PCS.CIP code (generic number) Non-generic course
For courses with PCS code of 1.1, is
ICCB Form 13 attached?
Yes No
Will this course seek IAI approval?
Yes No
If yes, identify the IAI Gen. Ed. or Majors
panel(s) and relevant IAI code number(s)
If yes, identify the kind of proficiency credit
(e.g., testing, work experience, etc.)
Will proficiency credit be available
for this course?
Yes No
Effective Date
Term first offered
List maximum number of students (consult
current faculty contract) and reason why.
Class Size Limit
Anticipated enrollment
No. of Students per section Anticipated No. of sections
Program Impact: List all programs in
which this course is required. If
more room is needed, attach a
separate sheet.
Program Impact: List all programs in
which this course appears as an
elective. If more room is needed,
attach a separate sheet.
List names of Program Advisory
Committee and department
members with whom this course
has been discussed.
Name(s) and
Staffing Existing full-time faculty New full-time faculty Adjunct faculty
ICCB Curriculum Prefix #