STEP 1: To Be Completed by the Academic Center in Which Student is Matriculated
This course will apply to the matriculated major:
Course # __________________ Title _____________________________________ Credit _______________
How will the course apply? ☐Major Course ☐Elective ☐General Education Course
Notes ___________________________________________________________________________________
Dean or Assoc/Asst Dean Signature (Major) Center Date
STEP 2: To Be Completed by the Academic Center in which the Course is Housed
Course # __________________ Title _____________________________________ Credit _______________
Assigned Faculty Mentor _____________________________________
Notes ___________________________________________________________________________________
Dean or Assoc/Asst Dean Signature Center Date
STEP 3: To Be Completed by the Faculty Mentor (Initial Plan)
I have received the Credit by Examination Application and the student has agreed to complete this plan by
(Due Date)
Comments _______________________________________________________________________________
Faculty Mentor Signature Date
STEP 4: To Be Completed by the Business Office
Course # __________________ Title_____________________________________ Credit _______________
Paid Amount _______
Business Office Verification Date