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Please indicate what circumstance apply by checking the applicable box below:
☐Qualifies for unemployment
☐Experienced a reduction in household income. Please Explain:
☐Incurred significant costs Please Explain:
☐Experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19. Please Explain:
☐Demonstrates a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability. Please
Required Documentation: Attach a notice or email from your employer documenting job loss,
furlough, closure, reduction in hours, or other documentation that supports your loss of
income due to COVID-19. If you are unable to pay your rent or utilities due to an unexpected
medical cost, attach the medical bill.
Do you receive any permanent or temporary rental assistance such as a Housing Choice
Voucher (Section 8) or other rental assistance?
Please list any emergency rental assistance that you have applied for and the outcome of that
application (whether you received assistance).