Customer satisfaction survey
1. How satisfied are you with our customer service?
Mostly Satisfied DissatisfiedLess Than SatisfiedSatisfiedCompletely Satisfied
2. How satisfied are you with the quality of the print orders that we have produced for you?
Mostly Satisfied DissatisfiedLess Than SatisfiedSatisfiedCompletely Satisfied
3. How satisfied are you with the quality of mail distribution?
Mostly Satisfied DissatisfiedLess Than SatisfiedSatisfiedCompletely Satisfied
4. How satisfied are you with the availabity of current services offered?
Mostly Satisfied DissatisfiedLess Than SatisfiedSatisfiedCompletely Satisfied
5. What additional products or services would you like to see offered at Mail & Copy Solutions?
Additional comments (Please share any positive and/or negative experiences to assist us in better serving you in the future):
Please check one:
Faculty Student Staff Other
If you would like to receive a follow-up phone call or e-mail regarding any questions or concerns addressed in
this survey, then please fill in your contact information below:
E-mail address: Phone Number:
Please return to Mail & Copy Solutions via e-mail or campus mail. Thank you!
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