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Critical Illness Claim
Paralysis/Loss of Limb
Condential Physician’s
Last First Middle
Date of Birth:
Policy No(s):
Claim No(s):
What We Request and Why
Your patient is applying for benets under a policy issued by RBC Life Insurance Company, and its participating reinsurers, and we will be assessing eligibility for
benets based on your patient’s medical condition. As you can appreciate, the information provided by you is most important in our assessment. We are asking for your
co-operation in providing pertinent information.
We ask that you complete the Physician’s Statement as thoroughly as possible. Please be assured that the information, including the medical records requested, is
required in the adjudication of your patient’s claim and will be treated condentially.
We are requesting copies of your complete le including specialist consultations on your patient and We are prepared to reimburse $50.00 for the costs
associated with preparing the information. If this amount is unreasonable because of the extent of your patient’s le, please have your staff contact our ofce at
416-643-4700 or toll free 1-877-519-9501. Any charge for the completion of the form, however, is the responsibility of the patient.
We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Please provide a brief outline of the medical history leading to your patient’s condition, if applicable:
a) When did your patient rst consult you for this condition? (DD/MM/YYYY)
b) How long has this person been your patient? (DD/MM/YYYY)
If the condition was not the result of an accident, when did your patient rst suffer symptoms or become aware of this condition?
Please provide date and full details:
Please describe the following:
a) Which limbs are affected?
b) Details of exact loss of function/loss:
c) Residual use, if any, of the affected limbs:
d) The underlying cause of the condition:
For Paralysis:
a) Is the condition permanent without any likelihood of recovery? o
b) Are there any treatments that could signicantly improve the paralysis? Please advise and provide details: