Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
ο Fall 20___ ο Spring 20___ o Summer 20___
Please fill out all information requested below in order to have your request processed as quickly as possible.
For Office Use Only
Student signature required if submitting paper copy
The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Post-secondary Learning Act (Alberta) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
(Alberta). Your information will be used for admission, registration, scholarships and awards administration; academic progress monitoring, planning and research; alumni relations;
contacting you about University courses and services; and operating other University-related programs. The University of Lethbridge may share and disclose information within the
University to carry out its mandate and operations. Specific data will be disclosed to the relevant student associations, and to the federal and provincial governments to meet reporting
requirements. For questions on the collection, use and disclosure of this information, please contact the University’s FOIP Coordinator at 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB T1K
3M4; email: foip@uleth.ca
; tel: 403-332-4620.
University of Lethbridge ID Number:
Once complete, please save this form and attach it to an email addressed to student.records@uleth.ca from your '@uleth.ca' email
address or submit a paper copy to the Lethbridge Registrar's Office (SU140) or the Calgary Campus Office (S6032).
I understand that although there are advantages to designating a course credit/non-credit, it's best to understand the credit/
non-credit policy in the Academic Calendar to fully understand the effects of designating a course credit/non-credit on my
transcript and future
educational decisions. I will read the Credit/Non-Credit policy in the Academic Calendar - Academic
Regulations, Policies, and Program Requirements.
(e.g. B.A)
(e.g. Sociology)
Course Subject and Number