Harrow Council, Civic Centre PO Box 731, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2DT
Resources Directorate
Council Tax Refund Request Form
Please use this form if you are the appointed Executor or Administrator for the estate of
the person that has passed away and there is a credit on the account.
Please note that if there is more than one Executor or Administrator, they will each
need to sign this form so that your refund can be processed as requested.
Please could you provide a copy of the Grant of Probate Certificate or a copy of the front
page of the Will confirming the Executors details. If there is no will or the will is invalid,
please send a copy of the letters of administration. The credit will be refunded by Bacs
directly to a bank account, please complete the details below and return to this office as
soon as possible. We do not refund by cheque.
Bank details
Bank name:
Sort Code:
Account name:
Please complete the following fields:-
Council Tax account
Customer Name:
Property address:
In case we have any questions about your request it would be helpful if you could provide
the following information:
By signing this form I declare the following:
The information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I understand that it is a criminal offence to make a statement or
representation that I know to be incorrect or to provide documentation that is false
or fail to disclose information to the authority where the law requires it, after this
form is complete. If I do so I may be prosecuted.
I understand that this authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it
administers and to this end may verify the information I have provided on this form
with other internal departments, government agencies, local authorities and private
sector organisations for the purpose of billing, collection and recovery of Council
Tax & Business Rates and for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also
share this information with these agencies and other bodies responsible for
auditing or administrating public funds for these purposes.
Please print name:
Please print name:
Please print name:
Please print name:
Please upload this form: for Council Tax