Other Requirements/Information
The following are technical standards and essential job functions for every Respiratory therapist, as compiled from
observations of a wide variety of job experiences for the performance of common safe therapeutic functions. Students
accepted into the Respiratory Therapy Program at San Juan College should exhibit or demonstrate the following
essential skills for completion of the program and success in the profession of Respiratory Care. These technical and
academic standards must be met and maintained throughout the length of the Program.
What are the technical requirements in the program?
• Physical Endurance, Mobility and Skill:
o Stand (e.g., at client side during surgical or therapeutic procedure)
o Sustain repetitive movements (e.g., CPR)
o Maintain physical tolerance (e.g., work entire shift)
o Reach below waist (e.g., plug electrical appliance into wall outlet)
o Pinch/pick otherwise work with fingers (e.g., manipulate a syringe)
o Walk fast or run (e.g., code blues/resuscitation)
• Physical Strength:
o Push and pull 50 pounds of weight (e.g., ambulate client)
o Support 50 pounds of weight (e.g., ambulate client)
o Lift 50 pounds of weight (e.g., ambulate client)
o Defend self against combative client
o Carry equipment/supplies
o Use upper body strength (e.g., perform CPR, physically restrain a client)
• Hearing:
o Hear normal speaking-level sounds (e.g., person-to-person report)
o Hear faint body sounds (e.g., blood pressure sounds, assess placement of tubes)
o Hear in situations when not able to see lips (e.g., when masks are used)
o Hear auditory alarms (e.g., monitors, fire alarms, call bells)
• Visual:
o See object up to 20 inches away (e.g., information on a computer screen, skin conditions)
o See objects up to 20 feet away (e.g., client in room)
o Use depth perception and peripheral vision
o Distinguish color and color intensity (e.g., color codes on supplies, flushed skin/paleness)
• Tactile:
o Feel vibrations (e.g., palpate pulses)
o Detect temperature (e.g., skin, solutions)
o Feel differences in surface characteristics (e.g., skin turgor, rashes)
o Feel differences in sizes, shapes (e.g. palpate vein, identify body landmarks)
o Detect environmental temperature
• Emotional Stability
o Establish therapeutic boundaries Provide client with emotional support
o Adapt to changing environment/stress
o Deal with the unexpected (e.g., client condition, crisis)
o Focus attention on task
Revised 2/2018