Government Social Insurance Programs
If you have worked and paid enough into the Government Social Insurance
Benets Programs (Employment Insurance and/or Canada Pension Plan),
you may be eligible for the following benets.
Types of Benets
Employment Insurance (EI) Benets
EI programs offer temporary nancial assistance to unemployed workers.
This assistance includes providing sickness benets, caregiver benets and
compassionate care benets to those who meet the eligibility criteria. For
more information call 1 800 206 7218 and press 0 tospeakto arepresentative.
Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) Benet
CPP-D is a long term Federal income replacement program that provides
monthly benets to people who have contributed to CPP in the past and are
now unable to work due to a disability. For more information call Service
Canada 1 800 277 9914 and press 0 to speak to a representative.
NEW! Canada Pension Plan Post-Retirement Disability
Benets (PRDB)
CPP - Post Retirement Disability Benets is a new benet as of January 1,
2019. It is for people ages 60 until age 65 who have been receiving Canada
Pension Plan Retirement Benets AND are found to be disabled but not
eligible to be receiving the Canada Pension Plan Disability Benet because
they have been receiving CPP Retirement Benets for more than 15 months.
For more information call Service Canada 1 800 277 9914 and press 0 to
speak to a representative.
Employment Insurance Sickness (EI-S) Benets
EI-S is short term support from the government if you cannot work because
of sickness or injury. This benet provides a maximum of 15 weeks to
eligible applicants. You will receive 55% of your average weekly earnings, up
to a maximum set by the government.