Street Address:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number: qHome qCell qWork qOther
Secondary Phone Number: qHome q Cell q Work qOther
Email Address:
Have you previously taught for CCS? q
Yes qNo
NOTE: Please attached a copy of your professional resume and portfolio or pictures of work to your application via email.
Please write a brief (no more than 200 words) biography that describes your professional qualications as it relates to this course:
Proposed Title:
Estimated number of sessions: Estimated total number of hours:
Start Date: End Date:
Time(s) proposed (please be specic as to a.m. or p.m.):
Target Audience: Maximum number of students:
NOTE: Please be prepared to provide a 10 minute demonstration of your class.
Please write a brief (no more than 250 words) description of your proposed course. What makes this course unique
CCS reserves the right to edit or modify descriptions for publication and promotional purposes.
Course Proposal Form
Thank you for your interest in teaching at Mercer County College’s Center for Continuing Studies (CCS). Our goal
is to expand our reach into the community by adding to the extensive oerings of more than 100 courses across
the spectrum from personal interest topics to highly specialized industry training classes.
CCS accepts proposals for new noncredit course offerings on a year-round basis, with specific semester
deadlines as follows: Fall Semester - March 15 | Spring Semester - July 15 | Summer Semester - November 15
Instructions: Please complete this form for each course you wish to teach. This form helps clarify details of your course
proposal. If you have a particular preference for course dates, indicate so. If your dates are xible, list preferred day of the
week and month(s). Throughout this form you will nd additional instructions for submitting a copy of your resume, portfolio,
and coursework. The completed form and any additional support materials should be submitted to
We will contact you to conrm dates and times when your course is approved.