Staff use only
This form must be completed, signed and submitted when someone requests private data on an individual
(data subject) and the county needs the data subject’s permission.
Consent for Release of Information
Data subject
Full name:
Aliases, nicknames, previous or maiden names:
Date of birth:
If data subject is a minor or a legally incompetent adult
Parent or legal guardian full name:
Relationship to data subject:
I (data subject) authorize Hennepin County to release information or records about me to
Name of organization:
Name of person:
Release the following information or records
I am the data subject, or the parent or legal guardian of a data subject who is a minor, or
the legal guardian of a legally incompetent adult
I declare I have examined all the information on this form and it is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge
This authorization is valid for one (1) year from the signed date of this form. I understand I
can cancel this authorization at any time.
Data subject or parent/legal guardian signature
Data subject or parent/legal guardian printed name
Date signed
Tennessen Notice
If you are requesting data about yourself that is private, the information you provide to the
county related to the data request, including your name, may be considered private data. You
are not required to provide us with private data; however, if you do not provide us with some
private data (e.g. date of birth) we may not be able to process your request. Any private data
you provide to us may be shared with other data practices contacts in Hennepin County to
process your data request.