Consider Ad Length:
Keep the message short and concise. The average copy length should be roughly 40 words for a :15
second ad, and 85 words for a 0:30 second ad.
Align Message with Audience:
Adversers can choose to target consumers specically based on content, daypart, geographic locaon,
and other criteria. Dynamically inserted ads can be served across a range of vercals, and targeted to
a parcular audience, me period, or reach and frequency objecve. Make sure your message aligns to
your audience.
Maximize Effectiveness Without Companion Banners:
Execute a true 1 to 1 engagement with consumers. No need to interact with device to engage with the
digital message. Ads are on when screens are not. Most people aren’t looking at their screen when they
listen to digital audio. So, don’t rely on companion banners to drive trac to your site. We recommend
you introduce the brand name and call-to-acon in the rst :10 seconds of the audio spot.
Drive Action & Intent:
Create encing oers that enable easy purchase decisions. Thought Starters: Sweepstakes & Coupon
Codes, Social Integraon through Photo Uploads and #Hashtags, Retailer Details, etc. This works
especially well on a mobile device, where you can ask the listener to tap/shake to call, click for coupon
or test for more informaon. Keep in mind that mobile listeners interested in a product or service will
research it at a later me.
Entertain and Delight:
→ Create an “audio rst” environment with your message—connect with the listener through
audio messaging.
→ Use creave that is specic to digital audio.
→ Recognize the fact that the screen may in fact be turned o or not exist at all. Calls to acon
should not rely on a screen acvaon or companion banner interacon.
→ Use creave that is memorable and entertaining. Features may include Jingles or Sonic Ideners
→ Create encing oers that enable easy purchase decisions. Thought Starters: Sweepstakes &
Coupon Codes, Social Integraon through Photo Uploads and #Hashtags, Retailer Details, etc…
Capitalize on Delivery Methods & Devices:
Repurpose current tradional radio messaging for more consistent message delivery across mulple
media plaorms. Access consumers across more than 120 consumer electronics including Voice
Assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
Creative Best Practices