I, _____________________________ (“Releasor”) grant permission to The California State University, and each of its constituent
campuses, employees and agents (“CSU”), to use my visual/audio content, which includes, but is not limited to, any type of recording,
photographs, digital images, drawings, renderings, voices, sounds, video recordings, audio clips, concept ideas and any accompanying
written descriptions. I represent that I took or otherwise created the visual/audio content and/or concept ideas and they are not an
impermissible or otherwise unlawful copy, duplication or reproduction of another person’s work.
I agree that the visual/audio content may be used in any print, electronic or other media or format selected by CSU at its sole discretion
without notifying me. I further agree that the visual/audio content may be used by CSU for any purpose, including but not limited to
educational, marketing, public relations, websites, social media, publications, promotions, broadcasts, advertisements, and posters,
as well as for non-university uses. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished visual/audio content or any printed or electronic
matter that may be used with them.
I further acknowledge that I have voluntarily agreed to take and/or provide the visual/audio content to the CSU without the promise of
compensation or remuneration in any form whatsoever, and I waive any claim for compensation or remuneration of any kind for CSU’s
use or publication of the visual/audio content.
I release CSU and any firm authorized to publish, broadcast and/or distribute a finished product containing the visual/audio content,
from any claims, damages or liability, that I may ever have in connection with the taking or use of the visual/audio content or material
used with the visual/audio content, including, but not limited to any and all claims for copyright infringement; invasion of privacy;
defamation; false light or misappropriation of name, likeness or image.
I am at least 18 years of age and competent to sign this release. I have read this release before signing, I understand the legal
consequences of its contents, meaning and impact, and I freely accept the terms.
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Printed Name Date
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Signature Telephone
Email Address
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