Contact Information of Requester
Please state your organization name.
This data request is specifically designed for those who are interested in obtaining mortality data in tabular format. We are currently
providing mortality data to public. The official data file for Los Angeles County is available with approximately 1.5 to 2 years delay.
All interested variables (see page 2) will be in an aggregated form. Your request may be subject to data charges; please refer to page
3 for further details.
If you are interested in obtaining brief tabulated mortality data, life expectancy tables, and/or health surveys, please visit our online
query system at:
● L.A. HealthDataNow!
or if you are interested in leading causes and premature death in Los Angeles County, our annual report is available at:
● Mortality in Los Angeles County: Leading Causes of death and premature death with trends
We do not provide any raw birth data files. Please contact the California Department of Public Health for further assistance
For any additional information, please contact the Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology Program.
Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology
313 N. Figueroa Street, Room 127
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Telephone: (213) 240-7785
Fax: (213) 250-2594
E-mail: DCA@ph.lacounty.gov
Tabulated Vital Statistics Data Request
Rev. 9/2014