Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant
(Revised: August 21, 2020)
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1 National Life Drive, Davis 5, Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
(p) 802-828-1130 | (f) 802-828-6430 |
Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant Program
On June 30, 2020, H. 961 (Act 120), was passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. It
contained an appropriation to the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) of the Coronavirus Relief Funds
(CRF) allocated to Vermont by the CARES Act. Part of these CRF funds are intended to be used by LEAs
to reimburse eligible costs districts incurred or that will be incurred in FY2020 and FY2021 due to
COVID-19. The period of performance for this grant for incurred eligible costs is from March 1, 2020,
through December 30, 2020. There is a possibility that FEMA funds may be available for some of these
costs. If so, LEAs may be required to apply for FEMA assistance along with their application for CRF
funds. AOE will make LEAs aware of this requirement as soon as we have a final decision from the
Agency of Administration. LEAs should consult US Treasury guidance on use of funds
and eligible costs
as they are completing their CRF grant applications.
LEAs should submit this grant application detailing incurred and anticipated eligible costs for March 1-
December 30, 2020, with the understanding that the total will likely change. AOE will use these
applications to create grant agreements to reimburse for these costs. Once the grant agreement has been
executed, LEAs will be asked to submit documentation of the costs to initiate reimbursement payments.
Please see the list below of allowable costs for reimbursement from these funds. If more requests are
submitted than available funds, the AOE will fund all March 1-June 30, 2020 costs first, then will pro-rate
the remaining requests based on funds available for all requests made. The General Assembly has asked
AOE for a report of funds used. If more than $29 million is anticipated to be used, the legislature will
likely decide to appropriate additional funds. At that point, grant agreements would be updated to cover
all costs incurred.
Allowable Costs
Allowable costs are for purposes of responding to the COVID-19 emergency for the period from March 1
to December 30, 2020. Please note that the following is not an exhaustive list. Please contact
if you have questions about whether an incurred cost is allowable.
1. PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) - masks, gloves, etc.
2. Supplies and technology for health screening - thermometers, pulse oximeters, etc.
3. Cleaning and sanitizing supplies
4. Signage for social distancing
5. Staffing costs beyond contract - e.g., not budgeted, extra days, overtime, extra duty, etc.
6. Staff salaries when completing work that is substantially different and COVID-19-related – e.g.,
staffing costs for time associated with developing remote learning capabilities
7. Salary and benefits for hourly staff who were paid despite not working (unscheduled time)
8. Administrative time related to COVID-19 response (note: for LEAs with approved indirect cost rates,
these admin rates may not be included in your indirect cost pool.
Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant
(Revised: August 21, 2020)
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9. Cost of staff accessing Covid-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL)
10. Salaries and benefits of IT personnel supporting remote learning and school nurses doing
COVID-19-related work. [Please note: as of July 1, districts will need to clearly justify this time as
COVID-19-related and outside the scope of what has become regular work.]
11. Costs associated with providing childcare for essential workers from March 1-June 30, 2020.
12. Costs associated with providing childcare for teachers/staff/administrators who are unable to
access childcare due to COVID-19 so that those these employees can continue to provide
educational services to students. [Please note: Costs must be incurred directly by the LEA
through either a contracted service or direct service delivery. Eligible costs for childcare for CRF
do not include direct payments to teachers/staff/administrators. LEAs should also be aware that
if they also plan to apply for the CRF Child Care grant, they will need to ensure that multiple
funding sources are not used to pay for the same eligible cost. There can be no duplication of
benefit across federal funding sources.]
13. IT equipment: student devices, staff devices, mobile hotspots
14. Cost to expand bandwidth
15. Summer professional development for school reopening
16. Planning costs for school reopening
17. Software to support online learning
18. Copies and supplies if COVID-19-related
19. All eligible costs for the CRF Summer Food Service Program
grant are also allowable under this
grant (*For eligible costs incurred between April and August for the delivery of meals during
June-August, 2020, the AOE strongly recommends that Summer Food Sponsors apply for the
CRF summer food servicer Food Service Program grant)
Unallowable Cost
1. Food costs
2. Personnel or expenses funded by other federal revenues or specific state funds (e.g., Federal
Title grants, special education, etc.) are not eligible for reimbursement with CRF funds
Program Requirements
These funds must be used by an LEA for COVID-related expenses incurred between March 1 and
December 30, 2020. Please note that costs incurred differs from obligation: in order for a cost to be
considered incurred the goods must be received or the services provided by December 30, 2020.
March 1, 2020—Period of Performance Begins.
August 21, 2020—Application Opens
September 2, 2020—Applications Due
December 30, 2020—Close of the Period of Performance
February 29, 2020—Final AOE 3.0 due to AOE
Documentation and Procurement
Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant
(Revised: August 21, 2020)
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As always, LEAs are required to follow their own internal procurement and contracting procedures for
any purchases made. LEAs may have used micro-purchases or emergency purchase procedures for some
purchases as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. That is acceptable, as long as these
purchases followed the LEA’s internal procurement procedures. The AOE may test procurements using
these funds under future Federal Fiscal Monitoring Reviews.
Payment Provisions
Reimbursement requests must be submitted using an AOE 3.0, detailed accounting records and a
narrative describing allowable costs. AOE will be providing this template. Allowable incurred costs for
March 1 – June 30, 2020 will be reimbursed at 100% and must be reported separately from July
December 2020. Allowable costs for July 1 – December 30, 2020 amounts may be prorated, pending the
available funds and number of requests. All requests for reimbursement must be received by February
29, 2020. AOE expects that if July 1 – December 30 amounts are prorated, the General Assembly will
appropriate additional funds from the amount of CRF dollars held in reserve for the Education Fund.
Reporting Requirements
Subrecipients should be aware that specific requirements around reporting are still forthcoming from US
Treasury and that subrecipients will be required to comply with any reporting requests and deadlines
that result from additional federal requirements. In addition, AOE would like subrecipients to be aware
that they may be subject to strict reporting deadlines, particularly around the end of the performance
period, to meet federal reporting requirements. AOE will communicate any additional information as it
is received.
Application Process
Application and budget spreadsheet shall be delivered via e-mail by the close of business (4:30 pm) on
September 2, 2020 to The subject line should indicate the name of the
LEA as well as “CRF- LEA Grant Program Application.”
Components of the application:
Narrative Response Question
Budget worksheet (please complete the budget worksheet separately and submit with
AOE staff will review applications to ensure allowable use of the funds in the narrative and budget
sections. This is a reimbursement grant application.
Applicant Entity Legal Name:
Applicant DBA Name if different than legal:
Applicant Tax Classification: Public Private Non-Profit
Applicant ID (DUNS #):
Applicant Address Line 1:
Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant
(Revised: August 21, 2020)
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Applicant Address Line 2:
Applicant Address City:
Applicant Address State:
Applicant Address Zip Code:
Business Official First Name:
Business Official Last Name:
Business Official Contact Email:
Business Official Phone Number:
Superintendent First Name:
Superintendent Last Name:
Superintendent Email:
Superintendent Phone Number:
Receiving Other CRF Funding: Yes No
Other CRF Funding Detail: CRF Indoor Air Quality grant
CRF Remote Learning & School-age Care
CRF Summer Food Service Program
The Subrecipient Federal ID Number is
Dates of Subrecipient fiscal year (mm/dd-mm/dd)
Describe how these funds were used to address, or will address, COVID-19-related needs between March 1
and December 30, 2020. Your response should address how the funding need is COVID-19-related, and
how the COVID-19 crisis has affected school operations. Please keep your response brief the narrative
does not need to include every single supply or item that will be covered by the funds but should include
the general activities that are being funded.
Submit your response here:
Other Other detail
Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant
(Revised: August 21, 2020)
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1. I have the authority to submit this application for the entity named above. Yes
2. I agree to have my information shared within state government and the state's contracted entities
to process this grant and manage grant programs. _____ Yes
3. Expenses covered by the funds received under this grant application/award have not been and
will not be recovered using any other source of Federal funds. Yes
4. I understand that the State of Vermont will rely on this certification as a material representation
in making this grant award. Yes
5. I have on file the documentation for these expenses and can produce them if asked. Yes
6. In the event the State of Vermont identifies FEMA as an appropriate funding source for certain
LEA COVID-19-related costs, the applicant agrees to apply for FEMA assistance for all costs
identified as FEMA eligible. In this case, costs that are FEMA eligible will not be eligible for CRF
reimbursement. Yes
7. I agree to follow the requirements of Agency of Administration Bulletin 5 Attachment C. _____
8. As required
by federal law, the proposed uses of the funds provided will be used only to cover
those costs that:
a. are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Yes
b. were not accounted for in the state budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020.
___ Yes
c. were incurred d
uring the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends on December 30,
2020. Yes
9. To the best of my knowledge, all information provided is true and correct. _____ Yes
Total Budget Requested
Enter the t
otal amount from the budget spreadsheet:
Coronavirus Relief Fund LEA Grant
(Revised: August 21, 2020)
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Directions for Application Submission
Download and save the PDF form to your computer or network drive and then open it with Adobe Reader and
fill it. You can either type information directly into each field, or copy and paste text. The font is preselected and
cannot be changed. You can only type regular text (upper and lower cases); the system will not accept underlined
text, bold or italics, script or formulas, curved or slanted apostrophes, double quotation marks or long dashes.
You can save your data and re-open the file later to modify or enter additional information.
Use the latest version of Adobe Reader
To open and complete the PDF application forms, you will need Adobe Reader (the latest version is
recommended). If you do not have it installed on your computer, you may download the latest version free of
charge from
Mac users: don’t use Preview; open the document in Adobe.
For Macintosh system users: DO NOT use the Preview program to fill in the PDF form. Adobe Reader is the only
program that will allow you to work with the form properly, and allow us to read the results once back on a
Windows machine. If you do not already have Adobe Reader, please use the link above to install it to your
Chrome users: don’t use Chrome PDF Viewer; open the document in Adobe.
For Chrome browser users: DO NOT use the Chrome PDF viewer program to fill in the PDF form. Adobe Reader
is the only program that will allow you to work with the form properly. If you do not already have Adobe
Reader, please use the link above to install it to your machine. Please use the instructions below to disable
Chrome PDF viewer in your browser.
Completed Applications and Budget Worksheets should be submitted no later than 4:40 pm, September 2, 2020