Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users' Workshop
July 27-29, 2011
Workshop Registration Form
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Postal Square Building, 2 Massachusetts Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20212
Registration Due by: July 15, 2011
Please fill out the form and email it as an attachment (preferred), or print to fax or mail.
Phone:* Email:
*Please include area code and extension.
Do you intend to bring your laptop? ** Yes No
Please indicate your preferred software package(s):
SAS STATA SPSS Other: ______________________________
**Participants are encouraged to bring a personal laptop computer loaded with their
preferred statistical software package.
Please indicate which days you plan to attend:
July 27
July 28
July 29
Please submit the form by July 15 to:
Fax: 202-691-7006
Mail: CE Workshop 2011
2 Massachusetts Ave, NE, Room 3985
Washington, DC 20212
This workshop is free to all participants. Please register soon as space is limited. Accommodations are the
responsibility of the attendee. A list of area hotels will be included with the registration confirmation.
We encourage registrants, especially our more experienced users, to suggest possible topics or general questions
for us to address during the workshop. Please contact us with any other questions or special needs requests by
email to or b
y phone at (202-691-6900).