Form last updated: 2/2/2020 Page 1 of 6
Curriculum Committee
New Minor Application
To request to add a new minor to the Millsaps College academic program.
Complete the entire form below.
If the addition of this new minor affects another department, the proposer must contact the
chair of that department and attach email correspondence to show communication and
If the new minor requires the addition of a new course, please fill out a “Course Addition” form.
Each added course requires its own form.
Similarly, if the new minor requires changes to an existing course, an “Existing Course
Modification/Deletion” form must accompany this request.
A detailed four-year staffing plan must be submitted with this application.
The proposal must be viewed and signed by the appropriate Divisional Dean (see below) before
being submitted to the Curriculum Committee.
If unsure about the depth of detail required in this form, contact the Chair of the Curriculum
Committee prior to filling the form.
If more room is needed, please add an addendum and clearly identify which item is continued.
Date: ________________________
Submitted by: _________________________________________________________________________
Department: __________________________________________________________________________
Department Chair Signature (e-signature is acceptable): _______________________________________
Proposed New Minor Name: _____________________________________________________________
Proposed New Minor Code (4 letters): ________________
Term New Minor Will Be Available: _________________________
How many credit hours will the new minor be? _______________
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Have you spoken with your entire department before submitting this proposal to ensure you are on the
same page? Check one: YES NO
A. What is the expected enrollment in this new minor per year? Provide a data-informed rationale.
B. What is the purpose and justification for creating this new minor? Provide a data-informed rationale,
and explain how this minor aligns with the Millsaps College Mission Statement and Strategic Plan.
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C. What additional resources (financial and physical, e.g. library, administrative support, faculty lines)
will be needed in order to offer this minor?
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D. On a separate sheet, submit a detailed four-year staffing plan.
E. How will the addition of this new minor impact current academic programs? (For example, if this
minor is added, will a concentration in an existing major or another existing minor change or go
away? If one will go away, please provide detailed information in the space below. If one will change,
please fill out “Major-Minor-Concentration Change” form.)
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F. On a separate sheet, create a checklist of requirements for the college catalog.
G. Explain how this checklist was created and detail which other institution’s similar program(s) were
evaluated as a comparison.
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H. Divisional Dean’s signature (e-signature is acceptable) and comments:
I. This form must be submitted to the Curriculum Committee. Signatures below are required for
Chair of the Curriculum Committee
Provost and Dean of the College