Revised 08/2018
Office of the Registrar / 200 West Kawili St. Hilo, HI 96720-4091 / Student Services Center, First Floor Rm 101 / Phone: (808) 932-7447 / Fax: (808) 932-7448 / E-mail: uhhro@hawaii.edu
SECTION I: To be completed by faculty representative of program:
Course Alpha: ______________________ Course Number: _________________________
College: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Program: ______________________________________________
De-activate this course temporarily, effective AY: _________________: remove from university catalog and banner.
Re-activate this course: course was temporarily de-activated; it will be taught in the coming academic year AY___________ and should be
included in the university catalog and Banner.
Archive this course permanently; this course will not be offered in the future.
Description of impact of this change on program requirements (certificate, minor, major, graduate program). List other programs at UH Hilo
which currently includes this course in curricula published in the catalog.
___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________
Print name of submitter Signature of submitter Date
SECTION II: Other UH Hilo programs/department(s) affected by change:
________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________
Department/Program Print name of department/program chair Signature Date
________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________
Department/Program Print name of department/program chair Signature Date
Announced to UHH Faculty List Serve: UHH-FACULTY-L@lists.hawaii.edu (attach copy)
SECTION III: Additional Approvals:
______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________
Print name of Division Chair Signature Date
______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________
Print name of Dean/Director Signature Date
SECTION IV: Submit original form once completed to the Office of the Registrar
Registrar’s Office Date Received_______________________ Date Processed_____________________
Copy to Curriculum Coordinator
Course De-Activation, Re-Activation, or Archiving