Undergraduate students must request permission to enroll in graduate-level courses.
PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. Submit this completed form to the Dean of Graduate Programs.
Student Name: Student ID:
Course Information
Call #
Course ID
Course Title
Please select the appropriate choice.
This course is to be used as part of my undergraduate program and undergraduate grade point average. I
understand that this course cannot be used as part of a graduate program or graduate grade point average at any
time in the future.
This course is being used as elective credit only and will not be considered part of my undergraduate
program or my undergraduate grade point average.
Student Recommendation (to be filled out by student’s department dean, advisor, or other faculty
member who has knowledge of student’s ability to successfully complete a graduate-level course)
I recommend the above-named student be allowed to enroll in the graduate course listed above.
I do not recommend the above-named student be allowed to enroll in the graduate course listed above.
Comments: (Please use back of form for specific comments.)
Department Dean or Faculty Member
Please consider my request to be allowed to enroll in the graduate course listed above. I understand I may be
removed from the course enrollment if my enrollment prevents graduate students from enrolling in the course.
Student Signature Date
Graduate Office Use Only
The above-named student is allowed to enroll in the graduate course listed above. Consideration is for the semester
stated above only.
Greg Seay, Dean of Graduate Programs
Student Enrolled in Course:
Office Staff Signature
Date Enrolled
Copy to: Student, Student’s Advisor, Student Reco
rds Office, Graduate Programs Office