Course Approval and Recommendation to Participate 2014
Part 1
Faculty Coordinator: Please complete and return to the International Initiatives Office.
I intend to file an application to participate in a Study Abroad program for 2014. I am requesting enrollment in the classes
below. I understand that my acceptance into my Study Abroad program or on the waiting list for my program is contingent upon the following:
1-An initial interview with my Faculty Coordinator, after which he/she will turn in this form to the International Initiatives office, either accepting or
denying participation based on his or her own program stipulations. I cannot be denied participation due to race, gender, or disability.
2-Once accepted by my Faculty Coordinator via this form, I must submit my completed 2014 Application to Study Abroad and my non-refundable
$100 deposit to hold my spot on my program or on its waiting list.
3-The submission of two letters of recommendation, as given in my application packet, by two faculty members not attending the trip.
4-A background check has been conducted through the Office of Student Conduct and the University Police Department.
I understand that I will receive, in writing from the International Initatives Office, a decision based upon the above. I understand that my
participation is contingent upon the successful completion of the above and the decision of the Faculty Coordinator and is
based on my academic and/or behavioral history at Southeastern Louisiana University, and/or criminal background check.
Student's Full Name: w#:
Program and
Course #1: Course #2:
Credit Audit Credit Audit
Faculty Coordinator:
This student be approved for participation in
Study Abroad
This student not be approved for participation
in Study Abroad
Please explain:
Based on my interview with this student and my review of his/her academic and conduct history and needs, I recommend that:
Department Head/ Major Advisor
This portion is only required if a student is requesting a Course Substitution in their Curriculum or the student is not a major
in the department offering the Study Abroad program.
I have reviewed this student's course enrollment request and agree to waive the requirements for enrollment in the above classes or I approve a
request for a course substitution. Also, the student has been advised to complete a Course Substitution Request Form and have it approved by his major
Department Head and Dean:
Head Signature:
Major Advisor
I have reviewed this student's course enrollment request and agree to integrate these courses into his or her major curriculum: