5. The mother of the child(ren) named in the Complaint or Application is pregnant.
6. A child has been born to the mother named in the Complaint or Application after the filing of the Complaint or Application.
No one except the plaintiff/applicant and defendant/respondent has physical custody
or claims to have custody or visitation rights regarding any child listed here.
The following person(s) has physical custody or claims to have custody or visitation rights
regarding any child listed here:
I do not know of other civil or criminal cases in Connecticut or another state, now or in the past, that could affect the
current case, including enforcement cases and family violence, protective order, termination of parental rights and
adoption cases.
1. (Select one)
been involved as a party or a witness or in any other capacity in a case or cases
in Connecticut or in another state concerning custody of or visitation with any child listed in this Statement of Facts. If you
checked "I have," give the name of the court, the court case number and the date of the decision in the case or cases:
JD-FM-164CO New 4-20
You must tell the court about any case in Connecticut or
another state that could affect this case, if you learn about
it during this case.
(Select item 2 or 3 below)
4. (Select one)
I know of the following civil or criminal cases, in Connecticut or another state, now or in the past, that could affect the
current case, including enforcement cases and family violence, protective order, termination of parental rights and
adoption cases.
(unless confidential)
I have I have not
Case name
Docket number
Court location (Including state)
Nature of proceeding
Case name Docket number
Court location (Including state)
Nature of proceeding
Yes No Do not know
Yes No Do not know If yes, fill in the following:
Child's name
Date of birth (Month, day, year)
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The Judicial Branch of the State of
Connecticut complies with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If
you need a reasonable accommodation
in accordance with the ADA, contact a
court clerk or an ADA contact person
listed at www.jud.ct.gov/ADA.
Date signedEnter your name as your signature
The representations made in this document are
made under the penalty of false statement.