Form PMG61 – Custodial Guardianship Agreement and Family Plan (8/2014) Page 2 of 3
f) File an annual status report with the Probate Division and provide a copy of the report to each
g) Consult with _________________________________________prior to making decisions
related to:
i.Changes in the child(ren)’s school;
ii.Changes in the child(ren)’s doctors or other medical providers;
iii.Other: _____________________________________________________________________
h) Provide the parent(s) named above with notice and the opportunity to participate in:
i. Non-emergency medical appointments for the child(ren);
ii. Meetings with the child(ren)’s teachers or other school personnel;
iii. Other: ___________________________________________________________________
2. As a parent of the child, I, ______________________________________________agree that I will:
a) Make myself available for parent child contact as ordered by the Court. If due to an
emergency, I am unable to have contact with the child, I will notify the Guardian as soon as
b) Keep the Guardian and the Court informed of any changes in my address or phone number.
c) Other: _______________________________________________________________________
If only one parent is signing this agreement, skip to Question 4 and leave Question 3 blank. If
two parents are signing the agreement, the other parent’s name should be named in paragraph
3. As a parent of the child, I, ______________________________________________agree that I will:
a) Make myself available for parent child contact as ordered by the Court. If due to an
emergency, I am unable to have contact with the child, I will notify the Guardian as soon as
b) Keep the Guardian and the Court informed of any changes in my address or phone number.
c) Other: _______________________________________________________________________
4. Estimated Duration of Guardianship if Known: We agree that the guardianship established by the
Court should remain in place until the following event or events take place: (This section is
We understand that the guardianship cannot end before the child’s 18
birthday without an
order from the Probate Court terminating the guardianship.
5. Parent Child Contact Schedule:
We agree that the Court may order contact between the parent(s) named above and the minor
child(ren) as follows:
a) Weekday and/or weekend contact during the school year:
Name of parent or parents