Name Banner ID # Semester
A) Number and title of course
(Note: Only law courses are permitted)
B) Faculty No. of credit hours
C) Catalog description
D) Is this your last semester?
(If yes, we will need a grade reported for any course outside the School of Law
before your degree can be posted and before any certification will be given to the
Board of Bar Examiners).
E) I am requesting to take this course under the Free Trade Agreement
The Free Trade Agreement is open to JD students who have completed their first 29
hours of course work. The agreement covers upper-division law courses at Washington
University School of Law where the subject matter is not regularly offered by Saint Louis
School of Law, or if regularly offered, must not be offered during the academic year in
which the student seeks to take the course at Washington University. The course must
not duplicate, or substantially cover material covered in a course the student has already
taken. For students who will be away for one semester in an academic program that
does not take place in St. Louis, such as a semester abroad program, the course to be
taken at Washington University School of Law must merely be one that is not offered at
Saint Louis University during the semester in which the student is in St. Louis. The
student’s academic status and cumulative g.p.a. standing must otherwise permit the
student to take the course, if it were offered at Saint Louis University School of Law. The
student must receive a grade of C, or its numerical equivalent, or a pass in the cases of
pass/fail courses, in order to receive academic credit for the coursework. Students must
obtain written permission from the Dean of Students in both
schools prior to registration,
and are limited to 1(one) course under this agreement. Students intending to apply the
course toward completion of a Certificate or Concentration must obtain permission to
apply such courses toward the Certificate or Concentration from the respective faculty
advisor for that Certificate or Concentration.
Permission granted by:
Dean of Students (SLU) Date
Dean of Students (Wash U)
Enrollment, if approved, will be on a space-available basis, with the understanding that
students at Washington University will have a priority as determined by that school’s
Dean’s Office. In general, students attending Saint Louis University will have the
opportunity to register approximately one week after all students at Washington
University have had their first opportunity to register for classes.
Permission to Register for Law Courses
At Washington University School of Law
SLU/WUSTL Law School Free Trade Request Form
Home School: St. Louis University Washington University
Semester: ___________________ Course name: _____________________________
Course number: ______________ Section number: __________________________
Student information:
1. Name:
ast First Middle Name L
2. Soc. Sec. No.:________________ Email Address: _______________________
3. Permanent Address:
Number & Street City State
Zip Phone
4. Present Address:
Number & Street City State
Zip Present Phone – Daytime
Good Until State of Permanent Residence
5. Date of Birth: ______________________________________________________
Month Day Year Age
6. Place of Birth: _____________________________________________________
City State
7. Sex: Female Male
8. Citizenship: _______________________________________________________
9. Please list any diversity characteristics you would like to provide:
10. Anticipated semester of graduation: ____________________________________
I understand that if there is a final exam, I am responsible for learning the non-
home school’s exam procedures. I acknowledge that the grade that I earn in the above-
requested course will not appear on my home school transcript and will not be used in the
computation of my GPA. My home school transcript will indicate only that I took the
course; a transcript from the non-home school where I took the course will indicate my
grade. To receive credit for the course, I must request that a copy of my transcript at the
non-home school be sent to my home school. The SLU form for that purpose is
available at
I also understand that only if I earn a grade of C or better will the units/credits for
this course transfer to my home school. The non-home school will grade my
performance in the course using the same grading scale that it applies to its home
students: SLU uses an alphabetic grading scale (i.e., A, B, C); WUSTL uses a numeric
grading scale in which 79 is the lowest possible “C” grade.
I agree to read and abide by the honor code of the non-home law school . SLU
Law’s Honor Code is available at .
WU Law’s Honor Code is available at
If I am taking a course at SLU, I have also signed SLU’s Honor Code Statement
and have attached it to this form. (SLU’s Honor Code statement is available at
Signature of student: ___________________________________ Date: _____________
Home school approval* _________________________________ Date: _____________
Non-home school approval* _____________________________ Date: _____________
(Only the home school can determine whether the course taken at the non-home school
qualifies for credit at the home school. Approval from the non-home school indicates
only that the requested course comes within the coverage of the Free Trade agreement for
this student.)
*In lieu of an actual signature, you may attach an e-mail containing the approval of the
person with such authority at the relevant institution. Washington University students
must receive that approval from Mary Perry (
Approval from the home school also serves as verification of the student’s good-standing