Cross-Campus Enrollment Form
Approval Signatures
Signature verifies that I have reviewed the student’s prerequisites for this course. This form does not allow
students to enroll in a full class.
1. Advisor _________________________________________________________________ Approved Denied
(print name) (signature) (date)
2. Student’s Dean __________________________________________________________ Approved Denied
Reason for the Request
Student Name __________________________________________ Date __________________________
Student ID Number _______________________________________
Received in Office of the Registrar ____________________________ Date ______________________
Course Information
Year _______ Semester__________ Session (e.g. Main, 01, 10, STAR, etc.) ___________
Course ID __________ Course Title _____________________________________________
Course Section (e.g. A2, F, BOL, WEB, etc) __________ Credit Hours: ______________
To be used for: (CHECK One) CORE Req. Major Req. Minor Req. Other Req. __________
Important Notices
Courses taken at another campus may impact student status, financial aid, and tuition.
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have consulted with my advisor, Student
Financial Services, and am aware of the potential implications to my status.
Requests after the Add/Drop period will not be accepted and/or processed.
Enrollment in courses at another SMU campus is only permitted on a space available
Students may not exceed credit hour limitations for the semester they are requesting en-
Student Signature _______________________________________Date _____________