route through quiet residential
area. Lightly trafficked routes provide a
good opportunity to develop a safe on
road cycle network
Signed quietway along Milton Avenue, Goldingham Drive
and Park Drive.
Challis Lane and
Masefield Road
On road through quiet residential area.
Lightly trafficked routes provide a good
opportunity to develop a safe on road
cycle network
Signed quietway along Masefield Rd and Challis Lane.
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use east of Challis
Lane/Skitts Hill/Park Drive junction
Rifle Hill, Hillside
Gardens, Stephenson
Road, Buckwoods Road,
Orchards Drive
On road through quiet residential area.
Lightly trafficked routes provide a good
opportunity to develop a safe on road
cycle network
Signed quietway from Rifle Hill, Stephenson Rd and
Buckwoods Rd.
Orchard Drive
On road through quiet residential area.
Lightly trafficked routes provide a good
opportunity to develop a safe on road
cycle network
Signed quietway along Orchard Drive
Duggers Lane/ Skitts
On road through quiet residential area.
Lightly trafficked routes provide a good
opportunity to develop a safe on road
cycle network
Signed on road provision along Skitts Rd from junction with
Challis to roundabout with Mill Park Drive. Signed quietway
along Duggers Lane.
Mill Park Drive to
Braintree Freeport rail
Connection between residential areas
(and potential on road quietway
network), with Braintree Freeport and
Signed on road advisory cycle lane along Mill Park Drive
from Skitts Hill to connect to the existing network over the
railbridge to Braintree Freeport Station.
Mill Hill between B1018
and Megs Way
Connection between residential areas
across railway track, with links to existing
off road cycle network
Footpath* link to allow cyclists from Mill Park Drive to Megs
Way. Signed quietway along Megs Way to Mill Hill/B1018
Braintree Station/Rose
Hill/Skitts Hill
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use on PROW 68_80
and 68_81 from Braintree Station along River Brain
eastwards to Rose Hill. Widen small bridge over the Brain to
southeast rear of station- potential width issues. Signed
and marked advisory route on Rose Hill and Skitts Hill to the
roundabout. Enhance Rose Hill/Skitts Hill roundabout for
cyclists. Scheme will connect with Station Approach.
Manor Street/Benfield
Sign and mark on-road advisory cycle lane on Manor Street
between B1256 and Benfield Way. Enhance Benfield
Way/Manor St junction for cyclists. Potential to add toucan
crossing on Manor St to gain access to Rose Hill via the
existing public walkway (convert steps to ramp). Signed
quietway on Benfield Way to join to existing cycleway from
Benfield Way to Trotters Field.
Clockhouse Way
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from Anglia Way
to Clockhouse Way via PROW 68_87 and 68_104. Potential
width issue. Route continues along signed quietway on
Clockhouse Way to Cressing Rd.
Cressing Road
Signed and marked advisory cycle lane on Trotters Field and
along Cressing Rd between Trotters Field and Bishops
Avenue Slip road. Potential footway conversion* to shared
use on the southbound side of Cressing Road between
Bishops Avenue Slip road and Stubbs Lane. Route includes
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
short on-road section on Stubbs lane to join existing cycle
path on Millenium Way.
Bartram Avenue South/
Gulls Croft/Twelve Acres
Signed quietway along Bartram Avenue South to potential
footway conversion* to shared use, and signed quietway on
Gulls Croft and Twelve Acres to existing shared cycleway.
Potential land ownership issues as the remote footway
requires widening.
Charter Way
Signed footway conversion* to shared use on Charter Way
providing link between existing cycle routes, passing
Braintree Freeport Station
Chelmer Rd/Cressing Rd/
Beckers Green Rd
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use along PROW
68_136 north of the B1018 Millenium Way/Charter Way
roundabout to Mersea Fleetway. Potential Highway
Boundary issues. Signed quietway along Mersea Fleetway
and Chelmer Rd to Cressing Rd. Enhancement of Chelmer
Rd/Cressing Rd. Signed and marked advisory cycle lane
along Cressing Rd to Beckers Green Rd. Signed quietway
along Beckers Green Rd to join existing cycle network.
A120 betweeen Cressing
Road and B1018
Millenium Way
Signed footway conversion* to shared use along the A120
from Cressing Rd to Millenium Way. Potential land
ownership issues if footway requires widening.
Beckers Green Road to
Cressing Road
Signed footway conversion* to shared use from Beckers
Green Rd to Cressing Rd. Potential land ownership issues if
requires widening.
Coggeshall Road
between Bridport Way
Junction and Bartram
Ave North
Signed and marked on-road advisory cycle lane on
Coggeshall Rd from Wheatley Avenue to Bartram Avenue
North. Signed footway conversion* to shared use on the
westbound side of Coggeshall Rd from Bartram Avenue
North to existing cycle path west of Bridport roundabout.
Advance stop lines at key junctions (Wheatley Avenue,
Cressing Rd, Marlborough Rd). For the remainder of
Coggeshall Road traffic calming and speed reduction
measures required to ensure this high demand cycling
corridor is fit for purpose.
Vernon Way and
Rayleigh Close
Signed quietway along Vernon Way (Mountbatten junction)
and Rayleigh Close to the existing remote footway (convert
to shared use) that joins to the existing cycle route.
Mountbatten Rd
Signed quietway along Julien Court Road to potential
footpath conversion to shared use along PROW 68_147.
Potential width issues. Signed quietway along Marlborough
Rd from Beaufort Gardens to Vanguard Way, Mountbatten
Rd to Coggeshall Rd (traffic calming mesasures in place-
speed bumps). Enhance Mountbatten/Coggeshall Rd
junction for cyclists. Signed quietway on Wheatley Avenue,
to the footpath conversion* to shared use from Cunnington
Road to Bartram Avenue South via PROW 68_113. Potential
width issue.
Essex Rd, Connaught
Gardens, Edinburgh
Gardens, Beatty Gardens
Signed quietway to green space at Wellington Close from
Marlborough Rd via Essex Rd, Connaught Gardens,
Edinburgh Gardens. Potential signed remote footway
conversion* to shared use across the green space to
Mountbatten Rd via signed quietway at Beatty Gardens.
Potential land ownership issue if footpath requires
B1053/River Mead Rd,
Blackwater Way, Julien
Court Rd, Courtauld Rd
Signed and marked quietway from Julien Court Rd via Valley
Rd and Blackwater Way. Signed remote footway
conversion* to shared use north to River Mead. Potential
signed footway conversion* to shared use on northbound
side of River Mead Rd to Convent Hill.
Albert Rd /Coggeshall Rd
/Keeble Way
Signed quietway connecting Manor St to existing cycle
route across Keeble Way, via Albert Rd. Potential signed
footway conversion* to shared use on Coggeshall Rd from
Albert Rd to Keeble Way, and signed quietway along Keeble
Way. Potential width issues on Coggeshall footway.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
Coggeshall Rd to
Courtauld Rd
Signed remote footway conversion* through the Park past
Bocking Place from Courtauld Rd to exisiting cycle route to
Coggeshall Rd.
The Avenue, School
Walk, Woodfield Rd,
Mount Rd
Signed quietway along The Avenue and School Walk.
Possibility to add tiger crossing of Coggeshall Rd to allow
cyclists to reach existing cycle path north of The Avenue.
Enable cycling along existing pedestrian link between
School Walk and Market Place. School Walk is currently one
way westbound for vehicular movements. Enable two-
directional on-road cycling along this link after reviewing
highway constraints. Route also extends on-road from
Woodfield Rd to Mount Rd (south). Allow cyclists to cross
Woodfield Rd to Mount Rd (south).
Manor St
Signed quietway on Manor St from Market Place to Mount
Road to join the existing contraflow route on Manor St from
Mount Road to the B1256.
High Street
Signed and marked on-road advisory cycle lane from South
St to Peirreffitte Way junction via Fairfield Rd, Market Place,
Great Square and High St. Potential contraflow cycle route
on western side of High St. Advance stop lines on western
side at junction.
London Road, between
Tortoiseshell Way and
Clare Rd (via Flitch Way)
Signed on-road advisory cycle lane on London Rd between
Clare Rd and Tortoiseshell Way. Traffic calming measures
will be required to reduce speed on London Rd to align
recommendation with Sustrans guidance. Potentially
remove on-street car parking and improve junction at Flitch
Way end to enable cyclists to access Flitch Way directly
from London Rd.
Footpath between
London Rd and Pod's
Brook Road
Signed footway conversion* to shared use running parallel
to A120 from London Rd to Pods Brook Rd. Potential land
ownership issues.
Pods Brook Road south
of roundabout with
Rayne Rd
Removal of grass verge to create new off-road cycle track
along Pod's Brook Rd from end of footpath (Scheme 30)
northwards to Raynes Rd roundabout.
Guernsey Way and
around Barens
Signed quietway along Guernsey Way and around Barens
Flitch Way to Rayne
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use along PROW
68_108 parallel to River Brain from existing cycle route on
Flitch Way northwest to Rayne Rd.
Springwood Drive,
between Raynes Rd and
Xpect Health & Fitness
(to connect with existing
off-rd cycle route)
Signed on road advisory cycle lanes along Springwood
Drive from Rayne Rd to the Club House.
Swinbourne Drive
Signed quietway on Swinbourne Drive from Springwood
Drive. Potential land ownership issues as Swinbourne Drive
is private. Signed footpath conversion* to shared use on
PROW 68_62 and 68_62 to join existing cycle network from
Swinbourne Drive.
Clare Rd (between
B1256 and Pods Brook
Road) and footbridge
Enhance and sign footbridge conversion to shared use over
Pods Brook Rd (PROW 68_108). Advisory on-road provision
from the footbridge along Clare Rd to the Pierrefitte Way.
Remove kerbing where necessary. Enhance junction for
cyclists, including advanced stop lines.
Avenue/Porters field
Signed footway conversion* to shared use through the
green space from Porters Field to Tabor Avenue. Private
land therefore possible land ownership issues. Signed
quietway on Tabor Avenue, and signed footpath conversion
to shared use (PROW 68_122). Potential width issues, and
prohibition of cycling should be removed. Route continues
on signed quietway along Peel Crescent to Rayne Rd.
Tabor Avenue and
Coldnailhurst Avenue
Signed and marked on-road route along Tabor Avenue
(quietway), and enhance Tabor Avenue/Panfield Lane
roundabout for cyclists. Signed and marked advisory cycle
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
lane on Coldnailhurst Avenue to Meadowside. Consider
cycle track creation from Meadowside to B1053 Church
Panfield Lane
Consider traffic calming measures and re-allocation of road
space along Panfield Lane and create space for people who
cycle for example advisory cycle lanes.
Sunnyside and Aetheric
Signed quietway on Sunnyside and Aetheric Road from
Rayne Rd to Panfield Lane
B1256 Rayne Rd/Bocking
Sign and mark advisory cycle route along B1256 Rayne Rd
between Peel Crescent and Bocking End. Pierrefitte
Way/B1256 junction enhancement required for cyclists
(advance stop lines). Remove parking on eastbound side of
B1256 Rayne Rd between Peel Crescent and Aetheric Rd.
Raise carriageway level to create a new public realm in
which the ‘car is guest’ along the one way Street of Bocking
End from Rayne Road. Alternatively install bollards and
close route to vehicles. Advisory route on two-way Bocking
End to continue until St Peter's Road.
Panfield Lane to Rana
Drive via off road paths
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from Panfield
Lane to Rana Drive (PROW 68_135 and PROW 68_66).
Private road and therefore possible land ownership issues.
PROW 68_66 may be subject to potential width issues and
removal required of Prohibition of Cycling. Route continues
on-road along Rana Drive westwards to join existing cycle
Pierreifitte Way
Signed advisory cycle route along Pierrefitte Way from
Rayne Road to London Road junction. Junctions at London
Road and/ or Rayne Road to be enhanced with innovative
cycle priority. Traffic calming measures will be required to
reduce speed on Pierreifitte Way to align recommendation
with Sustrans guidance
Coldnailhurst Avenue to
Panfield Rd (month)
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use (PROW 68_47)
from Panfield Lane to Bailey Bridge Road route continues as
Quietway along Meadowside to Coldnailhurst Avenue.
Potential Highway Boundary issue- further study required.
Glebe Ave
Signed quietway on Glebe Avenue from Oakley Rd to Baily
Bridge Rd, and along Bailey Bridge Rd to Queens Rd.
Queens Road
Quietway on Queens Rd from Bailey Bridge Rd to
Coldnailhurst Avenue.
Boleyns Avenue
Quietway on Boleyns Avenue from Coldnailhurst Avenue to
Church Lane.
Wentworth Crescent
Signed and marked quietway connecting to existing
network towards the town centre.
Bradford Street and
Signed quietway along Rana Drive to the potential footpath
conversion* to shared use along PROW 68_44, then onto
quietway on Williams Drive, and along potential footpath
conversion* to shared use along PROW 68_45 and Friars
Lane. Route continues on-road along Bradford Street and
Phillips Chase to potential footpath conversion to shared
use along PROW 68_53 to join Scheme 22.
Crescent/Rose Hill
Continued potential advisory route along Trinovantian Way
from Scheme 10, onto a signed quietway along Wickham
Crescent to potential footpath* conversion to shared use
along PROW 68_92, to potential advisory cycle lane on Rose
Hill to join Scheme 9. Further feasibility study is required for
this route.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Table 7.2: Costs and Prioritisation of Potential Witham Cycle Schemes
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
Cypress Road
Signed Quietway on Cypress Rd from Braintree Rd to Forest
Rd. Enhance Cypress Rd/Braintree Rd roundabout for people
that cycle.
Forest Rd and Rickstones
Signed and marked advisory on-road cycle lane on Rickstones
Rd and Forest Rd to Mulberry Gardens and allow cyclists on
Motts Lane to connect to national cycling route.
Braintree Rd, Chalks Rd,
Church St
Signed on-road provision (shared carriageway) on Braintree
Rd from Cypress Rd roundabout to Chalks Rd, Chalks Rd and
Church St to Chipping Hill.
Braintree Rd, Albert Rd,
Cut Throat lane, Motts
Signed on-road provision on Braintree Rd from Albert Rd to
Cut Throat Lane (quietway). On road cycle route continues
along Cut Throat Lane following alignment of NCN 16,
although it is noted that this road is narrow, so exact provision
will need to be determined.through further investigation
Station Road, Avenue Rd
(between station Road and
On road provision along Chess lane from existing cycle path.
Chess Lane is narrow and exact provision will need to be
determined. Add a suitable crossing of B1389 to enable safe
access to Avenue Rd (tiger?). Signed on-road quietway
provision along Avenue Rd and Station Rd leading to the rear
of Witham Station.
Blackwater Rail Trail /
Extension of current off-road cycle network from Blackwater
Rail Trail, under B1389 Colchester Rd to Eastways. Signed
quietway along Eastways to existing cycle track on Motts
Freebournes Road to
B1389, B1389 between
Freebournes Road and
On road advisory cycle lanes along Pastures Road and
Freebournes Rd. Carriageway is wide, so reallocation of road
space to favour people who cycle would be beneficial.
Vehicle speeds to be determined and measures may be
required to reduce vehicle speeds to improve conditions for
cyclists. Enhancement of B1389/Freebournes Rd junction to
improve for cyclists, and addition of junction crossings on
B1389 for cyclists to connect with NCN16. Existing on street
parking may be problematic.
The Avenue, the Grove,
Pastures Rd
On road advisory cycle lane along The Avenue, in combination
with traffic calming/ speed reduction measures. Potential to
utilise grass verge to provide a segregated facility if speeds
can’t be reduced as required. Enhance The Avenue/B1389
Colchester Rd junction. On road advisory cycle lane continues
along The Grove Route connects to potential on-road
advisory cycle lanes on Pastures Lane (scheme 7) and
onwards to the Blackwater Rail Trail.
Green route via Pastures
Way and Blackman Way
and Constance Close
Signed remote footway conversion* to shared use from
Pastures Rd south to Blackman Way through green space.
Widen and surface path through green space crossing
Blackwater Lane to Constance Close and convert to shared
use. Path crosses Blackwater Lane running south to
Constance Close. Enhancement and widening of bridge over
River Brain may be required.
Spa Road, Flora Road,
Bramble Road section
Extension of the existing signed and marked off-road cycle
path along Spa Rd, from vicinity of Brain Road to Powers Hall
End. There is potential to provide hybrid on-road cycle routes
through reallocation of carriageway and utilisation of wide
grass verges to a continental standard). Enhance the Powers
Hall End/ Spa Road junction by making crossings of Powers
Hall End suitable for cyclists (tiger?). Route continues along
Floral Road, where introduction of traffic calming measures
to reduce vehicle speeds would enable on road cycle lanes to
be provided as per Sustrans guidance. Without a reduction in
vehicle speeds, a segregated cycle lane should be provided,
which would require reallocation of grass verges. Route
continues along Brambles Road, where an on road advisory
cycle lane could be provided to connect with existing cycle
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
Newlands Drive one way
Signed advisory cycle lane on Newlands Drive (one way
Moat Farm Chase and
White Horse Lane
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from River Brain
to Chipping Hill via Moat Farm Chase (PROW 121_88).
Suitable crossing of Chipping hill required for cyclists (tiger)
further study required. Signed quietway along White Horse
Lane crossing B1018 Braintree Rd. Toucan crossing on B1018
to provide continuous route along White Hart Lane.
Armond Road section
Signed and marked advisory cycle lane on Armond Rd from
Guithavon Valley to Highfields to connect to existing cycle
path off Highfields Rd. Enhancement of junction at Armond
Rd and Highfields Rd for cyclists.
Easton Road, Collingwood
Rd, B1389 Newland St
Signed quietway on Easton Rd from B1018 Braintree Rd to
Witham Station access. Footway conversion* to shared use
from Easton Rd to The Avenue/B1018 roundabout and tiger
crossing of The Avenue to continue route along B1018
Collingwood Rd. Potential signed footway* conversion to
shared use of B1018 Collingwood Rd from The Avenue
roundabout to Guithavon Valley Rd. Signed and marked
advisory cycle lane along B1018 Collingwood Rd to Newland
St, and Newland St from B1018 Collingwood Rd to Kings
Chase. Provide advanced stop lines along Newland St and at
key junctions (B1018 Collingwood Rd/B1389 Newlands Drive
and Maldon Rd/B1389).
Guithavon Valley section
between its junction with
Guithoven St and Cockram
Lane and Cockram Lane.
Signed on-road provision on Guithavon Valley between
Guithaven St/junction and Lockram Lane. Suitable
enhancements required to enable cyclists to safely cross/turn
right from Guithavon Valley to Lockram Lane. Signed E-W
footpath conversion* to shared use from Lockram Lane to
B1018 Collingwood Road (PROW 121_89). Potential width
issue, therefore further study required.
Recreation Ground
Signed footway conversion* to shared use around perimeter
of the recreation ground from Kings Chase to Maldon Rd.
Newlands Drive one way
Signed advisory cycle lane on Newlands Drive (one way
Recreation Ground
Signed footway conversion* to shared use through the
recreation round from north west entrance south eastwards
to existing cycle route leading to Laurence Avenue.
The Grove
Suitable crossing required on B1018 Maldon Rd near entrance
to recreation ground (tiger). Signed advisory cycle lane along
Grove Rd from Maldon Rd roundabout to Pasture Rd
River View and B1389
between Blackman Way
and River View
Signed quietway along Blackman Way from Scheme 9 to
advisory cycle lane on Maldon Rd to the footpath south of
River Brain.
Pattison Close, Lawrence
Ave, link via Dengie Close
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from Maldon Rd
to Pattinson Close via PROW 121_90. Signed quietway along
Pattison Close and advisory cycle route along Laurence
Avenue to Howbridge Rd south of Pinkham Drive. Footway
conversion* to shared use from Howbridge Rd westwards
north of Dengie Close and around the nursery, around the
football pitches and south to Maltings Lane. Resurfacing and
widening of path may be required to improve conditions for
cyclists- likely to need land from BDC to widen footpath.
Allectus Way. Blunts Hall
Road , Stevens Road to
Highfields Road
Signed footway conversion* to shared use from Town End
Field to B1389 Hatfield Rd via PROW 121_91. Suitable
crossing for cyclists across B1389 Hatfield Rd (tiger) should be
considered- further study required (PV^2). Quietway along
Allectus Way from B1389 Hatfield Rd to Deford Rd. Signed
footpath conversion* to shared use via PROW 121_117 to
Stevens Rd. Potential width issue and therefore required
further study. Replace steps at Stevens Rd to PROW 121_117
with ramp. Signed quietway on Stevens Rd. Signed and
widened footway conversion* to shared use on the
westbound side of Blunt Halls Rd to Spinks Lane.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
Hatfield Road section
between Howbridge Road
and Maltings Lane. Spinks
Signed footway conversion* to shared use on southbound
side of Spinks Lane from Blunt Halls Road to B1389 Hatfield
Road. Provide suitable crossing (tiger) of Spinks Lane to
connect with potential Scheme 22 on Blunt Halls Rd. Convert
pelican crossing at Hatfield Rd to toucan crossing.
Route continues along Hatfield Road, where a reduction of
centre line hatching on Hatfield Rd between Howbridge Rd
and Maltings Lane would create space for potential
mandatory cycle lanes. Future potential to extend the route
into the town centre.
Footpath from B1389
Footway conversion* to shared use from B1389 Hatfield Rd
to Bramston Sports Ground to connect to existing cycle route.
Convert zebra crossing to a tiger crossing for cyclists on
Hatfield Rd.
Guithavon Road,
Guithavon St to Newland
Signed quietway on Guithavon Rd from Blunts Hall Rd to
Guithavon St. Junction enhancement required to ensure safe
for cyclists cycling to Guithavon St. Advisory on-road cycle
lane along Guithavon St to Newland St.
Highfields Road
Introduce traffic calming measures to reduce vehicle speeds
along Highfields Road. This would enable on-road advisory
cycle lanes to be utilised along Highfields, between Spinks
Lane and Spa Road where route connects with existing shared
use footway conversion along Spa Road.
Albert Road and Braintree
Road section (between
both Albert Road
Consider ‘Cycle Street’ on the one-way Albert Rd from Cut
Throat Lane to Braintree Rd. Rail station needs signage to
indicate northbound cyclists to go via Braintree Road and
southbound cyclists to go via Easton Road or Station Road to
avoid busy junction at the station.
Powers Hall End section
between existing off road
routes opposite Saxton
Drive and River Brain
Signed quietway from existing cycle route to Powershall End,
along Powershall End to existing route on the southside of
Powershall End. Suitable crossing should be considered for
safe crossing of Powershall End (toucan?)
Hatfield Road between
Gershwin Boulevard
roundabout to Maltings
Continuation of mandatory cycle lane 23. Reducing central
hatching would create required width. To be provided from
Hatfield Road/Gershwin Boulevard to Maltings Lane.
Ebenezer Close/Cressing
Road/Conrad Road
Signed quietway along Ebenezer Close to existing bridge over
the railway line. Ensure this bridge is suitable for shared use
by pedestrians and cyclists-enhancements may be required.
Route then joins Cressing Road, which is currently an
overgrown track and so may require improvements to
provide a comfortable cycle track. At B1018 Cressing Road,
vehicle speeds dictate that physical segregation is necessary,
so convert existing zebra (southeast of Cressing Road/
Cressing Road (main)) junction to a toucan and relocate
further north west. Create a new footway conversion* to
shared use on southeastbound side of Cressing Road by
reallocating grass verge, as far as Conrad Road. Along Conrad
Road, route continues as signed Quietway, providing a
connection to potential scheme 2.
Footpath from Rosebay
Close and PROW 121_66
Footway conversion* to shared use from Rosebay Close to
Scheme 28, joined by subway to be converted to shared use,
with ramp implemented for cyclists, and potential footpath
conversion to shared use of PROW 121_66 from Bramble
Road to Powers Hall Road. Enhancements and resurfacing of
path required. Potential width issues.
West of the Railway Line
New pedestrian/cyclist shared path through green field from
Motts Lane north eastwards parallel to the railway line to new
development (east of Yew Close). Potential land ownership
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Table 7.3: Costs and Prioritisation of Potential Halstead Cycle Schemes
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
White Horse Avenue from
A131 Mount Hill to Tidings
Signed and marked footway conversion* to shared use along
White Horse Avenue from A131 Mount Hill to Tidings Hill.
Crossing of side roads along the off road route should be
Link from Grange Close to
Firwood's Road along
Tidings Hill. Highfields/
Stanstead Road/ Ravens
Signed Quietway along Tidings Hill from Grange Close to north
of White Horse Avenue. Signed quietway route continues via
Firwoods Rd to South Close, utilising a new footpath
conversion* to shared use along PROW 88_23. Enhancement
of intersection of Firwoods and the footway conversion will
be required. Potential width issues that will require further
study. Signed quietway route via Schools Close, Highfields,
and remote footway conversion to shared use, linking to
Stanstead Rd. Signed quietway along Stanstead Rd, Ravens
Avenue and River Close to reach Scheme 3 (PROW 89_1)
Ravens Avenue to A1124
Colchester Road
Signed and resurfaced footpath conversion* to shared use
from River Close to the A1124 via PROW 89_1, 88_26.
Potential width issues that will require further study.
A1124 Colchester Road:
J/W Church Road to J/W
First Avenue
Signed on-road advisory route for cyclists along A1124
Colchester Rd from junction with Church Rd to junction with
First Avenue. Traffic calming measures should be considered.
Fenn Road, Colchester
Road J/W Fenn Road to
existing PROW
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from Central Park
Warehouse development to A1124 Colchester Rd via PROW
89_26. Signed footway conversion to shared use on
eastbound side of Colchester Rd from PROW to Fenn Rd.
Suitable crossing for cyclists should be considered across
A1124 Colchester Rd to connect potential cycling routes
(tiger). Suitable crossing (tiger) of Fenn Rd. Route continues
on-road as potential advisory route along Fenn Rd and Colne
Rd to Coggeshall Way and Hawthorn Close (west). Signed
quietway provision on Hawthorn Close to the footpath PROW
Churchill Avenue/ Winston
Way/ Hawthorne Close/
Coggeshall Way
Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from Hawthorn
Close to Winston Way via PROW 89_19. Potential width issue
which will require further study. Signed quietway on Winston
Way, Churchill Avenue to the A131.
PROW from Hawthorn
Close to Star Stile
Signed footpath conversion to shared use from Hawthorn
Close northwards along PROW 89_19 to Star Stile as a leisure
route. Potential width issue, and the route is through a nature
reserve, which will require further consideration.
Kestrel Rise to Colne Road
N-S link from Colne Rd to River Colne route (Scheme 10) via
predominantly off-road route utilising existing footpaths and
PROWs. Signed footpath conversion* to shared use from
Colne Rd to A1124 Colchester Rd via PROW 89_24. Potential
width issue which will required further study. Suitable
crossing for cyclists across Colchester Rd (tiger). Signed
footway conversion* from A1124 Colchester Rd to Harvey St
via Harvey St footpath. Harvey St footpath appears to be
private and therefore potential land ownership issues. Signed
quietway along Harvey St, Gardeners Rd connecting to River
Colne via footway conversion* to shared use from Gardeners
Rd past Kestrel Rise.
Parsons Bridge to
Colchester Road
Signed footway conversion* to shared use along northern
boundary of River Colne from Parsonage St to Nether Court.
Signed quietway along Nether Court and Chaffinch Way to
meet PROW 89_26 (Scheme 6).
Factory Lane East
Link from A131 High St to Parsonage Lane via signed quietway
on Factory Lane East, and along remote footway conversion
to shared use from Factory Lane East to Parsonage St.
Bridge Road/ Colne Valley
Close/ Chapel Street
Route from A131 to Beridge Rd via signed quietway on Chapel
St, signed footway conversion* to shared use over River Colne
on Chapel St, signed footway conversion* to shared use from
Butler Rd to Colne Valley Close, signed quietway on Colne
Valley Close, and Beridge Rd to The Pippins.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Route Name
Potential Solution subject to Feasibility Study
Martin's Road/ Kings Road/
Factory Road West/ The
Signed quietway route from A131 High St along The
Causeway, (a contra-flow for cyclists will be required in
eastbound/ southbound direction) Factory Lane West, Kings
Rd and Martins Rd. Route continues on a remote footway
conversion from Martin’s Road/ Neale Road to Mitchell
Rayner Way to Mitchell
Signed quietway on Mitchell Avenue to join signed footpath
conversion to shared use from Park Drive to Tidings Hill
(PROW 89_4). Signed footpath conversion* to shared use also
joins to Holmes Rd.
Parsonage St
On-road provision along Fairfield Way from Pasonage St
(PROW 89_3)
Abels Road to Ramsey
Road. Existing footpaths
linking Ramsey Road to
Neale Road
Signed footpath* conversion to shared use from Cutting Drive
to Ramsey Rd via PROW 89_5. Signed footpath conversion to
shared use from Ramsey Rd through green space to Juniper
Close/Holmes Rd. Signed quietway on Juniper Close to
footpath conversion to shared use to quietway on Abels Rd to
White Horse Avenue
Abels Road and Ramsey
Signed quietway route from A131 Mount Hill to Abel Rd/Link
Rd via Ramsey Rd, and signed and widened footway
conversion to shared use along Abel Rd from Ramsey Rd to
Link Rd.
Parsonage St/ Mallows
Field/Pretoria Road
Signed on-road provision on Parsonage St, Mallows Field and
Pretoria Road to Colne Road. Traffic calming measures should
be considered to reduce speeds and make it safe for cyclists.
Suitable crossing of Colchester Road should be considered.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
8 Flagship Routes
8.1 Introduction
A Flagship Cycle Route is a key corridor providing safer, faster and more direct
access to one or more key attractors (town centres, employment sites, education
establishments, transport hubs, visitor attractions and existing/proposed
developments). The routes will be on high demand corridors, be able to meet
demand (both existing and potential), encourage a focus on innovation/design
best practice and will include continental standard facilities, where appropriate.
It is hoped that a county-wide suite of Flagship Routes will be a focus for future
funding, high quality infrastructure, design best practice and innovation.
8.2 Potential Flagship Routes in Braintree District
It is proposed that two Flagship routes for Braintree District are created: an East/
West Flagship Route and a North/ South Flagship Route. The routes meet at
Braintree railway station and provide key links to the town centre and Braintree
Freeport. The potential Flagship Routes are shown in Figure 8.1.
8.3 East/West Flagship Route
An East/West Flagship route can be created by upgrading the existing cycling
network that runs along the Flitch Way from Rayne in the West to Freeport
(Millennium Way) in the East. Particular focus will be required linking Mill Park
Drive to the traffic-free provision off Rose Hill.
This key spine route could benefit from upgraded provision and can be
supplemented by improved connections to the north and south of town, the town
centre, the station and various residential areas.
8.4 North/South Flagship Route
A North/South Flagship route can be created utilising some of the isolated
existing provision within the town. Particular focus will be required linking the
station to the town and where the route crosses Coggeshall Road. This flagship
route would benefit from proposed contraflow arrangements around Braintree
railway station.
This key spine route could be supplemented by improved connections to
residential and employment opportunities in the north of the town, ‘The College
at Braintree’, the station and the town centre.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
8.5 Potential alternative Flagship Routes
The precise routings of the potential Flagship Routes is not yet fixed as they will
be subject to further investigation before this can be finalised. It is noted in
Section 3 of this report that some of the highest existing cycle flows in the District
occur in the following locations: Cressing Road, Coggeshall Road; and Rayne
Road, in Braintree.
To capitalise on, safely accommodate and encourage further, the existing high
levels of cycle flow, these locations could be considered for an additional Flagship
Route(s). This should be investigated when the exact route alignment is
8.6 Prioritisation of Flagship Routes
Both Flagship Routes have been considered against the four prioritisation criteria,
as per the other potential schemes:
Extension of existing network; and
Key attractors.
For the East/ West Flagship Route, this assessment found that the route would
be relatively easy to achieve, although there may be some Public Rights of Way
issues to negotiate between Braintree station and Braintree Freeport station. The
route is considered to be very direct but there are few connections to the existing
network as it is sparse in that area of Braintree. It provides a direct link between
the leisure opportunities afforded by the Flitch Way, Braintree station and
Braintree Freeport. As such, this route would overall achieve a high prioritisation.
The North/ South Flagship Route similarly connects a number of key destinations
(employment in the north, the town centre and Braintree station), by linking
disparate parts of the existing cycle network, so providing a much more useful
route. It is direct, relatively straightforward to deliver and connects to the existing
network in a number of locations, so would also achieve a high priority.
The inference from the prioritisation exercise is that it supports the basis for
identifying the Flagship Routes in the first instance, in that they are key corridors,
providing important benefits for cycling in Braintree and should therefore be
considered a high priority going forward.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Figure 8.1: Potential Flagship Routes for Braintree District
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
9 Smarter Travel Measures
9.1 Introduction
To ensure the potential for cycling is fully realised, new infrastructure must be
accompanied by targeted promotion and events.
Local promotion of cycling should be increased to convince residents that cycling
is a normal and accessible activity for all as well as highlighting the health benefits
of cycling.
In addition, cycling has the potential to alleviate congestion by persuading people
to replace a local car journey by cycling. This could include workplace travel
planning in the town centres within the District.
9.2 Marketing and promotion
The Essex Cycling Strategy sets out a number of overarching themes for
marketing and promoting cycling which are as follows:
9.2.1 Cycle Essex
ECC are committed to running high profile campaigns under the “Cycle Essex”
umbrella which aim to change the image of cycling in Essex, break down
perceptual barriers, communicate a safety message and tie in with existing
organisations such as Active Essex.
9.2.2 High profile events
Essex has been successful in attracting high profile cycling events to the County
that have been well attended by the public, such as hosting Stage 3 of the 2014
Tour de France. ECC would like people to continue to support these events but
also give cycling a try through further mass event, car free days in town centres
and bike festivals.
9.2.3 Support for local initiatives
ECC recognise that Local initiatives are particularly effective at engaging with
people on a personal level. Therefore they aim to empower Boroughs / Districts
to promote cycling locally, support community providers / charities, support
cycling clubs and ensuring that secondary schools, large employers, large council
offices and major hospitals have up to date travel plans.
9.2.4 Cycling Maps
Cycling maps (digital and on paper) aid in navigation and are an effective
marketing tool for raising the profile of cycling. If the maps are legible, well
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
designed and effectively disseminated, they can be the nudge that is needed to
motivate the ‘near market’ to start making some trips by bike.
In addition, in order to maximise the benefits of cycling maps, future cycling maps
for Braintree should be designed with the following principles in mind:
The maps should be prepared under the same design guidelines as the
promotion of ‘Cycle Essex’. This will help to raise their profile and visibility;
Information included in the maps should correspond with the signage by
the roadside;
Include more information about local points of interest. This might
encourage leisure cycling, local tourism and increase patronage to local
attractions; and
Widely distribute the maps (if more than one) in a bundle and on as many
online and physical outlets as possible.
Furthermore, official and unofficial routes are also available through mobile
phone apps, social media and specialised websites such as and, which allows people to track their routes whilst cycling and share
them on various platforms.
For example, there is some interest in cycling at a community level in the District,
as demonstrated by the website displaying over 1,700 routes in
Braintree, more than 700 routes in Witham and more than 300 routes in Halstead,
recommended by its users.
9.3 Potential Local Considerations
Cycling in Braintree is well established and many employment and leisure
activities are based in the town. The profile and awareness of cycling has
undoubtedly been enhanced by the district and outskirts of the town itself being
included as part of Stage 3 of the Tour de France 2014. The town was also the
start point of Stage 2 of the 2015 Women’s Tour of Britain.
As well as the existing National Cycle Network, further recommended leisure
routes have also been introduced by Essex County Council as part of the Cycle
Essex scheme and connect Braintree to neighbouring villages and attractions.
Many more localised activities and clubs are also present in the town, including
Braintree Velo, which are a competitive cycling club based in Braintree. The club
enters numerous events and competitions within the local area. Additional clubs
include the Forty Plus Cycling Club and the Essex Roads Cycling Club. The
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
national cycling charity CTC also has a strong presence within the town and offers
weekly sessions and communal rides, all with an aim to improve cycle safety and
With a high number of local journey to work trips being made, a programme of
targeted workplace travel planning should be implemented with a focus on cycling
where network has been provided.
Cycling in Witham is less established than in Braintree, although there are a
number of schemes in place. For example, Witham Town Council has
recommended a number of routes which utilise the existing signed network within
the town, and Braintree District Council, in conjunction with the cycle charity, CTC
is running events to encouraging cycling for leisure.
Witham is also home to Witham Cycling, a cycle club affiliated with the CTC,
however the regularity of meetings and events is unknown.
Awareness of cycling in Halstead has been raised by the presence of high profile
events within the vicinity of the town, including Stage 2 of the 2015 Women’s Tour
of Britain, and by Braintree District Council which has run events in conjunction
with the CTC to encourage cycle use.
Although not part of the National Cycle Network, Essex County Council has
included Halstead in its Cycle Essex scheme, with numerous recommended
routes connecting it to neighbouring villages and sites of interest.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
10 Delivery and Funding
10.1 Delivery
The recent Infrastructure Act (February 2015) places a commitment on the
Government to produce a Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. The strategy
would specify the objectives to be achieved and the financial resources available.
This new bill shows a change in the government’s thinking and a clear
commitment to providing for cycling as well as accepting responsibility for targets
and funding.
The Department for Transport’s Cycling Delivery Plan (October 2014) refers to a
new national cycling target, to double the number of cycling stages (trips)
nationally over a 10 year period. This new target will be adopted by Essex as part
of this strategy.
The Government has also set a target of achieving an annual cycling spend of
£10 to £20 per head of the population. In Essex this would equate to
approximately £17million to £34million per year spent on cycling.
A step change in the provision of cycling infrastructure and promotion will require
an increase in funding over and above the current level of funding for cycling in
Essex. Essex County has committed to:
Ensuring a consistent level of revenue and capital funding to support the
delivery of this strategy;
Increasing the level of funding in Essex from its current level of £2 - £3 per
head of population to £10 per head of population by 2025;
Increasing the utilisation and prioritisation of other funding sources such
as developer contributions and central Government grants/allocations;
Developing a clear and cohesive methodology for the allocation of cycle
funding across Essex Districts.
This will ensure that new proposals are not frustrated by a lack of funding and
designers and promoters are set free to develop measures that will lead to a
consistent growth in cycling numbers, frequency and safety.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
10.2 Funding Options
There are a range of funding sources available for the potential schemes
identified in the Cycling Action Plans which are as follows:
Local Highways Panels (LHPs)
South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) funding
DfT Access Fund
Local Growth Funds (LGFs)
Section 106 (S106) monies
10.3 Funding for Braintree
The delivery of the potential schemes, soft measures and smarter travel
measures will require additional funding and so for this cycling strategy to be
successful, it is imperative that funding is provided and sustained over a number
of years.
ECC Local Highway Panels are a source of capital funding for local highway
schemes, and are an appropriate way for new cycle infrastructure to be funded.
Planning contributions from new developments are an important source of
finance and can either provide funding towards new or improved cycle
infrastructure in Braintree or if in the vicinity actually construct schemes as part
of the development.
Current UK Government spending is £2.50 per person per year; the aim is to
increase this to at least £10 per person per year by 2020/2021. Essex will also
aim to spend £10 per person per year, with an initial increase to £5 by 2017.
The Government has a £6 billion Local Growth Fund for cycling and walking and
wishes to reduce the administrative budget Local Authorities have to use in
bidding for funding.
Other sources of funding also become available from time to time such as from
the DfT. Therefore it is important that there are schemes readily available to be
put forward for funding, should such opportunities arise.
In addition to the above, other possible funding options include:
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
As part of road safety schemes;
As part of health and safety schemes;
Local growth funds;
Network Rail and/or rail operating companies;
Active Essex / Essex Health;
SELEP Local Growth Funds for local sustainable transport programme;
European Union funding (e.g. European Regional Development Fund and
Rural Development Programme); and
Acquire and investigate corporate sponsorship opportunities for any high
profile public schemes/events.
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
11 Key Recommendations
In order to create an environment where cycling is normal for the residents of
Braintree, existing barriers to cycling should be removed and a series of cycle
routes provided with the aim of creating a connected cycle network over time.
Cycling infrastructure should provide for both key utility journeys and encourage
leisure cycling.
Analysis was undertaken to assess existing travel patterns, not only for cyclists
but rail and car commuters as well. Alongside this, the propensity to cycle was
also analysed to assess whether there were similarities between those that
commute by other methods of travel and the areas where there is a high
propensity to cycle.
The existing cycle networks in Braintree, Witham and Halstead should be
developed and the following key recommendations can be made for cycle
enhancements in Braintree District:
A review of existing route signage and lighting;
Maintenance of existing routes;
Prioritise North South and East-West Flagship routes, providing
improved access to the town centre and railway station;
Develop Flagship Routes through Feasibility Studies to Detailed Design;
Promote and market Flagship Routes with ‘Cycle Superhighway’ style
branding and disseminating techniques;
Provide connectivity through town centres, particularly in an east / west
direction. Braintree and Witham are particularly in need of these routes
as there is little existing provision and these routes could connect key
employment areas, rail stations and town centres with large residential
areas. In addition, these routes attract the highest flows of car commuter
traffic in the district;
Provide new and improved cycle parking, with a focus on satiating the
considerable demand for commuter trips at railway stations;
Fill obvious gaps in the existing cycle-route network (on alignments with
cycle-friendly topography);
Provide new infrastructure on key roads with cycle-friendly topography but
no existing facilities;
Update the existing cycle map every two years taking on board new
innovation in cycle-map design, and promote it and disseminate it widely
through a range of channels and outlets
Cycling Action Plan
Braintree District
Improve cycling infrastructure for access to Panfield Industrial Estate in
advance of the Northwest masterplan and connect with Panfield Lane to
the east and to the town centre;
Provide better access to Flitch Way in Braintree and connect Flitch way
with the key industrial employment area to the west side of town and a
better connection at London Road;
Enhance the Pierrefitte Way / Rayne Road junction and / or the High Street
/ Pierrefitte Way junction, potentially with innovative cycle priority in the
form of advanced stop lines, toucan crossings and cycle priority traffic
Provide better cycle access to both Witham and Braintree rail stations,
which currently have poor cycle access. This is particularly important at
Witham as it has the high demand for rail use, particularly from the south;
Potential routes should improve connections with leisure cycling routes, in
particular, Flitch Way in Braintree, Blackwater Trail in Witham and
associated existing surrounding bridleways.
To ensure the potential for cycling is fully realised, new infrastructure must be
accompanied by high profile and targeted promotion of cycling to ensure the full
cycling potential is realised in Braintree District, particularly in urban areas. This
should include the promotion of leisure cycling to take advantage of the green
space within the District.
With a high number of local journey to work trips being made, a programme of
targeted workplace travel planning should be implemented with a focus on cycling
where network has been provided.