Updated 11.15.2018
Course Transfer
Pre-Approval Request
Course Transfer Pre-Approval Guidelines:
• Transfer course must meet all the published transcript evaluation guildelines.
• Transcript
Evaluator reserves the right to require additional documentation such as course description/syllabus if
needed to determine course equivalency.
• Student must take course within one year from date of approval.
• Upon successful completion of the course with a grade of “C” or better, student must order an official transcript
from the issuing institution and have it sent directly to ACC (address listed above) to have the course officially
Student Information:
Student Name:
Student Email:
Student Declared Major:
ACC Course Information:
Subject/Course: T
itle: Credits:
ansfer Institution Information:
Name of Transfer Institution:
le: Credits:
m taking course:
I ha
ve read the guidelines listed above. I understand that the ACC Records & Enrollment Services staff will review this
request and make a final determination to approve or deny the request to have the course at the Transfer Institution be
accepted in transfer at ACC. I further understand that approval of this request is not guaranteed, and should I choose to
enroll in the course at the Transfer Institution prior to this request being reviewed and approved, I do so at my own
risk. Finally, I am aware that I will be notified via email of ACC’s decision regarding this request, and that email will be
sent to my ACC student email.
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date____________
dvisor/Records & Enrollment Services Name:
visor/Records & Enrollment Services (signature): _____________________________________ Date______________
Transcript Evaluator/Graduation Coordinator: [ ] Approve [ ] Deny [ ] SPACMNT Note (Initials / date): _________________
Transcript Evaluator/Graduation Coordinator Signature _____________________________________ Date _____________
Records & Enrollment Services
Main Building, Room M2480
5900 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, CO 80160
Fax: 303.797.5970