Course Time Conict Approval Peon
Admissions and Records
2088 North Beale Road, Marysville, CA 95901
(530) 741-6720
Date: Fall: Spring: Summer: 20:
Student Name: Student ID#::
Student Instrucons:
Enrollment in courses that have a me conict is prohibited by state regulaons except in cases where there are ex-
tenuang circumstances (scheduling convenience is not acceptable). If you believe you have an extenuang circum-
stance and wish to peon to take a course that conicts in me, you must discuss your situaon with the instructor
of the class in which you will “miss” the regularly scheduled time. All sections of this form must be filled out and
signed by the student and instructor. Submit the form to the Admissions & Records Office for final approval. Make
sure to turn in the petition prior to the dead-line to add classes. Petition decisions can take between *5-7+ working
days for review.
In courses (other than television/media), the student must make arrangements with the instructor to make up the
hours of overlap/conict at some other me during the same week that me was missed.
Regular (non television/media) class: I am peoning to take two Yuba Community College District classes at overlap-
ping or conicng mes. I have read the informaon above and will make arrangements with the instructor to make
up the hours missed at some other me during the same week the me will be missed.
To be completed by student:
My extenuang circumstance for this request is (scheduling convenience is not acceptable per California Title 5
Date Signed Student Signature
Class Code Dept & No. Title of Class Instructor Days Check Class To Be
Made Up
Weekly Time To
Be Made Up
Times of Class
(EXAMPLE): 3524 MUSIC 15 Popular Music in the US J. Abigana MW
15 minutes 4:00PM-5:15PM
(EXAMPLE): 3460 ENGL 51 Preparatory Comp and Read T. Schmits MW 5:00PM-6:50PM
Oce Use Only: Television/Media Course Regular Course
REV. 04/2020
see reverse for
further instrucons
10 Minutes
(EXAMPLE): Student will meet with me for 10 minutes aer
class to review coursework missed in class.
If the student provides sound juscaon and if you are willing to allow this student to enroll in a course
that conicts with your course, please document how and when the me missed from your course will be
made up by this student. Per Title 5-secon 55007, the college requires “documentaon describing the jus-
caon for the overlapping schedule and showing that the student made up the hours of overlap in the
course parally or wholly not aended as scheduled at some other me during the same week under the
supervision of the instructor of the course.”
Instructor Use Only:
In order for the college to receive FTES funding for this student’s enrollment in your class, the college may
permit the overlapping schedule if (a) raonal juscaon (scheduling convenience is not acceptable) on a
student-by-student basis can be established and is documented by the faculty and (b) the faculty maintains
documents that the student made up the hours of overlap in the course parally or wholly not aended as
scheduled at some other me during the same week under appropriate supervision (see below).
Instructor of Overlapping Class - Print Name
Date Signed Instructor of Overlapping Class - Approval Signature
Action of the Admissions and Records Office:
Approved Denied
Date Signed Admissions and Records - Approval Signature