Saint Louis University, College of Arts and Sciences
Please fill in or check the appropriate responses.
1. Course # __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ (if changing, list old course # here __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ )
2. Course Title for transcript and most electronic displays (30 characters max)
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. Long Course Title used in printed catalog (100 characters max)
4. Action to be taken
Add a Course
Delete a Course
Change Course Content
Add New/Revised Program
Change Prereq
Change Registration Controls
Change Credit Hrs.
Change Course #
Change Title
5. Credit hours (min to max) Contact hours (number of hours in class/lab per week)
6. Academic semester to be effective: _____________
7. Level: Undergraduate
8. Grading (check one): Regular grading Pass/Fail
9. Activity (check 1):
LEC Lecture
LEC/LAB Lecture/Lab
LEC/DIS Lecture & Disc
LAB Laboratory
INT Internship
IND Indep. Study
RSD Residency
SEM Seminar
STU Studio
EXM Compr. Exam
RES Research Dis/Indep
INQ Inquiry
PRC Practicum
10. 50 word course description for Catalog (include prereq & co-req information, course goals & course content).
11. Information regarding first offering of a new course:
Instructor Last Name First Name
Meeting Days: M T W R F S U Time: ________ to ________ Max Enrollment:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The completed form should be submitted electronically to
The curriculum committee only accepts proposals from departments or programs, not from individual faculty
members. Approval of the chair or program director is indicated by copying that person on the submission e-mail
and including in the body of the e-mail the text:
This proposal is submitted with the approval of the (Name of department or program) and (name of chair or program
director ) is copied on this submission.
Rev. 10.05.14
Fill this page only if you are adding a new course.
1. Please attach a sample course syllabus. Your syllabus should include:
name & contact
office hours
topical outline
modes of
being assessed
new A&S
grading scale
how grades will
be determined
(i.e., percent
ranges for each
letter grade)
2. Include a list of the learning objectives of the course and the way these objectives will be assessed.
3. How will other courses and course sequences be affected?
4. How will this course affect the departmental budget?
5. Will the course apply to the departmental major and/or minor? As a requirement or elective?
6. What are the prerequisites or co-requisites of the course?
7. Please explain the nature of the contemplated change. (may use a separate sheet if necessary)
8. List other Departments or Certificate or Degree Programs for which this change might have an impact.
Describe the impact it will have. IMPORTANT: If your courses will cross list with or have co-
requisites with or will meet requirements or pre-requisites in other departments/programs, you
must include letters of support from participating Departments or Programs that are impacted
by this change (e.g. crosslisted numbers, co-requisite information, requirements or pre-requisites
met in other departments/programs). Also note any special conditions for the course such as
permission of instructor required or permit required.
Have you:
___ Filled out the first page of the form?
___ Filled out the second page if you are adding a new course?
___ Attached a syllabus for your new course that contains the updated Academic
Honesty statement and the updated Disability statement?
___ Attached letters of support from other departments for your new course?
All College of Arts and Sciences syllabi must include a general statement on Academic Honesty
and Disabilities Services.
Academic Integrity and Honesty
The University is a community of learning, whose effectiveness requires an environment of mutual trust and
integrity. Academic integrity is violated by any dishonesty such as soliciting, receiving, or providing any
unauthorized assistance in the completion of work submitted toward academic credit. While not all forms of
academic dishonesty can be listed here, examples include copying from another student, copying from a book or
class notes during a closed book exam, submitting materials authored by or revised by another person as the
student’s own work, copying a passage or text directly from a published source without appropriately citing or
recognizing that source, taking a test or doing an assignment or other academic work for another student,
securing or supplying in advance a copy of an examination without the knowledge or consent of the instructor,
and colluding with another student or students to engage in academic dishonesty.
Any clear violation of academic integrity will be met with appropriate sanctions. Possible sanctions for
violation of academic integrity may include, but are not limited to, assignment of a failing grade in a course,
disciplinary probation, suspension, and dismissal from the University. Students should review the College of
Arts and Sciences policy on Academic Honesty, which can be accessed on-line at
under “Quicklinks for
Students” or in hard copy form in the Arts and Sciences Policy Binder in each departmental or College office.
Students with Special Needs - Disability Services
Any student who feels that he/she may need academic accommodations in order to meet the requirements of
this courseas outlined in the syllabus, due to presence of a disability, should contact the Office of Disabilities
Services <>. Please telephone the office at 314-977-8885, or visit Suite
331 in the Busch Student Center. Confidentiality will be observed in all inquiries.
Rev. 10.05-14