Submitted By: Date Submitted:
Phone #: Date you received contract:
1.For purchase of goods or services, please provide the requisition # or notate the source of the funds.
Requistion # _______________________
or Other (Agency or Foundation)______________________
3. Vendor Name:
4. Contract Terms: $____________ Start Date: _________________ End Date:________________
5. Briefly explain the purpose of the contract/agreement.
6. Will this contract require the Vendor to possess data about students or employees? If yes, please explain.
7. If submitted less than 14 days prior to date needed, explain nature of emergency.
• Any purchase over $20,000 must be bid.
Arkansas Tech University will not agree:
1. That the contract is to be governed by the laws of any state other than the State of Arkansas.
2. To indemnify the other party to the contract.
3. To jurisdiction in a state other than the State of Arkansas.
• This contract will be reviewed with the assumption that all bidding, publication and notice procedures required under
Arkansas law have been followed. If these procedures have not been followed, you should not pursue this contract until
full compliance with all Arkansas procurement laws have been achieved. In addition, no opinion is rendered regarding
the economic feasibility of the terms of the contract or the advisability of the venture as a whole.
It is the responsibility of the department to contact the vendor regarding any necessary revisions.
Any revised language or additional changes the vendor makes to the contract/agreement must be resubmitted to the
Office of University Counsel for review.
ALL contract must be signed by the President or Vice President for Administration and Finance or the President or
Vice President for Administration and Finance's designee.
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________
Contract Approved by Vice President: _______________________________________ Date: __________________
I confirm that the contract/agreement is complete and includes all exhibits, attachments, and pages.
Contract Approval Cover Sheet
Office of University Counsel, Administration Building Room 212
Complete and attach this cover sheet to all contracts, agreements, and memorandums of understanding (MOU) prior to
submission. Contracts should be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the date needed.
If purchasing goods or services this contract MUST be reviewed by Procurement.
If purchasing goods or services: Email this cover sheet along with your contract to
If NOT purchasing goods or services: Email this cover sheet along with your contract to
New Agreement
Modification of Existing
Renewal of existing
2. Type of Agreement:
General Information