Cover Sheet for Portfolio and Sketchbooks
You are kindly asked to send an electronic copy of your original artistic work, so we can experience the full range of
your creative skills, including your observations, developments and testing of ideas, and the final work itself. Please
ensure that you include scans of your original sketchbooks showing your working processes, however ‘messy’ or
Please complete and sign this Cover Sheet to verify that the work is your own. This should be submitted by no later than
5th November 2020.
To be completed by the applicant
UCAS Personal ID
School or college
I certify that the contents of my portfolio and sketchbooks which I will bring to my interview are entirely my own work,
and that I have clearly acknowledged material taken from other works.
Signed............................................................................... Date....................................................................................
Name of Teacher who can be contacted (if necessary) about this portfolio:
Teacher’s Email Address: ........................................................................