Privacy notice
Cover-More and your personal information
Why we collect your personal information
We collect your personal information (including sensitive information)
so we can:
• identify you and conduct necessary checks
• determine what services or products we can provide to you or others
• issue, manage and administer services and products provided to you
or others including claims investigation, handling and payment
• improve our services and products e.g training and development of
our representatives, product and service research, data analysis and
business strategy development
• make special offers of other services and products that might be of
interest to you.
What happens if you don’t give us your personal information?
If you choose not to provide us with the information we have requested,
we may not be able to provide you with our services or products or
properly manage and administer services and products provided to you
or others.
How we collect your personal information
Through websites from data you, or your travel consultant, input directly
or through cookies and other web analytic tools, via email, by telephone
or in writing.
We collect personal information directly from you unless:
• you have consented to collection from someone else
• it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to do so or
• the law permits us to.
We may also collect additional personal information from other third
parties who help us provide you with our services and products or help
us administer the products.
If you provide us with personal information about another person you
must only do so with their consent and agree to make them aware of
this privacy notice.
Who we disclose your personal information to
We share your personal information with third parties for the purposes
noted above.
The third parties include:
• insurers
• medical providers, travel providers and your travel consultant
• our lawyers and other professional advisers
• our related companies and other representatives or contractors who
we have hired to provide services or to monitor the services provided
by us or our agents, our products or operations
• other parties we may be able to claim or recover against or other
parties where permitted or required by law.
Additional third parties are detailed in our Privacy Policy available on
our website www.covermore.com.au.
We may also need to disclose information to recipients located
overseas. Who they are may change from time to time. You can contact
us for details or refer to our Privacy Policy available at our website
www.covermore.com.au. In some cases we may not be able to take
reasonable steps to ensure they do not breach the Privacy Act and they
may not be subject to the same level of protection or obligations that
are offered by the Act in Australia. By proceeding to acquire our services
and products you agree that you cannot seek redress under the Act or
against us, to the extent permitted by law, and may not be able to seek
redress overseas.
By proceeding with your application, you and any other traveller
included on the policy consent to this use and these disclosures unless
you tell us otherwise, by contacting us.
More information, access, correction or complaint
For more information about how we collect, use or disclose personal
information, how to access or seek correction to your information
or how to complain in relation to a breach of the Australian Privacy
Principles and how such a complaint will be handled, please refer to our
Privacy Policy. It is available on our website www.covermore.com.au or
by contacting us.
Your choices
If you wish to withdraw your consent including for things such as
receiving information on products and offers by us or persons we have
an association with, or your travel consultant receiving information
about your policy and coverage, please contact us.
Contact us
Privacy Officer
Cover-More Insurance Services Pty Ltd, ABN 95 003 114 145
Private Bag 913, North Sydney, NSW 2059
email privacy.officer@covermore.com.au
© April 2019 Cover-More Insurance Services Pty Ltd Page 13