JV-119 (Rev. 06/28/2013)
The Plaintiff(s) has/have filed a Complaint for Civil Contempt naming you as the Defendant(s). Enclosed
in this mailing are the following documents:
1) A copy of the Plaintiff(s)' Complaint for Civil Contempt. The Complaint contains the Plaintiff(s)'
claim and request for court action. For example, to enforce the terms of a post-adoption
agreement along with information about how the agreement was violated;
2) Defendant(s)' Answer Form (the front of this document) which contains Return of Service; and
3) Order of Notice issued by the Juvenile Court requiring you to appear in court.
Do I need an attorney? You are not required to bring an attorney to the hearing, but you may do so if
you wish. By law, the court cannot appoint an attorney for you even if you cannot afford one.
How Should I complete the Answer and Return of Service Form? You should type or print your
answer in the space provided on the form. You should clearly and concisely state which, if any, of the
Plaintiff(s)' claims you deny. In addition, you should explain why the court should not order what the
Plaintiff(s) has/have requested. Finally, you should sign and date the Answer and complete the Return
of Service by indicating whether:
1) you mailed a copy of your Answer by first-class mail, postage prepaid, or
2) you were unable to mail a copy of your Answer and mailed two copies of your Answer to
the court.
Once you have completed the Answer form, you must mail or file one copy of your Answer in the Clerk-
Magistrate's office at the address provided in the Order of Notice. You must also serve the Plaintiff(s),
the Plaintiff(s)' Agent, or the Plaintiff(s)' Attorney (see Complaint) with a copy of the Answer to the
address provided in the complaint in accordance with your answer in the Return of Service. If you are
unable to serve the Plaintiff(s), mail two copies of the complaint to the Clerk-Magistrate's office. One
copy will be filed with the clerk's office and the other will be mailed to the Plaintiff(s). (If Plaintiff(s)'
address is left blank on the complaint form, by request of the Plaintiff(s)', the Clerk's office will forward
the Answer to the Plaintiff(s)).
What is the Order of Notice? The Order of Notice tells you when and where you need to come to
What happens if you cannot come to court on the date contained in the summons? Both parties
must appear in court on the date the case is scheduled for hearing. If you cannot come to court on that
date, contact the clerk's office immediately upon receipt of your court date. Do not wait until the last
minute. If you fail to appear for the hearing, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication
of this action.