I, ___________________________, understand that my participation in _______________________________
is subject to all of the following conditions, agreements, and understandings. By signing these documents, I
understand that I am (1) agreeing to all of the following conditions and agreements; and (2) have the following
Pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Subchapter 5, Section 55220, and Board Policy 4300 (AP4300),
by participating in the field trip(s)/excursions(s), alternate class site, student organizations and off-campus
activity or project (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Activity”), I am deemed by law to have waived any
and all claims, whether direct or indirect, against the San Luis Obispo County Community College
District and its trustees, officers, directors, employees, faculty/staff, volunteers and independent contractors for
injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip/excursion.
I have no medical condition(s), which may jeopardize the health and safety of others or my own.
Furthermore, I commit to disclose, in writing, to the San Luis Obispo County Community College District
information of any medical, physical, or health condition(s) that may affect or jeopardize others or myself
during my participation in a field trip/excursion. I am voluntarily participating in the Activity. I am aware of
the risks associated with traveling to/from and participating in the Activity, which include but are not
limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent
disability (including paralysis), economic or emotional loss, and/or death. I understand that these injuries or
outcomes may rise from my own or other’s actions, inaction, or negligence; conditions related to travel; or
condition of the Activity location(s). Nonetheless, I assume all related risks, both known or unknown to me, of
my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity.
I acknowledge that I have been advised regarding the Cuesta College Student Conduct Code (Board
Policy 5500) and agree to abide by that Code while participating in the field trip/excursion. Further, I agree and
pledge that I will comply with all regulations and directions given me by faculty/staff while participating in the
program, including District officials, volunteers and employees of the host organizations, and all other officials
acting within their official capacities. I agree that I will comply with all applicable laws of the jurisdictions in
which I travel and will not engage in any conduct or behavior that causes potential harm to others, or that or
myself is disruptive to the trip, the sponsoring organization, the District, or the organization hosting our stay.
I understand and agree that the sponsoring organization and the District shall have the right to enforce
appropriate standards of conduct, and that they may at any time terminate my participation in the
Activity for failure to maintain these standards. This standard includes remaining abstinent from
alcohol, marijuana and illicit drugs for the duration of the Activity. If my participation is terminated, I
understand that I will be sent back to San Luis Obispo, California at my own expense and with no refund
of any fees or costs.
Unless specifically advised otherwise, I hereby acknowledge and understand that the college is not providing
transportation, and it is my responsibility to arrange for my own transportation to and from the Activity site. If
the District is providing transportation, but I choose to not use the District’s transportation, I take responsibility
to arrange for my own transportation to and from the Activity site.