*1. What is the reason for the cost transfer?
□ Correction of an erroneously charged expense
□ Reallocate estimated effort to reflect actual effort
□ Other
Please provide a detailed statement (i.e. employee name; employee A#; pay period; invoice number; purchase order
number; vendor; transaction date, etc.) explaining your selection and how the error occurred:
*2. What is the FOAP that the expense was originally charged to?
*3. What is the FOAP that the expense is to be transferred to?
*4. Is the cost transfer request being submitted within 90 days of the end of the calendar month that the
expenditure posted?
□ Yes □ No
If no, please explain the extenuating circumstances:
*5. Please justify how the cost is necessary to the aims/goals of the sponsored project that it is to be
transferred to:
Department _________________________________________ PI Name ________________________________
PI Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________
Office of Budget & Planning ________________________________ Date ________________
Office of Sponsored Programs _________________________________________ Date ______________
*Required Fields
GCAOffice UseOnly:
click to sign
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