© Form Approved by the Supreme Court of Texas by order in Misc. Docket No. 16-9122
Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs Page 2 of 2
4. What is your monthly income and income sources?
I get this monthly income:
$ in monthly wages. I work as a for .
Your job title Your employer
$ in monthly unemployment. I have been unemployed since (date) .
$ in public benefits per month.
$ from other people in my household each month: (List only if other members contribute to your
household income.)
$ from Retirement/Pension Tips, bonuses Disability mp
Social Security Military Housing Dividends, interest, royalties
Child/spousal support
member of my household (If available)
$ from other jobs/sources of income. (Describe)
$ is my total monthly income.
5. What is the value of your property? 6. What are your monthly expenses?
property includes: Value*
My monthly expenses are:
Rent/house payments/maintenance
Bank accounts, other financial assets Food and household supplies
Utilities and telephone
Clothing and laundry
Medical and dental expenses
Vehicles (cars, boats) (make and year) Insurance (life, health, auto, etc.)
School and child care
Transportation, auto repair, gas
Child / spousal support
Other property (like jewelry, stocks, land,
another house, etc.)
Wages withheld by court order
Debt payments paid to: (List)
*The value is the amount the item would sell for less the amount you still owe on it, if anything.
7. Are there debts or other facts explaining your financial situation?
debts include:
(List debt and amount owed)
(If you want the court to consider other facts, such as unusual medical expenses, family emergencies, etc., attach another page to
this form labeled ) Check here if you attach another page.
8. Declaration
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. I further swear:
I cannot afford to pay court costs.
I cannot furnish an appeal bond or pay a cash deposit to appeal a justice court decision.
My name is . My date of birth is : / / .
My address is
Street City State Zip Code Country
/ /
Signature Month/Day/Year
county name State