Consent to Search Computer/Cellular Phone
Case / Incident No.:
, after
having been advised of my rights not to have a search made of
the computer(s) hereinafter mentioned without a search warrant
or court order, and of my right to refuse to consent to a search
hereby authorize:
(Officer(s)/Deputies Taking Computer) and
of the
or their agents to conduce a complete search of any computer(s)
or cellular phones located at:
(Address of Residence or Business)
I understand that removal from the aforementioned premises(s)
is necessary to search any and all computer equipment or
cellular phones, hard disk drives, compact disks, floppy disks,
magnetic tapes, or other magnetic or optical media capable of
storing information may include, but is not limited to, letters,
correspondence, memorabilia, journals, electronic mail, image
files, database files, deleted files, partial flies and other files
found in the media or computer. I understand that if alleged
illegal materials are found, Officers/Deputies may apply for a
search/seizure warrant. This written permission is being given
by me to the above named Officers/Deputies voluntarily and
without any threats or promises of any kind.
Witness Printed:
Witness Signed:
Witness Printed:
Witness Signed: