Customer Care Survey - Midlothian Building Standards Service
FORM H (May 2018) (Continued overleaf)
Following your experience with Building Standards, I would appreciate a few moments of your time to complete this
questionnaire relating to the service you received.
Please return your completed form using the enclosed prepaid envelope OR email a scanned image to:
Q1. The Building Standards Service(s) you used - please select item(s) either from category a) or b):
1) Obtain a Building Warrant
2) Inspections and obtain a Completion Certificate
4) Other (please specify):
If possible, please provide the reference number of your application:
Neither satisfied
or dissatisfied
Don’t know or
not applicable
Q3. Midlothian Building Standards was easy to access (for example location,
opening hours, web site, etc.).
Q4. Time taken for a member of staff to respond to your telephone calls,
emails, letters or visits to our office.
a) Telephone - answer within 5 rings, or provide an answer
phone and respond within 24 hours.
b) Emails and letters - respond within 10 working days.
c) Office visits - meet at reception within 10 minutes.
Q5. Someone took responsibility for your application/enquiry.
Q6. Time taken to deal with your application/enquiry from start to finish met
the timescales we promised you.
Q7. Sufficient information was available from Midlothian Building Standards.
Q8. The quality of the information you received.
Q9. The information we provided was easy to understand.
Professionalism and Staff Attitude
Q10. Midlothian Building Standards staff answered your queries in a
professional and knowledgeable manner.
Q11. You were treated fairly throughout the process of your
Q12. You were treated in a polite and courteous manner.
Satisfaction with Service
Q13. Your view of our overall service.
Q14. Your view of the final outcome.