Course-Based Research (Omnibus)
Students conducting research for course credit in a normally scheduled course (i.e., not for directed
studies, thesis, dissertation credits) may have their IRB application reviewed by the course instructor if
the instructor has Omnibus IRB Approval for the course. Omnibus IRB Approval for a scheduled course
covers only exempt-status research projects conducted by students registered for the scheduled course.
It is the instructor’s responsibility to obtain the Omnibus IRB approval prior to the conduct of any
research. Instructors of a normally scheduled course that has an existing Omnibus IRB approval may be
added to the existing approval if they have completed the required CITI training. For information,
contact Sherry May
If students wish to engage in research that falls under expedited review, the student, with the instructor
acting as the research advisor, must submit an application to the IRB in accordance with the guidelines
outlined in this document.
Instructors should notify students whose research is in the expedited category to put the word
OMNIBUS at the beginning of the project title when submitting an application in IRBNet. This will inform
the IRB that it is a classroom project.
The instructor, by signing off on the student’s research in IRBNet, gives approval as first reviewer.
Requirements for Omnibus IRB Approval for a Scheduled Course
Instructors supervising course-related, student research should be familiar with IRB policies and
issues to ensure that research participants are treated ethically (e.g., risks are low, informed
consent policy is followed, confidentiality is maintained).
Instructors should complete the Human Research Course, Social and Behavioral Research
Investigators, in the on-line CITI training program (
prior to supervising such projects; and they must document the training as part of the Omnibus
IRB application process.
Instructors should submit an exempt-status IRB application via IRBNet ( for the
course in which students will be conducting research. Types of research projects should be
mentioned within the narrative of this IRB application.
Instructors should include a copy of the course syllabus in the IRB application.
Instructors should have students submit an exempt-status IRB application as part of the course
requirements. The instructor will review these for IRB-related concerns.
Instructors should keep a record of all exempt-status applications completed by students under
their guidance.
Instructors should send a list of student’s names and project titles to the Office of Sponsored
Programs, attention Sherry May, at the end of the semester.
Omnibus IRB Approvals must be renewed every four years.
Research Involving Human Participants
Coversheet for UNC IRB Application
Important note: You must use Adobe Acrobat to complete this form. Do not use Preview (the default Mac OS X application
for displaying PDF documents). There is a compatibility problem, and PDF forms filled out in Preview do not display the form
data when opened in Acrobat. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you may download a free copy on the Adobe Website.
If you choose not to use Acrobat, you will encounter a delay in processing of your IRB application.
Project Title:
Contact Information (reviewers will communicate via IRBNet)
Principal Investigator: Phone #:
School/Department: UNC email:
Research Advisor (Required for students): UNC email:
As Principal Investigator, I certify to the following:
This application accurately reflects the proposed research;
I and all researchers who will have contact with the participants or access to the data have reviewed this application and
the Guidelines of the UNC IRB and will comply with the letter and spirit of these policies;
I have examined UNC’s Data Security Policy for Research Projects, and determined the level to be:
If my security level is at 3, 4, or 5, or if my research is subject to a data use agreement, I will submit a data security
clearance form to Information Management and Technology, and will advise the IRB when that application is approved;
I will adhere to all requirements of the Data Security Policy for Research Projects that are relevant for protection of my
research information;
I understand that any changes in procedure that affect participants must be submitted to the IRB (using an
Amendment/Modification in IRBNet) for written approval prior to their implementation; and
I further understand that any adverse events and significant changes in risk for participants must be immediately
reported in writing to the UNC IRB.
The signature of the PI must be completed in IRBNet.
As the applicant’s Research Advisor, I certify to the following:
I have thoroughly reviewed this application, confirm its accuracy, and accept responsibility for monitoring the conduct of
this research, the maintenance of any consent documents as required by the IRB; and, in the case of expedited reviews,
the continuation review of this project in approximately one year;
The signature of the Research Advisor (if applicable) must be completed in IRBNet.
Summary Information (to be completed by the Lead Investigator)
Review Category: Exempt (2-3 weeks) Expedited (3-4 weeks) Full-Board (4-6 weeks)
(NOTE: During winter, spring, and summer breaks the review will take significantly longer.)
Research participants will be: (e.g., adults, elderly, children, healthy, unhealthy, etc.)
Type of data collected will be: (e.g., survey responses, interviews, blood samples, existing data, etc.)
Location of collected data:
Is standard consent documentation used? YES NO If NO, it must be addressed within the application.
Is permission required (e.g., school district)? YES NO If YES, include a letter (this is not consent).
Is this a funded research project? YES NO If YES, identify the funding source within the application.
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