Utilization Management
PO Box 3378 Honolulu, Hawaii 96801-3378
Phone: 453-6904, 453-6981 Fax: 453-6995
Updated 10/ 01/15 MT ICM Page | 2/2
Service Authorization Request
Community Based Case Management
Authorization Information Continued
(Must Meet one of the following)
Has an AMHD eligible diagnosis that indicates a significant impairment in functioning as evidenced by: inability to adhere
with treatment/recovery, frequent use of crisis services, significant co-morbidity, involvement with the criminal justice
system, troubled significant relationships, and neglect or avoidance on ability to fulfill social or vocational activities.
Consumer is forensically encumbered (Conditional Release, Released on Conditions, Mental Health Court, and Jail
(Must meet one of the following)
Intensity of service being delivered continues to meet admission criteria
Complications arising from initiation of, or change in, medication or other treatment modalities
Forensically Encumbered (Conditional Release, Released on Conditions, Mental Health Court, and Jail Diversion)
Consumer is experiencing symptoms of such intensity that admission to a higher level of care would likely occur upon
A consumer on Conditional Release (CR) Released on conditions (ROC), Jail Diversion or Mental Health Court may not be discharged without prior permission of the
forensic Coordinator.
Clinically Ready For Discharge
Other Discharge Criteria (please specify):
Consumer Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) :