A text amendment is a change to the regulations contained within the Unified Development
Step 1. Pre-Application Meeting with Planning Staff
The applicant must schedule a pre-submittal meeting with Planning Staff to discuss
the preliminary assessment of the request, adopted plans, and process.
Step 3. Application Submittal
The applicant must submit a complete application packet on or before the sub-
mittal deadline. This includes:
• Application Fee $400 plus postage for adjacent properties.
• Completed Moore County Text Amendment Application.
Step 4. Administrative Review / Required Notifications
Planning Staff will review the request and provide the following public notifications
prior to both the Planning Board meeting and the Board of Commissioners meet-
ing / public hearing:
• A notice will be placed in the newspaper containing information
about the meeting.
Step 5. Planning Board Meeting
Planning Staff will present the request to the Planning Board. It is highly recom-
mended that the applicant attend the meeting to answer any questions raised at
the meeting. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the Board of
Step 6. Board of Commissioners Meeting—Call To
Planning Staff will present the request to the Board of Commissioners to schedule
a Public Hearing. Applicant need not be present at this meeting.
Step 7. Board of Commissioners Meeting—Public Hearing
Planning Staff will present the request to the Board of Commissioners. A public
hearing will be held. It is highly recommended that the applicant attend the
meeting to answer any questions raised at the meeting. The Board of Commis-
sioners may approve the amendment, deny the amendment, or send the amend-
ment back to the Planning Board for additional consideration.
Step 1.
Pre-Application Meeting
with Planning Staff
Step 3.
Application Submittal
Step 6.
Board of Commissioners
Meeting - Call To
Step 4.
Administrative Review
Step 7.
Board of Commissioners
Meeting - Public Hearing
(Adjacent owners notified
by mail)
Step 5.
Planning Board Meeting
(Adjacent owners notified
by mail)
County of Moore
Planning and Transportation
Inspections/Permitting: (910) 947-2221
Planning: (910) 947-5010
Transportation: (910) 947-3389
Fax: (910) 947-1303