Alternative payee
In case we have any questions about your request it would be helpful if you could provide
the following information:
If you are claiming the credit on behalf of someone else, please upload a letter of
By signing this form I declare the following:
The information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I understand that it is a criminal offence to make a statement or
representation that I know to be incorrect or to provide documentation that is false
or fail to disclose information to the authority where the law requires it, after this
form is complete. If I do so I may be prosecuted.
I understand that this authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it
administers and to this end may verify the information I have provided on this form
with other internal departments, government agencies, local authorities and private
sector organisations for the purpose of billing, collection and recovery of Council
Tax & Business Rates and for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also
share this information with these agencies and other bodies responsible for
auditing or administrating public funds for these purposes.
If the Council Tax or Business Rate Account is in more than one name and was not paid
by Direct Debit, a signature will be required from each person named on the bill. The
refund will be credited to the bank account detailed above
Please upload this form:
www.harrow.gov.uk/evidenceform for Council Tax
www.harrow.gov.uk/bratesevidence for Business Rates