College Career Pathways
Course Withdrawal Request
Course instructor is to complete this form and return to MCC.
Student Name
High School
Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Instructor Signature Date
These conditions apply to course withdrawal:
• Students enrolled in College Career Pathways courses through Manchester
Community College have the option of withdrawing from a CCP course if they
believe they will not be successful in the course.
• To withdraw, students must complete a withdrawal form, available in the guidance
office. If a student withdraws by April 19, 2019 (form is due at MCC by April 24,
2019) the course will not appear on the college transcript.
• Students may withdraw until the last day of classes. If a student withdraws in the
period between April 19, 2019 and the last day of classes, the course is recorded on
the college transcript with an assigned grade of “W”.
• Students may withdraw from the College Career Pathways program and remain in
the class for high school credit depending on school district policy.
• All students who do not withdraw by the last day of class will receive the grade
assigned to them by the teacher and that grade will appear on the college
• Students who receive a grade for MAT* 138 but do not score well enough on
the assessment test to receive college credit will have these courses deleted
from their transcript.
• Transcripts are permanent records and cannot be altered.
I understand all of the above:
Student’s Signature Date
Date received
August 2018/PR