International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2021–2022, Page 45
Continuation/Research Progression Projects Form (7)
Required for projects that are a continuation/progression in the same ield of study as a previous project.
This form must be accompanied by the previous year’s abstract and Research Plan/Project Summary.
I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the current year Abstract & Certiication and project display
board properly relect work done only in the current year.
Student’s Printed Name(s) Signature Date of Signature (mm/dd/yy)
Attached are:
Abstract and Research Plan/Project Summary, Year _______________
Student’s Name(s)
To be completed by Student Researcher: List all components of the current project that make it new and dierent from
previous research. The information must be on the form; use an additional form for previous year and earlier projects.
Components Current Research Project
Previous Research Project: Year: ________
1. Title
2. Change in goal/
3. Changes in
4. Variable studied
5. Additional
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