Curriculum Committee
Zero Credit Course Proposal
Zero Credit Course Proposal Form - Page 1 of 4
General Guidelines
1. Please note: This form is for proposing ZERO CREDIT COURSES THAT HAVE
EXISTING FOR-CREDIT OPTIONS. Courses without existing for-credit options must be
submitted as a full course proposal.
2. Please provide entries for each item. If the item is not applicable, simply indicate that
this item does not apply to the proposed course.
3. Please note the catalog text for zero credit courses: Some courses may be offered for zero
credits. Zero-credit courses are specifically listed as zero-credit courses. Courses not listed
as zero-credit courses will not be offered for zero credits. Courses taken for zero credits will
not be retroactively changed to credit-bearing courses at any time. All academic policies
applicable to credit-bearing courses are also applicable to zero-credit courses. All zero-
credit courses will be graded pass-fail. If a zero-credit course is required for a major or
minor, it is an exception to the rule that courses in a major or minor may not be taken
4. All course proposals must be submitted by October 1 to ensure that they are considered
in time for the subsequent academic year.
5. Please submit the completed form electronically (preferably as a PDF attachment) to
6. Academic Affairs Board action (December, 1986) requires that the information
contained within sections A-F be distributed to the full-time faculty of the college three
weeks in advance of submission to the Curriculum Committee. In the case of 295/495
courses, though no Curriculum Committee approval is required, the information must still
be circulated.
Curriculum Committee
Zero Credit Course Proposal
Zero Credit Course Proposal Form - Page 2 of 4
A. Existing Course Title:
B. Rationale for Zero-Credit Offering: Please provide the rationale for offering
this course as a zero-credit option rather than limiting students to the existing credit
bearing course currently offered.
Yes. If yes, please explain:
C. Anticipated Student Workload: Please briefly describe the anticipated student
work load for this zero-credit course. It is anticipated that a student complete a
minimum of 30 hours of work (combined in and out of class), but not require more
than 45 hours of work, in a 15 week semester. If a different standard is to be applied,
please clearly state the requiremements and justification for those requirements.
1. Existing Course Number:
2. Is this course required for a major?
Course Proposal Department:
Submission Date:
Curriculum Committee
Zero Credit Course Proposal
D. Course Approval:
Zero Credit Course Proposal Form - Page 3 of 4
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
1. Author of the Proposal
2. Department Chairperson
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
3. Divisional Dean
Note: The signature of the Divisional Dean certifies that all aspects of this curricular change
have been discussed and approved. Faculty/staf contact hours (Section E) and Financial
Impact (Section G) must be specifically approved by initialing.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
4. Instructor(s) of the Course
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
5. Registrar
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
Curriculum Committee
Zero Credit Course Proposal
Zero Credit Course Proposal Form - Page 4 of 4
E. Suggested Faculty Contact Hours for the Course:
Divisional Dean Approval (inital): ________
F. Semester/Session/Years When The Course Will be Offered (Fall, Spring,
Summer, Alternate Years, etc.)
G. Financial Impact of the Course: Provide financial information pertaining to
such items as staff additions, staff time, facilities, equipment, and material.
Note: The financial implications of this curricular change should be discussed with your
Divisional Dean well in advance of submitting this proposal. The Divisional Dean's signature on
this proposal (Section B) and initials below certify that all financial implications of this proposal
have been discussed and approved.
Divisional Dean Approval (inital): ________
H. Maximum and Minimum Enrollment (for credit and no-credit combined)