Updated 1.22.19
Credit Overload Criteria and Procedures
Students must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.00 or higher;
All courses for the term requested are applicable to student’s program of study;
Completed 15 or more college credits per term in at least two prior terms with a minimum term
GPA of 3.00 and without receiving any grades of F, W, or N in those terms;
No pending Incomplete (I) grades;
Total credits for the term cannot exceed 22
Requesting a Credit Overload:
1. Prior to the start of the term, students requesting to take more than 18 credits in the term must
complete the Credit Overload Request form and return it in person or by email to Advising and
Career Services or the Faculty Advisor. The form is available at www.clackamas.edu/forms.
Advising & Career Services contact information:
Oregon City campus
Harmony campus
Wilsonville campus
2. Advising and Career Services or the Faculty Advisor will notify student of the decision.
a. In Person: If the request is approved, the Advisor or Faculty Advisor will sign an
add/drop form. The student is responsible for enrolling in the course(s) and paying for
the course(s).
b. Email: Student will be notified of a decision via their student email account
(@student.clackamas.edu). Note: Requests sent by email may take up to 5 business
days to process.
3. Advising and Career Services will retain a copy of the Credit Overload Request form and final
decision in the student record.
Appeal process:
If there are extenuating circumstances that may preclude automatic approval, the Director of Student
and Academic Support Services or designee will review and determine status of Credit Overload
requests for all students with extenuating circumstances. Students with extenuating circumstances
must complete a written explanation in the space provided on the Course Overload form, identifying
the need for the credit overload.