Council Code of Conduct Complaint Form
I, _____________________________________, hereby request the Integrity
Commissioner for the County of Dufferin to conduct an inquiry pursuant to Part V.1 of
the Municipal Act, 2001 and section 1.19 of the Council Code of Conduct, about the
following Council Member(s):
Code of Conduct
The Council Member Code of Conduct is available here. You may also request a copy
by phone, e-mail, fax or in person.
Please state which section(s) of the Code of Conduct you believe have been breached:
Background: Please include the date, time and location of conduct, supporting
documentation, details and names of all persons involved, and names of any witnesses;
attach extra pages if necessary.
Supporting Documentation
It is recommended that you provide supporting documentation that will help verify your
complaint. Please attach any supporting documentation either in your e-mail (as an
attachment), or attach physical copies in mailed and faxed forms.
Next Steps
The Integrity Commissioner will use the contact information you have provided to
communicate with you about this complaint.
If the complaint falls under the Code of Conduct, a copy will be provided to the Council
Member(s) you named. Your name but not your contact information will be included.
If the Commissioner conducts an investigation, you, the Council Member(s) and other
persons may be asked for more information.
At the end of an investigation, the Commissioner will report to Council about whether
the Council Member(s) contravened the Code of Conduct. The Commissioner may
disclose in the report such matters as in the Commissioner's opinion are necessary for
the purposes of the report. Reports to Council become public documents.
Please mail, fax, email or otherwise deliver this request to:
Guy Giorno, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Integrity Commissioner
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1300
Ottawa ON K1P 6L5
Note: You may print this form and mail it to the above address. You may also press the
"Submit by E-mail" button below, but you must be signed into your e-mail client.
Your name, address, comments, and any other personal information, is collected and
maintained for the purpose of conducting an investigation under Section 223.4 of the
Municipal Act, 2001. This complaint is being filed under section 1.19 of the Council
Code of Conduct. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk (519)-
941-2816 ext. 2503.
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