To: Cultural Events Committee Date: ____________________
c/o Records & Registration
126 Tillman Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill SC 29733
Cultural Events Petition Form
Student Name: ____________________________________________
Student ID#: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
CE Petition (to receive credit for off-campus event attended)
CE Petition for Travel Experiences (travel w/in U.S. and abroad)
CE Petition Portfolio (non-traditional student to receive credit on experiences after High School
graduation and prior to matriculation at Winthrop University.)
NOTE: See complete direction process for submitting each of the petitions above at: and click on The Culture Events Petition Process
Event: _______________________________________________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date & Time: __________________________________________________________________________
How many credits are requested? ______________
This form and accompanying materials should be submitted to the
Office of Records & Registration, 126 Tillman Hall.
PLEASE NOTE: Students submitting CE Petition (to receive credit for off-campus event attended) (Checked BOX 1) must submit a one-
page paper detailing the event, or the petition will not be considered as complete.
ACTION: DATE: _________________________
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________________